Thursday, June 2, 2022

And Another Domino Falls

So much for that optimism about a new month and fresh start. Paul was totally healthy when I dropped him off at school yesterday. When I picked up the boys on Will’s first day back at school since May 20, Paul had the sniffles so we tested him since there have been several cases in his room this week. And, of course, he was positive. You know, since it had been 10 days since Will tested positive, which was 10 days after I tested positive. So we will have a month of someone quarantining. This is the worst most slow moving domino set up ever. 

My sister did not stay with us last night so they don’t risk getting it. I will still see her at my parents this weekend, though. Will and I will head to the lake on Friday after work since we are Covid immune. I did not want to miss my Godson’s grad party. I am a little nervous about a solo 3.5 hour drive (each way) with a rear facing toddler that hates car rides but oh well. We will get through it. One or both of us might cry, though  

At least Paul will be easy to have at home. We will let him have lots of screen time so we can work. He watches educational stuff/uses educational aps so it’s not the worst way to spend his time. We will get outside as much as our work schedules allow. Hopefully his case remains mild so he feels up to walks/scooting. 

And at least I can work from home and have an understanding boss and coworkers. I do have an in person presentation next week and a client call on Friday but I think Paul will stay in his room during the call. But professional economists have had kids break into the room while they are presenting on national tv and we can all laugh about it. So if that happens, people will understand I think/hope (Phil can’t stay home on Friday since it’s his busiest week of the month at work). 

And at least I am immune and can still see my family this weekend and celebrate my nephew/godson. And hopefully Phil will not get sick so all 4 of us can go to the lake as planned in 2 weeks!

But gosh, this really sucks  


  1. Oh friend!!! I am so sorry it’s been such a challenging few months!!! I am so glad that you will still be able to go to the lake!!!

  2. Oh noooooo Lisa that's terrible! At least when we had Covid we all had it at the same time. One after another, just no.

  3. Noooo! I think its good to expect tears in the car. Yes I think people understand that kiddos pop into a call every now and then. Its just part of life.

  4. You just can't catch a break! I'm so sorry and I hope he doesn't feel too crummy!

  5. Oh LISA! This is the worst! The worst! I am so sorry! Here's hoping that it is a very mild infection and that Paul does a GREAT job of entertaining himself while you get some work done.


    I am so sorry to read this post! I hope Paul's infection is as mild as Will's was, and that the quarantine period is a little less frustrating. I really can't believe how many health issues your family has dealt with in the past year. It's crazy!

  7. Oh Lisa, say it isn't so. I guess I'm not surprised, and now just hoping Phil stays healthy. Fingers crossed that it's an "easy" ride. I thought that was supposed to be over in MAY!!!!

  8. Can you hear my yelling NOOOOOOO all the way from Canada.
    This sucks. This too shall pass but, at the same time, I'm sure you are so, so over COVID and parenting sick kiddos.

    Wishing you all nothing but health the remainder of the year - surely you've paid enough sickness dues for several years by this point in 2022.

    (Also, I know I've said this approximately 1 million times, but I suspect this will get expoentially better for the kids in a few years; we had months and months when the kids were little where someone was basically sick at all times and now they just seem to be sick a tiny fraction of the time + NO EAR INFECTIONS FOR SEVERAL YEARS. I don't want to jinx it, but I suspect you're in the absolute worst of it in terms of the virus/bug phase and that it will get better soon.)

  9. SERIOUSLY??? What terrible luck. I love how Paul got it the very day you were able to drop Will off at daycare. Yes, at least you and Will are immune for now. Covid is so crazy.
    Good luck with the car trip- I hope you're not the one crying. And fingers crossed Phil doesn't get it, but I have a feeling he'll test positive in about eight or nine days.

  10. I responded back to you on my blog about this, but in case you didn't see it- I'm sorry you're dealing with this!! Ugh. So frustrating to have it so stretched out like that. Most families we know who have all have had it seemed to have it more all in one big bunch. I agree with Elisabeth, too, that I think you're definitely in the worst phase of the "illness years" with the boys. Totally remember going through a phase when someone was sick or sniffly a LOT. There was also a lice break out in Ethan's daycare one year when he was maybe...3? He ended up with lice TWICE. omg that is the worst. And he has such thick hair...was nearly impossible to comb them out, and disgusting, and just awful. Shudder. hahaha. The worst are the stomach bugs, and those seemed to come in waves, too. Thank goodness though once the hit elementary years, this seemed to all decrease a lot. I think in daycare there are just unfortunately so many kids putting their hands like, down their pants! and stuff like that. Not to mention just things like wiping snot all over a toy or something. ha. Hang in there! Look on the bright side- you guys will be nice and immune for the summer from covid!! Woohoo!

  11. Oh no friend. I am so sorry. I was hoping that June was off to a much better start for you guys... but at least, hopefully, you'll all be through with it soon.
