Friday, December 9, 2022

3 Things Friday

Happy Friday! I'm hours away from being done with work for a full week. I can't remember the last time I took a full week off from work - and no, I am not counting maternity leave! That is not exactly "time off." So it's been years since I've had a full week off of work! Here are 3 things on my mind today.

1. I had a truly whirlwind trip to Chicago for work this week. I flew in Tuesday night and back yesterday afternoon. Wednesday was so insane. I had meetings straight through from 9:30-2:15 with not a single break (I was able to go to the bathroom during one 2.5 hour meeting). Luckily someone ordered lunch so I could eat during my 1pm internal meeting. I do not like eating in front of people but I also was getting borderline hangry (I usually eat at 11). Then at 3 I had drinks with my boss who is in Chicago, and then we had a team event at 4pm for the offsite followed by dinner. I ubered back to my hotel at 8. I wasn't the first person to leave but certainly not the last! 

2. Tomorrow we head to my parents' lake home. They'll stay there while we are in Mexico. I am very glad that I keep a packing list in apple notes for both myself and the boys - but I am especially glad to have it for the boys. Do you know how much stuff you need to pack when you have little kids? Like white noise machines, nightlights for Paul, motrin/tylenol, the various loveys Will sleeps with, toothbrushes/paste, the cups they prefer to drink out of, wipes, diapers, bibs, and the list goes on and on. I cannot rely on my brain to remember these things so I love having a list to refer to when packing! I also have a packing list for business trips because again - my brain can not be trusted to remember things. 

3. A couple of people have asked about my surgery so I wanted to emphasize that it's very minor. I have to have some uterine polyps removed as they are causing issues around my cycle, and I guess in general it's not good to have polyps? It's a day surgery and the recovery is supposed to be pretty easy. I have had so dang many surgeries (tonsilectomy, sinus surgery, hip scope surgery, and 2 c-sections) that surgeries don't stress me out. Plus my mom was a nurse and I think because of that, I'm just generally not prone to anxiety around medical procedures. Plus this one really sounds like it will be super minor, thank goodness! 


I'm not exactly a frequent poster, so no one would likely notice when I don't post next week. There are bloggers I'd worry about (hi, Kae and Elisabeth!) if they did not post for a week. But I will be taking next week off from blogging while we are in Mexico. I'll be back the following week with posts about our trips and a belated 2-year update on sweet Will! 

I'll "see" you all on the other side of my Mexico trip! For those who have kids, let me know if you have any advice about leaving your kids for the first time! Phil and I have never been away from the kids besides when I had Will but that was obviously not a vacation. ;) My kids are in excellent hands with my parents but I imagine there will be an adjustment to being away from the kids!


  1. I don't comment much (if ever!)but I love your blog, and look forward to your new posts every week!

    Have a great trip!

  2. Oh, don't worry about the kids! Just have a great vacation! They know that they're loved and they'll be well-cared for and that you will come back. Just pretend for a short period of time that you're kid-free!! Have a great time! I can't wait to hear all about when you get back.

  3. Have so much fun! A woman said to me, when I was worried to leave my 5-and-6 year olds for a couple of nights, that this is the time that grandparents can really bond with the kids. It's such a special time for them, and the kids will do great! Have a fabulous trip and I can't wait to hear all about it. xo

  4. How exciting- you're off to Mexico!!! I hope you have an amazing time. The kids will be absolutely fine- your parents will know what to do. I can't wait to hear all about it!

  5. enjoy your trip to Mexico!!! I remember when traveling with small kids, I had so much to pack which is tiring but it's always better to be prepared than sorry.
    leaving kids is a bittersweet feeling. when I did my first solo trip with my husband few years ago, we kept talking bout the kids instead of savoring solo time. Now I'm better at that, really enjoy being kidsless when traveling, true me time.
    I'm so jealous of you not getting anxious with surgery. I wish I get that skill. I still get anxious whenever doing a test related to health, as the worse can happen.

  6. I am so excited for you for your trip and I hope you can enjoy every minute. I am glad you feel comfortable to leave the kids with your parents for the week! It's so good if they have multiple caregivers that they're comfortable with.

  7. Have a great time in Mexico! I am sure the kids will be fine, even if they are missing a binkie in the end. I obviously don't have kids, so can't give you advice on that, except that you should enjoy your time away and not worry too much about them! I can't wait to hear all about your trip when you get back.

  8. Have the most wonderful time!! The kids will be just fine!! We have been away from the boys a bunch of times- in fact, we went on a 5 night getaway to Florida alone when Asher was only 6 months old!! (Not sure in hindsight that was super fair to my mom.... haha. Oops.) But the kids always do fine and I honestly never fret at all about leaving them. The longest we've ever left them was for our 10 year anniversary trip to Europe in 2017- Ivan and I were gone for 16 nights! I think that one was a little hard on the boys, just because they did miss us. (I think they missed us more than we missed them- we were so busy! lol) But you'll only be gone a week- not too bad! We never have done anything special like leaving special notes or special toys or anything- we just called as able (not so helpful when they are really little, of course) and video calls are fun for the kids. And of course pick up a souvenir to bring home to them! :)

  9. I'm SO excited for your trip.

    Yes, the kids will be fine - but it IS A LOT! I remember being exhausted before a few trips without the kids because the logistics were crazy. I didn't feel excited until after we left and it truly felt like things were out of my hands. I always feel slightly guilty for my parents, too. It's a lot of work. They're willing and it IS great bonding, but it's exhausting I know. So I think the guilt thing is my biggest issue when I've left the trip (5-6 trips, all ~1 week, over the last decade)
    My parents aren't around my kids full time, so there were so many nuances to manage. Especially when they were young and there were very specific routines. I had to get things set up with preschool and make sure they had necessary phone numbers and wrote all sorts of notes for things like bedtime and what shows they were allowed to watch.

    In the end it has always been great and it does get easier as the kids get older (we're leaving the kids with my parents this spring for a week in Italy, and I will do A LOT less than I used to in terms of prep).

    We did leave a small gift each day we were away when the kids were little. Your boys are young, but the last trip I went on without the kids, we sent texts daily to my Mom and my daughter loved writing back with all sorts of emojis.

    Have a GREAT time. I can't wait to hear all about it :)

  10. Also, can I just tell you HOW HAPPY it made me to see you write that you'd be worried if I didn't post for a week. This genuinely warmed my heart <3

  11. Have so much fun!!A grown-ups only trip sounds like an absolute DREAM

  12. Bon voyage! Have a wonderful, sorely needed time in Mexico. I know the boys are in safe hands.

  13. Thanks so much for the update on the surgery -- I am glad it's minor and that it will alleviate some issues you are having.

    Have a WONDERFUL time in Mexico!! I hope it is relaxing and full of adventure in exactly the amounts you want. The boys are going to have such a blast with their grandparents, and they will all make wonderful memories that will last for decades.

  14. I hope you're having the best time in Mexico, but I imagine it's a little nerve-wracking to leave the kiddos even if it's for a very good reason. I mean, I feel sad being away from my CATS and that's entirely different. I hope it's a restorative time for you and Phil. <3

  15. Enjoy Mexico, I hope you have perfec weather and come home completely relaxed. I hope the kids have a great time with their grandparents. I used to love staying at my grandparents house when I was young.
