Wednesday, February 2, 2022

What We Read in January

 My reading got off to a strong start in January. I gave 2 books 5 stars and my first read of February is going to be a 5-star book, too! I am typically kind of stingy with 5-star ratings but I am working on changing that because it's the best way to communicate "you should read this book." I read 9 books - 5 non-fiction and 4 fiction. That is an atypical fiction/non-fiction split. But my reading is dictated by what eBooks become available at the library! I don't know what my split was for 2021 because I didn't track my reading outside of But in 2022, I'm tracking it in a spreadsheet provided by a book podcaster so I have more insight into what I read. And I'll still track on goodreads since I like the social aspect of that site, meaning I like seeing what others read and how they rated it. 

Fiction reads:

All of these were great, but I gave 5 stars to Pony (YA novel that has Western vibes - I'm glad I was motivated to pick this up by Meredith of the Currently Reading podcast. R.J. Palacio is an auto-read author for me now!) and When the Stars Go Dark (excellent literary mystery - trigger warnings for sexual assault, kidnapping, childhood trauma. McLain was in the foster care system and a survival of sexual assault so she handled the topic with such authority and care). 

These were all solid reads, except Welcome to the GD Ice Cube, which is my February book club book. The author writes about time spent in Norway and Alaska during her 20s. I think I am too old for this book as I had a hard time with some of the decisions she made/situations she put herself in. I wish I had read The Sum of Us more slowly - like over the course of 3 weeks instead of in 5 days. The book talks about the false idea that equality is a zero sum game, or put more simply, a pie - meaning improving equality for some takes things away from others. The Comfort Book is a fast read with quotes and passages about taking care of yourself and your mental health. I highlighted several quotes and might write a post about them in the next month or so as there were some really good nuggets of wisdom.

The boys' reading:

I failed to take any photos of the boys' reads last month! We checked out some great books from the library, though. Paul's favorites were the Pete the Cat books I checked out on a whim. He has asked for more. He enjoys the show on Amazon Prime, too, which is very cute! 

Will enjoys books at naptime/bedtime, but otherwise it's pretty hit or miss and I have the most luck getting him to sit still if there is something to touch or flaps. Dear Zoo is still his favorite! Phil changes the ending of that book to the zoo sending them a kitty instead of a dog when he reads it! Ha. We are solidly team cat in this house!

What did you read in January? Anything you'd recommend? Are you stingy with 5 star reviews?


  1. I am VERY stingy with 5-star reviews but I did give one in January (and will write all about it on Friday)...stay-tuned!
    Also, lots of great picture books with the kids (which I'm writing about tomorrow)...
    Overall, I've really enjoyed my reading in 2022. I kinda fell off the reading wagon at the end of 2021 and it feels good to have some fun/light + deep/engaging reads under my belt so far in 2022.

  2. I'm going to put the Palacio book on my hold list at the library right away! I think I'm pretty stingy with 5-stars, but once I determine that a book is great, I preach about it all the time. I think Wake and The Final Revival of Opal & Nev were great books I read in January.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I used to not give 5-stars easily - esp. if there was something about a book that I needed to criticize, but I've gotten a bit more generous, because you're right: you should give 5 stars if you want others to know "you definitely have to read this!".
    I, for one, look for the 5-stars reviews from friends' recommendations!

  5. You've read some really interesting ones. You'll have to wair a couple days for my book post to see what I read -- but they were all good!

  6. I am super stingy with 5-star reviews on my book blog (and in my brain) -- a full 5 stars is reserved for a handful of VERY special books. But when I am rating books on Goodreads, I almost always give 5 stars if I liked something.

    Sounds like a really good month! I have been wanting to read the Paula McLain!

  7. I don't think I'm too stingy with my 5-star ratings. I usually give something 5 stars if I a) cannot think of anything I would change about a book or b) enjoyed my reading experience so much that I want everyone to read the book.

    I have Pony high on my TBR after hearing Meredith rave about it on Currently Reading! Knowing you loved it as well means I need to get around to it soon!

  8. I've been reading your blog for a while now and thought I'd comment, since I do love a good book list -
    I read Welcome to the Ice Cube last year and I think my reaction was much like yours... Maybe it is indeed my age, but i think also being female and having two daughters, the book made me realize that the line between adventurous decisions and foolhardy decisions can be pretty thin for a woman.
    I don't give star reviews but I think my book rating is "Love", "Like", "Meh" and "Not for me." I guess that's like four stars, now that I've written it out.
    I didn't like Haig's Midnight Library at. all. But I rather enjoyed his How to Stop Time. I'm intrigued where Comfort Book would fall for me - perhaps I would find his pithy observations more accessible when it isn't imbedded in a narrative.

  9. I feel compelled to recommend 2 kids books that I got from the library this week. I don't think my kids appreciate them as much as I do, but I hope they are still taking away the messages. One was called I Love You Because I Love You. The other was Stacey's Extraordinary Words (it gave me chills).

  10. I’ve gotten more into StoryGraph than Goodreads, I love the stats they have for it and the comprehensive list of trigger warnings for each book

  11. In January I read and recommend, The Kids Are Gonna Ask, and The Other Einstein. We are huge Pete the Cat fans here. Isla is doing battle of the books right now so is reading those books and hasn't been a huge fan of those choices. Adeline loves Daniel Tiger books and any book that contains a puppy.
