Monday, June 8, 2020

Weekend Recap

Wow, summer has arrived! It's going to be 94 here today which isn't typical for June in Minnesota! Usually we don't get these hot temps until August! I'm very thankful for air conditioning today as sleeping would be quite uncomfortable without a/c! It was a warm weekend, too, so we spent lots of time outside. This is how our weekend shaped up.

On Friday night, we played in the backyard when we got home from daycare pick-up. Phil had taken part of the day off to help his cousin with the deck. As you can see, it's a large deck so a very big project. Paul had fun playing with remnants from the deck project! I needed a break from cooking so we got take-and-bake pizza for dinner.

On Saturday morning, while Phil and his cousin work on the deck, Paul and I had a playdate with the daycare families we hung out with 3 weeks ago. It was a beautiful morning and the kids had fun playing outside although there was some battles over toys between the 2 year olds - go figure! I hadn't slept well the night before (work stress) so I napped while Paul napped. I slept in our basement guest room as it's quieter down there and nice and cold! That nap definitely helped and was necessary! We woke Paul up around 3:30 to head out to Phil's mom's house. We are trying to see her every couple of weeks to help with the loneliness. She's a widow and lives alone. It was a short visit but we got Mexican take-out and Paul enjoyed playing outdoors in her driveway.

On Sunday, I got together with 2 girlfriends for an outdoor coffee date. We went to a beautiful garden close to a lake. I hadn't seen one of the girls since late January so we were very over due for a catch up session. I had to set an alarm at 10:15 to remind myself to leave as Phil needed to leave for Home Depot with his cousin at 10:30. I was sad to go and we could have talked for way longer but it was nice to catch up for an hour!

I took over Paul duty when I got home and Phil and his cousin headed out. After Paul went down for his nap, I headed over to my garden to do some weeding. My plot looked HORRIBLE! I spent 1.5 hours weeding and then put some grass clippings down to hopefully prevent the weeds from overtaking things again. I also had to replant some lettuce, cucumbers, and beets that didn't come up. My green beans are growing the best out of everything! After all that gardening in the heat, I had a cool shower and enjoyed a raspberry bar that I had picked up from a GF bakery on Friday. They re-opened on Friday and I am so excited as I like going there for the very occasional treat!

After Paul's nap, I set up the splashpad sprinkler attachment I bought this spring. Overall, he wasn't a fan... We turned the sprinkler jets way down which helped and he did splash around a bit but he didn't like standing in the cold water!

He kept asking for his water table so I gave up on this toy and got that set up. Maybe when he is a bit older he will enjoy this splash pad. But at least he loves the water table!

By this point, the deck was done and they were finishing the clean-up. The finished product looked great and I am so glad it's done as I've done a lot of solo parenting on the weekends over the last several weeks!

The finished product

That evening we enjoyed some leftovers. And then the hair-cutting scissors I had ordered from Amazon arrived so Paul got a haircut after dinner. I was very nervous about this as blond hair is hard to cut and shows everything little snip. But his hair was getting so long and was getting in his eyes. I watched some youtube tutorials but I can't say they were all that helpful, especially for hair like Paul has! Hair salons are open again here but we opted not to go since there were COVID cases in another room at daycare a couple of weeks ago. It seems like the responsible thing to do is to social distance. All in all, the haircut went pretty well. The front doesn't look great but it's not terrible and no one cried. Ha. Here are the before pictures - you can see it was quite long and shaggy!

And after

I'm sure it feel much better for Paul - especially in this hot weather!

After our full weekend, I collapsed into bed at 9pm and got more deep sleep than I usually do. I guess all the outdoor time and socializing took it out of me!

How was your weekend?


  1. You got a lot done! And so did Phil! We couldn't do much here since we had a tropical storm over the weekend, so we were pretty home-bound. We did get to go back to church finally! Our church reopened after being closed since mid-March. But it was a really small crowd due to the storm (plus we are limited to 100 attendees with current restrictions). Still, it was nice to see some faces!

