Monday, November 14, 2022

Weekend Recap

Well we woke up to snow so I guess winter is coming. Le sigh. At least it's pretty outside? Here's how we filled our weekend!

On Friday night, I picked up take-and-bake pizzas on the way home from daycare pick-up - but when I got there they told me they were out of GF crust. So no pizza for mom. Womp womp. But after eating out so much last week I was happy to eat some eggs and toasts while the boys ate pizza. 

Phil got his bivalent covid booster on Friday so I planned to get up with the boys on Saturday as we figured he wouldn't be feeling well. Since he has an amazing immune system, the boosters always hit him hard. I have yet to get a single side effect. Luckily the boys slept until 6:15. Will woke up in a HORRIBLE mood, though, which seems to happen pretty often these days. He screams for no detectable reason. Being a toddler is HARD. So I'm not sure how much extra sleep Phil got what with all the screaming and carrying on that was happening in the kitchen.

We facetimed with my parents after breakfast and then headed out to the library with a pitstop at Starbucks so I could get a coffee. I finally asked why they don't have holiday cups and found out that it's because the holiday cups are not recyclable (I guess because of the red dye?) so they are banned in Minneapolis. So at least I'm missing out on them for a good reason, but c'mon Starbucks! Design something festive that is recyclable! When we got to the library, I set my coffee down to help Paul put the books in the book return slot and Will tipped my cup over. Uggggghhhh. There goes $6 and mom's caffeine boost. I salvaged about 1/4 of the coffee but was very grumbly about it. The boys had fun at the library. They had another search and find set up in the kids area - this time it was pictures of pies. Paul is obsessed with these search and finds! After checking out about 20 books from the library, we headed to gymnastics and then home for lunch. 

After lunch Paul got invited over to a friend's house for an impromptu playdate. The parents are our best friends and when the mom sent the text, she said we could just do a drop off if I wanted to rest/get a break. I've been feeling exhausted so I took her up on that.  Phil dropped Paul off and stopped to get the GF pizza that was now back in stock. Will napped well that afternoon so I got an hour nap in! Then I picked Paul up, dropped him at home, and went to CVS for my bivalent shot. The boys had leftovers for dinner and I had my GF pizza. 

On Sunday morning I got up with the boys since Phil was still feeling rough from the booster. But they slept until 6:15 again so it was another good night of sleep! When Phil was up I ran 4 miles with my neighbor with so many stops to blow my nose. I'm feeling better but I guess the drainage is not going away. After the run I showered and headed out for a morning at the zoo. I wrote earlier this summer about learning to not DO EVERYTHING when we visit the zoo. That change in mindset has been so helpful. It was in the 20s on Sunday morning so we planned to just do the indoor tropical exhibits. 

We were there for about 90 minutes and the boys had an absolute blast! I let Will out of the stroller when we got to the tropical fish area and he did not want to get back into the stroller but he was happy to hold Paul's hand! While we were at the zoo, Phil made a Spanish Tortilla for lunch and the boys had leftovers. 

The rest of the day kind of dragged. We watched the end of the exciting Vikings game after quiet time. The Vikings pulled off an overtime win against Buffalo. They really love to stress their fans out - they've had so many close wins this year! 

I made instant pot Chicken Tikka Masala with cauliflower and peas for the adults and the boys had grilled cheese for dinner. We joked that the last hour before Will went to bed felt like it lasted about 3 hours. And then he had a really rough bedtime. I really do not remember Paul being this, um, emotional/volatile. I think we had it a little easy and are getting a true toddler experience with Will. He is a delightful, sweet little guy much of the time but oof he gets mad over things and really has the stamina to scream for quite awhile. 

Phil and I ended the night by watching part of an episode of the Jeffry Dahmer documentary on Netflix. Gosh it is hard to watch. That guy got way too many second/third chances. I would hope this wouldn't happen again but who knows. I think the show does a good side of telling the stories of his victims, though. We want to stick with it but I'll be glad when it's over and we can watch The Crown instead!

I think I made up for my time away last week with all the time I spent with the boys this weekend. Typically Phil would come with us to the zoo but I figured he had earned a break with all the solo parentings from last week. 

And that was a wrap! How was your weekend? Do you have a screaming toddler in your life or can you relate from when your kids were younger?


