Friday, April 28, 2023

5 Things Friday

Happy Friday! Oof it's been a jam-packed week again. Here are 5 things on my mind this week.

1. Work has slowed down and I have far fewer client calls than I did last month but I am still busier than I've ever been. I think part of it is because I'm taking over things my colleague who retired earlier this month used to do plus I'm adjusting to regular travel after several years of barely traveling. And it's quarter end season which is a busy time as we are updating marketing materials, writing commentaries about performance, etc. But I am just so ready for a QUIET week. It's good to be busy but this level of busy is a bit much for me. 

2. This week I was in Chicago for work on Monday/Tuesday and I snapped this photo on the walk to meet my colleague for dinner on Monday night. Chicago is so pretty! This was my 3rd time traveling this month. 1 of those 3 trips was a vacation so that's a different kind of travel... but I'm just generally feeling worn out and tired of airplanes and hotel rooms. 

3. Besides that work trip this week has just generally been really busy. On Wednesday night I had book club (which was very fun!) and then last night my sister came over for dinner as she was in town for a conference. I was shocked to realize that she's never seen our house - which we moved into in the fall of 2019. I blame the pandemic. My boys were especially excited to see her. When Paul woke up that morning he asked if she was there yet. 

4. We were supposed to have Paul's park birthday party this Sunday but the day is forecasted to be a "blustery, cold day." So we pushed it out another week. It seems like the weather is going to improve starting next week. I hope this is true because I need some sunshine and mild temps. If we can all go outside after dinner, everyone is happier.  

Will is very into bubbles these days!

5. With no birthday party this weekend, our weekend is blessedly free of plans. It's supposed to be cold, rainy and windy so I imagine we'll seek out an indoor playground or something like that. But I am very much looking forward to no social plans. As an introvert, I'm totally peopled out after the last week. I'm sometimes mistaken as an extrovert because I'm pretty outgoing but I've definitely had a "Berenstain Bears and Too Much Social Interaction" kind of week. Phil and I often use "Berenstain Bears and Too Much X" to describe our weeks. Are we the only ones who do this? 

How was your week? Did you read Berenstain Bear books when you were growing up? I've checked some out for Paul and I have to say that series has not aged well. Papa Bear is such a dufus. 


  1. I didn't growing up with the Berenstein Bears, but my kids did go through a phase of enjoying them. I find them rather annoying books to read, but one of the early elementary teachers at school would sometimes show an episode of the show on Friday's as a treat so most of their exposure actually comes from the show!

    My week was fine on paper, I just felt a bit aimless and "off." I honestly think the weather had a lot to do with it. It was overcast and pretty cool all week. As much as I complain about winter, it feels cozy and "right" to be cold and inside. But we've had some gorgeous weather and now going back to cold, dreary days felt like such a pin prick into my happy balloon - ha!

    We have a busy weekend ahead. The first half of my week kind of dragged a bit...but everything was top-loaded for the weekend so yesterday through to Sunday is BUSY.

    It's funny you mention your sister not seeing your house. When we went to SC last year, it was my first time visiting my sister since she moved - BACK IN 2010 (she and her family generally are the ones to come up to Canada)! It felt weird to keep thinking about this as her "new" house since she had lived there over a decade.

    And Will blowing bubbles is sooo cute.

  2. I did read Berenstain Bears, and my kids did too...but I cannot for the life of me remember them. I do remember the "new baby" one that I had got at the library when I was pregnant with my second, but since my oldest was just turned one, it really went over his head. I remember thinking, as a child, how neat it would be to live in a tree like they did.
    You've been so busy with travel! I hope you can have a restful weekend and that the sun starts shining for you. Wind makes outdoor plans SO difficult. I always thought I could cope with temps lower if there was no wind.

  3. I did read Berenstain Bears, but for the life of me, I cannot really remember the story lines. I have a bunch of old books from my childhood: Winnie the Pooh, Shel Silverstein etc. that I have not read in ages; I feel like I should reread some of them (I also have some older childhood books like the boxed set of Sweet Valley High, Nancy Drew, CS Lewis etc. which could stand to be dusted off and looked at). I did reread Little House on the Prairie recently and looking at it from an adult perspective was interesting.

    I hope that your weekend is relaxing and that you can get a little time "to yourself" so you can recharge! I sometimes overbook myself even though I know better and I have to decompress after a week full of social engagements, even when they are fun ones (and I am not sure yours fall into that category)! Does the fact that you traveled so much in the last month mean that May is travel free? Also I moved into my house in 2015 and have some friends who still have not seen my "new" house!

  4. I'm also an outgoing introvert and almost always feel "peopled out" once the weekend hits since I get a ton of social interaction through work + kids and their activities...and my very extroverted husband is like "let's have friends over!!" Um no thank you...can I just go hide in my room and read all weekend???

  5. Ufff a busy week! But it's Friday. Here in New Jersey, we have a rainy weekend coming up and I'm already wracking my brain what to do with the kids inside. By Sunday morning we all will be climbing the walls. So far my ideas are: go to a diner for breakfast (diners are a NJ thing), library+ a play date? Ideas are always welcome :)

  6. Ohhh, Berenstain Bears! I think I remember a storyline about biting fingernails? And also vividly remember a scene of the daughter creating a spot for her gravy to sit on her mashed potaotes. Why do I remember that?!?

    I really hope the weather cooperates for you this weekend!

  7. I always kind of liked Berenstain Bear books! I definitely had a bunch when I was a kid, and though I did read some to the boys, they were not books we really read a ton of/ favorites or anything. I always liked the one where they get sick, for some reason! And I think there was a Fall themed one I liked a lot. I feel that they were always a nice option for "reading aloud" because they aren't super long, but yet there is more to them than some children's books which are kind of TOO short, if that makes sense.

    I hope you can be done traveling now for a while! That sounds exhausting.

  8. I didn't read Berenstain Bears growing up, but I did read them with my kids. i remember we all enjoyed them, but yes- I seem to remember the father being a dufus. Good word to describe him.
    Well I'm glad you rescheduled the birthday party! The weather does NOT sound conducive, and it also sounds like you need a break. I hope you have a quiet weekend to recharge your battery!

  9. I'm the same. at work and socially people think I'm out going, and at certain point I thought so too. but then I learned that introvert usually feel relaxes alone instead of with people, which is my case. I need quiet alone time, even without my family to truly relax.
    hope you get some rest this weekend. it does seem that you've been working way more lately. 3 trips to Chicago in one month? woooo. although I like the city. it's pretty

  10. I don't remember Berenstain Bears, but boy did I hate reading Dr. Seuss books to my nieces and nephews. They are LONG and they are either PREACHY or showcase terrible behavior by children that are rewarded for their bad behavior or ALL THREE. Some kids books are just not worth it!

  11. I'm glad you get a day off today -- The party will be great but after the travel and all, that day will be extra nice. And super extra nice your sister came to visit! Rick overplanned my weekend -- which is fine, good stuff, but I need a break!

  12. Ugh Father Bear.

    That said, I used to LOVE these books when I was little-- but when I could read them to myself. I remember the Bears and also Little Critter as being really delightful when my little brothers were listening to my mom read them aloud but I was the age to take them and read on my own.

  13. I hope you got a little bit of a breather over the weekend!

  14. SO smart to move the party - why try to have it when the weather isn't ideal? Even though the weather forecast sounded bad, I hope that the weekend did let you recharge from another (!) long and challenging week. I honestly don't know how you do it. Hang in there!
