Friday, May 1, 2020


Happy Friday! Happy May! Here's what is happening in our world!

The book I'm reading is Mrs. Kennedy and Me. This is a memoir written by Jackie Kennedy's secret service detail, who happens to be from my home state of ND! I am LOVING this book. I just love the Kennedy's and have such a fascination with that family. That family has dealt with so much sadness, though. I did not realize that John and Jackie Kennedy had a baby who died shortly after birth in August of the year JFK was assassinated. I just can not imagine dealing with that much loss in that short of a time. Highly recommend this book for others who love Jackie Kennedy.

The high of my week was same as previous weeks - getting outside for walks in gorgeous weather!

The low of my week was feeling impatient and overwhelmed at times. Caring for Paul and working full time has been HARD. There are times when he tries to shut my laptop and yells "all done." He just really does not understand that mom needs to work. After being home with him for 7 weeks and not getting much of a break, my patience is just depleted and I feel very on edge/tense at times. For this reason, and other reasons, we have decided to send him back to daycare. If you disagree, please don't comment about our decision... It was not an easy decision. But I can't keep him home forever and keep up with the demands of my job. And my mental health has taken a serious hit. I love and adore my son but working full time in a demanding industry with a toddler by my side is just not sustainable, especially on the days when Phil has to go into the office and I'm on my own. I know this means we are increasing our risk of getting COVID-19 but something had to give. This decision has weighed on me, but I think we made the right choice for our family.

A recipe I made was 3-bean turkey chili in the instant pot. We tend to have this about once a month as it's easy and so good. I mixed some turkey with rice for Paul in the hopes he would eat it. Nope. He wouldn't even taste it!

For workouts I went for walks every day and that is it. I would like to do some strength training but haven't found the motivation lately... hopefully with Paul being back in daycare, I can fit 2-3 workouts in a week. I will be weeding my garden plot and putting in my fence this weekend so that will be quite the workout!

The best money spent was on Chipotle. I had a doctor's appointment so treated myself to Chipotle afterwards. I was able to order through the ap and they brought it outside to me so it was very convenient with minimal contact.

My plans this weekend include cleaning out my garden plot and putting the fence in, as I mentioned above. That is always quite the job! I will probably plant our garden in a couple of weeks. I'm not confident that we won't have frost overnight so I tend to wait until Mother's Day has passed to plant our garden. That is it for plans because who has plans these days? It's supposed to be nice outside so I am sure we will spend lots of time outside!

Bonus photos!

I made spaghetti on Monday and it was a hit with Paul. Little did he know I had chopped up carrots, celery and onions in the food processor to make the sauce extra healthy! 

I had the cushions in our window seat between the kitchen and dining room reupholstered. We got them back this week and I am so happy with the finished product. Here is a side-by-side before and after (after is navy). This was not a cheap project, but it looks so much better. Besides reupholstering, they revitalized the cushions so they are thicker and more comfortable to sit on. Next I need to have some pillows made.

How are you doing? What was the high of your week? What was the low?


  1. Doing better than last week. Didn't do so hot on the reading front. But on the walking front much improved and I watched a few Hallmark movies. And enjoyed my dr pepper. :)

  2. I definitely need to check out that Jackie Kennedy book! I wouldn't say I personally have a particular fascination with her, but I love biographies in general and I really don't know much about JFK/ Jackie so I would love to read that. My mom was a teenager when JFK was assasinated and remembers the whole thing vividly- I think this would be an awesome book for her as a gift (and then I could borrow it!).

    YES on the Chipotle too. We have done takeout from there twice over the last month. My favorite!!! I could literally eat there everyday.

  3. I would give my eye-teeth to have an open daycare to send my baby to!

  4. If our daycare was open we’d definitely be using it! They just sent out a survey trying to gage response and we definitely said he would be sending if they have room. They’re looking to open with reduced capacity so we did say we’d be willing to give our spot to someone with a greater need.

  5. Lisa, you do what you have to do. No judgments. Highs and lows... You know, everything has been about the same. I suppose the high is that the goslings have been born; there really wsan't a low.

  6. I think you guys are making the right call, I can't imagine doing my job and caring for a child. And I don't know when we will ever feel like we are 100% safe. So trying daycare for now seems like a good plan.

  7. I can't imagine trying to do my job while taking care of a toddler! I would be doing the same thing, girl. I hope this eases some of your stress!

    Your new cushions look great! The perfect reading spot. <3

    High of last week was probably getting back to half-day Fridays. We've been working full days since mid-March so it was really nice to sign off at 12:30 and take a nap on Friday afternoon! And I don't know if I had a low - hooray for that. I mean, there are the usual lows: missing people, COVID worries, etc., but nothing out of the ordinary.

  8. I love that window seat! Looks great!

    I am in awe of all my friends who are still working full time with kids at home, whether they're school age or younger. They're all going out of their minds. I think Paul going back to daycare will be good for both you and him! He'll get a change of scenery and new interactions and you'll be able to get work done with fewer stresses. It'll make your time together more special :-)

  9. I don’t blame you one bit for sending Paul back to daycare. He’s at an age that is hard to keep occupied, and he did so well ther that I’m sure he’ll be happy to see his friends again. Your sanity is worth a lot!

  10. I know how hard of a decision it was for you guys to send Paul back to daycare! Hopefully now that he's several days into it you are feeling much better about it. Mental health is definitely so important. Absolutely love those new navy cushions. Sooo pretty!

  11. I can only imagine how hard it was to wfh and take care of Paul... I am glad you were able to make a decision that feels right at this time.

  12. The cushioned window seat is so gorgeous! That is something I would really like to have in a house one day. You such a nice house :-)

    I have never tried Chipotle before, as there isn't one anywhere near us, but I love spicy food, so maybe next time we're in a bigger city (or in the US).

    Don't let anyone give you hassle for your decision. Everyone has to do what is best for their own families. Your mental health is important!