  1. The Crown! I just saw season 5 came out and I still haven't finished Season 4. I am the worst show-watcher around.

    "Since he has an amazing immune system, the boosters always hit him hard." - I have never made that connection, but it's so interesting! I didn't think about immune systems/ side effects!

  2. My oldest son was the toddler from hell. He's almost 10 now and we sometimes tease him about what a holy terror he was. He liked to push buttons (up to and including flushing the toilet when anyone was done) and heaven help you if you forgot and pushed something for him because he would scream and smash his head against the ground. He could go for 45 minutes to an hour and all I could do was put him on the carpet. It was awful. But good news - he doesn't do that anymore at 10, lol.

  3. I can definitely relate, but we are past the toddler stage, so it's all a bit hazy. Overall our kids were amazing sleepers, and I think that helped? But definitely lots of emotions.
    I'm sorry about the spilled coffee - I would be VERY grumpy about that too, on various levels.

    We still have evaded any snow, but there is a snow symbol for later this week and I really, really hope it's wrong. I just don't feel ready (especially to dig out all the winter gear - we have hats and in-between coats, but snowpants and boots are just such a nuisance). Maybe I just need to rip the Band-aid though and get that first snowfall under our belts so I can move on from dreading the first snow??

  4. Adeline is definitely a second child that pushes buttons and we would have been a very content one child household if she was first. For sure. Ha. This weekend... Friday night we got pizza, Saturday I went with a friend to a bookstore that was having a ladies day (wine while you browse!) and then we watched football and had smoked chicken wings... Sunday we had my nephews 13th bday party, I ran out to get my parents some groceries to have in their fridge when they got back from Florida, I read my book and put together a kroger pick up... lots of water colors, tv watching and laundry occurred.

  5. Going to the tropical exhibits when it's so cold outside is genius! We live about an hour away from a conservatory that has tropical exhibits and I sometimes think I should get a membership and just go there every week in the winter. I probably would if it were just a bit closer! Smart move!

  6. Oh, I wanted to cry when you said Will spilled your coffee!!! I also want to cry at the fact that the holiday cups are not recyclable. First of all, how was I supposed to know this- I've been throwing them in my recycling bin. Second, now I feel like a total jerk for loving them. Interesting that your city is actually progressive enough to ban them. Yes- is there really no way to make a festive cup recyclable???
    I think I've probably mentioned it before, but my son, PAUL, was so easy-going. And then my daughter was so, so difficult. I felt like she was making up for how easy her brother was. So I guess it's normal... but I know it's really hard.
    Sounds like you had a good weekend in spite of it all, and congrats on getting those boosters!

  7. sorry to hear that WILL is being hard. it's a phase of kids, hopefully, it will pass soon. i know when one is in the middle of dealing with it, it can feel extremely slow and never ending, but it will eventually.
    another booster? oh gosh.. this business is never ending. I haven't had any booster yet and wonder if there's benefits of getting it.

  8. Lisa - what a weekend you had! First, the pizza shop not having GF dough and then Will spilling your coffee. OMG. Chaos!!

    The photo of Will and Paul holding hands is SO cute. My heart cannot handle it!

  9. Ugh, I would have been very grumpy over the spilled coffee... and I guess why the holiday cups are banned if they're not recyclable, but that takes all the joy out of it... there must be a way to make them recyclable.

    I am excited to hear that Phil got the booster, but I didn't know that you have a reaction to it when you have a good immune system??! My sister has a reaction to EVERY vaccine she gets, but she also gets sick quite a bit.

  10. OH, is the new season of the Crown out!? I guess I need to get on that! I have been watching Alone on Hulu; I don't know if you are into that kind of stuff but it is about people who are put out in the woods alone and the one who survives longest wins. They are very resourceful and it is interesting to watch! Also you would think that the hunger would get them, but a lot of them go home for emotional reasons. It is fascinating to me.

    20 degrees! I guess winter is here! I remember visiting Minneapolis in winter and we spent a lot of time eating and wandering around the mall. I didn't even think of the zoo though as in my mind that is an outdoor place! We have been having colder weather but it has not really been below freezing yet (it has been close!) but it has snowed a few times; in fact the ski resorts are all opening earlier this year than they have in years!
