Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Currently: April 2021

Happy Wednesday! I'm coming at you from my first full week back at work and OMG I am tired! I do not remember feeling like this with Paul but that was almost 3 years ago and that time of my life is such a blur. I didn't think sitting at a desk for 8-9 hours a day would be so tiring! I guess using using my brain in a different way is wearing me out, though. Here's what is currently going on in my life!

Reading: Happy Ever After Playlist. I needed something light and easy to read since my brain is working harder during the day. So far it's been a really delightful read. It's in the romance genre so I know there is going to be a happy ending - sometimes I need that from a book!

Loving: the stage Will is in. He's such a happy little guy and doesn't mind being held by others. He does a lot of cooing, babbling and smiling! I'm really glad the fussiest stage is behind us!

Feeling: tired as I mentioned above! Going back to work is exhausting, even though I am sitting in a desk chair all day and not doing a ton of 'real work' yet. It takes awhile to get all my systems back up and running and after being out for 4.5 months, I feel very out of the loop. But everyone tells me to take it easy right now and not feel pressured to jump back in at full strength - so I am listening to them! I'm also feeling tired because Will is waking up more than usual. I figured this might happen since he's not seeing us during the day. He was getting up once a night before starting daycare but now it's about twice a night. I'm hoping he goes back to waking once a night in a week or so. 

Anticipating: a more "normal" summer! I think most of the adults in my family have been vaccinated or will be soon and more and more of our friends are vaccinated. So while we will still be cautious and avoid restaurants, for example, I'm looking forward to seeing more people this summer and going to the lake on a  regular basis. The reason we are avoiding restaurants is two-fold: first, we have a baby and a toddler so eating out is not exactly the most fun activity. Second, I want to see more data about how well-protected I am by the vaccine. I'm on immune suppressant drugs so have been advised to continue to err on the side of caution as there is a chance the vaccine doesn't provide the protection it does to someone who isn't on multiple immune suppressant drugs (I'm on 2). But honestly I don't miss eating in restaurants - at least not yet. We barely ate out pre-covid! 

Struggling: with some toddler tantrums from Paul - which is developmentally normal but still unpleasant to deal with. He has really big feelings about things - and sometimes those big feelings are over nothing whatsoever... 

Grateful: that my parents were able to watch Will for my first 2 days back at work. It was nice to be able to go upstairs and visit him during quiet times. Plus it was nice to get a feel for how much he drinks so I knew how much milk to send to daycare. Breastfeeding is great but you have NO IDEA how much they drink! He didn't drink great on the first day but improved on the 2nd day and now he's drinking 15-16 oz at daycare so seems to be getting plenty!

Working: on introducing more exercise back into my life! I started the 21 Day Fix Beachbody Program - but I am not doing it over the course of 21 consecutive days as the program was designed because that's a bit too much for me. My goal is to do 3 workouts from the program/week, so it will take me 7 weeks to do it, not 3. And that is just fine! I'm also doing some run/walks which feel good! I'm going to start running with a neighbor once a week. We are doing our first run today at 4. I hope she is prepared to run with a slow person! Ha! But I had told her I could only do run/walk intervals so I think she knows what she is getting into.

Listening: to podcasts as usual, as well as the newest Taylor Swift album. I like the direction she's taken things on the last 2 albums!

Watching: the new season of Top Chef! This is one of my all-time favorite shows so I am so happy they were able to film a season despite covid! 

that spring weather would arrive here for good. It's been really chilly lately and we've had so much rain and wind. I know this is par for the course for spring in Minnesota but I can still wish for better weather! It looks like it will warm up this weekend, though. I'm hoping we can spend lots of time outdoors as that tires Paul out which is good for everyone!

Bonus Will photo:

He was all smiles and happy to see us when we picked him up from his first day at daycare!

How are you doing? What are you anticipating, grateful for and watching?


  1. This is such a good report -- apart from being tired but I suppose to be suspected. It all sounds like things are working well. I'm glad you are being super careful. Restaurants can wait, but isn't it nice to be with people again? I'm anticipating summer, too, and a nice one.

  2. Yay for more lake weekends this year. It will be so much fun with the boys!

    I wish Florida could give Minnesota some of its warm weather. It already feels like summer here!

    I'm glad the transition back to work is going well and everyone is being supportive about taking it easy as you ease back into working mom life. It's a tough gig, I'm sure!

    Let's see... I am anticipating a five-day weekend, grateful for feeling better after getting knocked down by my second shot, and watching season 3 of Superstore! :)

  3. I can only imagine that the transition back to full time work is hard. I am glad you had your parents there to help with the transition.

    I am also looking forward to a more "normal" summer, although we won't resume all activities quite yet. I do hope that we might be able to travel internationally in the fall or winter to see family again, but it's too early to make that decision esp as long as not more people are vaccinated overseas.

  4. I am really looking forward to seeing friends again this summer. We have been hermits for most of the school year so as to not jeopardize Isla's in school experience. We have gotten together twice now with his sister and their kids. Doing mostly outside hang outs still so weather dependent. All family adults are fully vaccinated on both sides except my brother still needs shot number 2. We got a new camper and have planned 7 trips with our friends. So excited. And again, all of us are fully vaccinated so it's like whoooooo hooooo. We haven't seen some of our friends since last September because others in that friend group aren't being as careful as us and so we couldn't see any of them so thats sucked. Also, my uncle has RA and is fully vaccinated. He also just got covid. He had the Pfizer vaccine and my aunt who lives with him and got the shot on the same day as him as not gotten it. He is an eye doc so he is in contact with people a lot. He also was shaving problems with his eye before he got covid and currently can't see out of one of them and has had to wait to get in to see someone since he was positive and it got worse when he was possibly contagious. It's been a rough couple of weeks for him.

  5. I do walk/walk intervals :-D I sometimes throw in a quick minute or two sprint if I'm feeling sassy.

    I don't miss restaurants either, but I do miss going to movies and concerts.

    The last two T-Swift albums are on repeat around here. I am also obsessed with Coldplays "Everyday Life" album that came out at the start of pandemic. Christopher insists Coldplay has always been good, but I think their old stuff pales in comparison to this album.

  6. I can't even imagine balancing work (even from home, it's STILL work, and a lot of it!), an infant, a three year old, a spouse, and a house. My (figurative) hat is off to you. I hope that the tantrums improve - and that while they are resolving, that Mr. Will continues to be the happy baby he seems to be.

    I hope that your immune response is robust enough for you to do everything you want to do. I agree - restaurants are overrated. I do love that so many of them now offer take out though. And I hope that continues!

    Finally, here's to lake weekends! That is one area where you Minnesotans are so, so lucky. Enjoy the time with your family this summer. :)
