Friday, July 21, 2023

5 on Friday

Whew, what a week! I had a great and productive time in the Bay Area but I am worn out! Here is a 5 things Friday post mostly about my time away this week. 

1. I did manage to see Kyria on Tuesday evening! We did not take a picture together, though. We met for an early dinner at a yummy Mediterranean place. I briefly FaceTimed with the boys as it was the only night I was done early enough to talk to them before they went to bed. But they mostly wanted to see Kyria! Mom - who’s she? Show me Kyria! They got to know her when she visited us in February and love her! 

2. I had extremely full days during this trip. We did 4 meetings on Tuesday, 7 (!!) on Wednesday and 4 more on Thursday before my 4PST/6CST flight back home. I usually don’t do THIS many meetings during a trip but everyone wants to talk about the sector I cover (taxable fixed income). It’s certainly going to help with my meeting count for the year which is already well over 200! 

3. Day 2 was the hardest day as we started at 9 and our 7th meeting was a HH that started at 5 and ended at 7. All the conversations were good but I was so tired that I started to yawn and had to try to disguise that. I kind of tried to stay on central time since I have a busy morning with meetings starting at 8 today so I didn’t want to acclimate to PST… so 7PST felt sort of like 9CST. Yawn. I didn’t quite stay on CST - probably slipped into MST. 

4. After a string of on-time flights, 3 out of my last 4 flights have been delayed, including my return flight back last night. So instead of landing at 9:30, we landed at 10:15. Le sigh. 

5. In non-travel related news, my candidate accepted his offer this week - he will start in early September! I’m really excited about the candidate and hope he will be a great fit. So here’s the funny thing. My colleague/mentor who retired in March is named Paul. (To be clear my son was named after my dad and my husband’s late brother - not my coworker.) Well the person I am hiring is named Will! So I guess I like to work with people who share a name with my children! Hopefully he doesn’t go by Taco, too. ;)

How was your week? 


  1. That’s wonderful you got to see Kyria. And so cute that the boys were so excited to FaceTime with her instead. 😂

    Seven meetings!!!! That has to be some kind of a record! And I am curious about taxable fixed income - why such a popular topic? I will go google.

    The Will / Paul thing is so amusing. I hope New Will is a great addition to your team!

    Such a bummer about your late flight home. But hooray for being home! Hopefully today goes smoothly and you can get to bed early!

  2. When we named our son Will (he's 8), I had no idea how many Wills there were. He's been one of up to three Wills in a summer camp group and on a soccer team. It's funny because we had the opposite experience when we named our older son Scott. It seems like he's the only Scott that's been born since 1985. When we call his name in public, middle-aged men will turn around, wondering who is talking to them, lol.

    We recently went to a family reunion where there were 3 total Williams, my aunt's brother (goes by Bill), my cousin (goes by Bill), and my son Will. Funny enough, there was another Scott there as well... Scotty the dog!

  3. LOL at the Will/Paul confluence. I hope he DOES go by Taco LOL

  4. Or, hopefully you won't accidentally call your new coworker Taco. That could be hard to explain.
    It sounds like you had a fun and productive week, but arg! Those meetings! I feel like I'm yawning just reading about it. I would have been exhausted. Glad you got to see Kyria! And I hope you have a little time to relax this weekend.

  5. I'm so glad the candidate accepted; I know that has been a big burden on your mind and if he had said no, you would have been "back to the drawing" board.

    Hooray for a week of productive meetings, but I can see why you're exhausted. Hope the weekend is lovely and you manage to fit in a bit of R&R (wishful thinking with a toddler in the house).

    That's fantastic that you got to meet up with Kyria <3 And hilarious that the boys were far more interested in FaceTiming with her (this is 100% something my kids would do, too).

  6. Hooray that your candidate accepted the offer! What a relief that must be for you.

    That is a LOT of meetings, omg. You must be so exhausted after dealing with that (and plane delays!) all week long.

  7. I like your five. So glad your candidate accepted the job. September isn't long to wait, especially since you're on holiday this next week! A good list!

  8. I am so glad you got to see Kyria while you were on the West Coast. Yay.

    Haha, and that's too funny about the names of your old and new coworkers. Makes the name easy to remember but I hope you won't call your new hire Taco :)

  9. I would have been snoring on the table during HH, for sure. You at least stayed (mostly) awake! Also so glad you have your new colleague starting soon, and hope that he takes some of the heavy burden off of you.
    Yay for seeing blog friends on trips! :)
