Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Paul is 4 + Dispatch from the Land of the Sick

Good news first: Paul turned 4 today and we had a fun small family celebration on Sunday. 

The bad news: Will got a fever on Sunday night. Paul threw up on the way to school yesterday. He was totally fine after that so we thought he was fine to go to school again. He threw up AGAIN in the car (there is literally not a worse place to throw up). So he's spending his birthday fighting a stomach bug. I ended up taking Will to the doctor this afternoon because his fever just won't quit and he spends a good chunk of the day crying inconsolably and will only nap on me. 

So lest you think we already paid our dues in terms of illnesses, it appears there are still viruses we haven't had. I just hope and pray that the boys don't trade viruses. Will hasn't had any GI issues and I hope it remains that way. A puking 4yo is hard enough - a puking baby is like holding a ticking time bomb with no count down clock. 

Will has been the saddest, sickest baby. Hopefully both boys turn the corner soon. I feel awful that Paul is spending birthday throwing up. :( 

But let's end on a positive with a couple of pics from Paul's low key party on Sunday. We served lentil enchiladas, Spanish rice, and chocolate cookies. 

The table all set for the party!

Paul doesn't like cake so we celebrated with cookies for the 3rd birthday in a row!

Send us all your healthy vibes. I really hope Phil and I avoid getting these viruses. This is terrible timing for Phil as the first 4 business days of the month are his busiest. He stayed home the last 2 days, but I think he'll probably need to go in tomorrow. Hopefully Paul is done puking by then... 


  1. Oh Lisa.
    Vomit is my worst nightmare and for a period of time every single bug my kids got seemed to include vomit (I swear a cold would make them puke). Things are so much better now as they're getting older but I still literally get heart palpitations when they tell me they're feeling nauseous.
    I hope your poor babes get better fast, don't trade viruses; I hope you manage to get some sleep through all this and that you're both able to stay on top of work responsibilities as needed.

    A huge congrats to Paul on reaching 4! A very fun age. And a huge congrats to you on birthing him 4 years ago and raising such a sweet boy.
    My kids are definitely all about the cake but we have a family friend that always wants cookies for her birthday as she finds cake too sweet!

  2. Good grief, you guys just can't get a break. Here's hoping all are better soon, no virus trading and that Paul was able to enjoy at least part of his birthday. Hang in there.

  3. Ugh, ugh, ugh. I'm so sorry that Paul is having a sicky birthday. That's no fun at all, for him or for you! I am crossing fingers and toes that you and Phil don't get sick, too, and that everyone is just about recovered by now. Your family really cannot catch a break with all these illnesses.

  4. Oh my goodness, sending love to all of you! My only hope is by getting through all of this it means that come kindergarten their immune systems will be able to fight anything that comes their way!

  5. I think because we were emailing last week about the sickness, I was thinking I had read your blog, too! But apparently I didn't! Huh. My week was kind of wacky and I felt out of touch with everything! Anyway, happy birthday Paul! Can't believe how often you guys have been sick...but on the bright side, you've got to be almost out of the woods! I think in this next year or so you'll turn the corner and have nice, robust immune systems. ;)

  6. Having sick kiddos is the worst, especially on their birthday! It’s a good thing he didn’t have a friend party planned that day and had to cancel.
    Poor Will was so sick and I pray he is over all the bugs for a long time.
    Seeing his pictures makes me teary eyed!

  7. Happy birthday, Paul!

    And I am so sorry both your kids were sick. Ugh. You really keep hitting the "jackpot" with these ongoing illnesses.
    As I am catching up on blog reading (as you can tell), I hope to find out by the end of reading your latest posts, that both boys are well again!