  2. What a busy weekend - no wonder you were tired on Sunday! It's an adjustment to go back to a busy social weekend after so many weeks of isolation. It must have been SO NICE to see your friends, though. I'm glad you got to do that!

    Also, I think Paul's hair looks GREAT! You did a fab job.

    It's funny that Paul didn't enjoy the splash pad but does love the water table. Maybe because the water table has stuff to play with? He just wanted to hang out with all his water table friends! ;)

    My weekend wasn't all too exciting. It rained nonstop on Saturday and while it was nice on Sunday, I just didn't have a ton of motivation to do much! And our case numbers have been over 1,000/day for six days straight, so I'm probably going to be isolating more diligently now. Not that I was going crazy before, ha, but it's apparent that FL opened up WAY too early and now we're feeling the brunt of that. Ugh.

  3. It sounds like a great weekend. I'll bet you are thrilled the deck is done! Paul looks so darned cute -- and getting big. I don't know if you saw three articles in the NYTimes over the past week -- one on safe hugs, one about what over 500 epidemiologists said they would and wouldn't do for the next few months and beyond and another on social distancing as the world is entering re-entry. My doc friend said skip the hairdresser for awhile, so I will.

    I need to get some decent scissors! Did you get yours on Amazon or elsewhere?

  4. Hehehe! That after pic is too cute with the little grin!! You are brave- I have never touched my boys' hair. My husband actually always cuts their hair with a clippers, has ever since they were little. Thank goodness! Saves us time, money and I don't have to attempt it!

    Sounds like a really nice weekend and WOW your deck looks amazing. We should probably replace our deck at some point but ours is also pretty large and it just sounds $$$. Is your husband looking for more work??? haha! I would love to get one of the composite decks to just never really need maintenance, but that sounds like even MORE $$$. The previous owners painted ours with heavy duty deck paint, which has held up well over the years, but now it's at the point that it's peeling in some spots. We don't really know what to do, since there's no good way to get ALL of the old paint off, but painting over it all could look weird too and obviously we can't stain it now that's been painted....Ah well, that will likely be a project for next year. We repainted the rails this year and that will do for now.

  5. Your deck looks beautiful and I'm sure you will enjoy using it this summer. They did a super job! Paul's haircut looks great, too. He did well to sit for you like he did - good job, Paul! It felt so good to get a haircut last week after almost 10 weeks for me.

    It sounds like you did get quite a bit of socializing in, which is so needed these days. Grandma is so looking forward to the lifting of restrictions soon. I really don't understand why she can't sit out on her patio and visitors can social distance and wear masks. These people are so hungry for family visits! Some places are doing it in ND, but a caretaker sits with them so make sure they don't get too close. That wouldn't exactly be fun, either!

  6. You had a super busy weekend but also a productive one for both you and Phil! Good mix of time at home and social time. I am hanging out with friends for the first time this Saturday evening and really looking forward to it. I hope the weather holds out, it's been really nice today and yesterday but I think they are calling for rain again soon. Blah, so sick of all the rain!

  7. You had a very fruitful week, I see. Here in the Philippines senior citizens (me at 65) are on lockdown. I don't mind because I'm a homebody and I don't wanna get sick. But when things are really safe, I can't wait to go out with friends, meet my afternoon group of oldies but goldies, and go mailing. I have been doing a lot of writing this past week and having face time with friends. Plus I keep abreast of the news. Good times, despite lockdown.

  8. Great job on the haircut! He is so cute!

    The deck looks awesome too. It's nice that it's done just in time for summer :-)

    We have had some really hot weather here too. Yesterday was over +30C! but so windy. Today it is super hot, but there is a major storm warning. We could definitely use some rain. Our front lawn gets so, so much sun, so it is really expensive trying to keep it green. I prefer nature to help out with that, haha!
