Friday, August 4, 2023

5 Things Friday

Happy Friday! I'm off next week on another vacation so it's an extra happy Friday for me! Here's 5 things on my mind today. And buckle up, it's a bit wordy. 

1. After some hemming and hawing, we've made the decision to move Taco/Will to a new daycare. I am so sad about this because I love the teachers and the families we've met at our daycare. But 3 of the 6 preschool teachers resigned (a 4th teacher almost resigned but they must have talked her into staying, although she shifted from Taco's room to a different preschool room so it didn't really help our situation). We are so very disappointed in the leadership of the daycare. I won't go into too much detail, but there is a reason teachers are leaving in droves and I feel they are taking advantage of a vulnerable population as all of the teachers are Latina immigrants. The new daycare is not Spanish Immersion but we aren't sticking with Spanish Immersion for schooling as our boys will go to our community school. So it's not the biggest deal and hopefully Taco will retain some of the Spanish he's learned. There is a Spanish after-school program that we enrolled Paul in, so someday Taco will enroll in that as well. And maybe it will be like riding a bike and the base Spanish knowledge will come back? I am not thinking about it too much because maybe they won't even want to stick with Spanish. We need stability and to send our $$$ to a company that treats its staff well and has a healthy workplace environment. All this is to say that this has been a source of stress for us and has weighed on my mind so much over the last several months. Taco starts at his new daycare on August 28th. So we'll have more transitions ahead... Maybe by January life will feel settled for both kiddos? 

My sensitive little guy, eating apples on the couch while snuggling with Mickey.

2. So now that we are done with Spanish immersion, I've decided to shift from learning Spanish through Duolingo to learning French! I started to use Duolingo to learn Spanish a little over a year ago so I could better communicate with Taco's toddler teachers. A lot of shade is thrown at Duolingo but it has been wonderful for me. Some of the focus of the courses is a bit odd, like I don't need to say the cow opened the window or the owl opened the fridge. But it gave me more vocabulary so I could communicate a bit better with the teachers (usually one teacher is fluent in English but that was not the case in Taco's last classroom - which is FINE because Phil speaks Spanish and they brought in another English speaking teacher to translate for conferences or more involved conversations). But the country I am most obsessed with is France, so this week I switched over to learning French! Newer readers to my blog might not know how much I adore France. I mean, my love of France is mentioned in the tagline of my blog! But having kids is not conducive (for me) with traveling to France. So I'm on a grand pause for international travel until our kids are a bit older. But you can bet I'll be going back to France! When we are retired, I'd love to rent an apartment in France for like 3 months and really settle in/experience life as an ultra-short-term resident. So it makes sense to switch to learning French. Plus Phil has us covered on Spanish since he studied abroad in Spain and minored in Spanish. He isn't super secure speaking in Spanish but understands everything.

3. Onto a more positive topic: I am the person in our house who is most excited for Paul to get his welcome letter from his elementary school because it will include his school supply list (so I've heard - I can't find a supply list on the school website)!! I have the absolute best memories of shopping for school supplies with my mom. I usually went shopping with her for the supplies and then shortly before school started, us kids would sit around my mom and she'd disperse said supplies. Oh it was exciting! I loved school so so much. My mom talks about how I was up at 4:30 on my first day of school because I was SO EXCITED. I want Paul to be excited but I do not need to be woken up at 4:30 am so hopefully he doesn't "pull a Lisa." 

4. So I've mentioned that the transitions we've gone through this summer have been challenging - lots of big feelings/emotions/acting out. When I dropped Paul off at his summer program yesterday morning, one of the teachers said that he's the absolute best kid and is always happy and interested in what they have planned for the kids. He was always kind of the teacher's pet at daycare so I'm not surprised but it's nice to hear that he's doing well when he's at the program.

5. Next week I am going on what I can say is truly a vacation! I fly to Calgary on Sunday morning, spend a night with my friend Leigh, a URL turned IRL friend, and then my other friend Amber (also a URL turned IRL friend) flies in on Monday (neither blogs anymore - sob). Leigh leaves for vacation on Tuesday but she'll go for a hike with us on Monday. I haven't seen Leigh since our running trip to the Bay Area in October 2014 when she was pregnant with her first child! I haven't seen Amber since my wedding in May of 2017! We used to meet up every year and I consider her one of my closest friends. But we've both had 2 kids since we last saw each other. Her daughter is 3 months older than Paul and her son is 13 months younger than Taco. We keep in touch mostly over whatsapp but there is nothing like meeting up and spending time together doing something we love! We'll be staying in Canmore which is just south of Banff and will do lots of hiking. We used to run a race together when we met up, but for this trip I suggested we pivot to hiking - still a fun/active activity but no pressure to train for something! I do hope we can get back to seeing each other every 1-2 years now that we are both done having babies! I feel a bit guilty for doing a solo trip on top of all of the work travel I've done this year, but am trying to push away that guilt since traveling is part of my job... And I am hoping to not work on this trip. I said I would check emails at the end of the day on Monday and Tuesday since my co-worker is out those days, but once she's back on Wednesday I am not going to look at email until next Saturday when I will have to log in for my weekly Saturday data work. I fly back on Thursday night but I took Friday off as I figured it wasn't worth to work one day, especially since Fridays can be pretty quiet. 

Amber, Kyria and me, days before my wedding. They both flew in a bit early so they spend more time with me and Phil and could be at my bridal lunch the day before my wedding.

How are you? What's on your mind these days? Do you use Duolingo? 


  1. Harry did a Spanish immersion preschool program because we planned to send the kids to an elementary school with an immersion program but then! Th preschool turned out to be less of a good fit for Jack (it was Reggio and the teachers were concerned when Jack didn't want to do age appropriate skills but also they didn't direct him because it was Reggio, and the whole thing just rubbed me the wrong way) and then our public school down the street was not selected as an immersion sight, and we just dropped the whole pursuit. Bah. Anyway-- August is a great time to switch with back to school in the air, etc. I love school supply lists-- have fun shopping :)

  2. Hi Lisa! I feel you so much on pulling your kids out of that preschool. We liked this one school back in 2018 for L and after I googled it and talked to some parents the consensus was: teachers are miserable, don't do it. As a teacher myself, I know how when you are undervalued really impacts your performance in the classroom. It never happened to me but just in general, how can a school treat their employees badly, then send them in to teach kids? It's mind-boggling to me.

    Duolingo... Yes, tried it for both German and Arabic. Was moderately successful with German, and Arabic, well, the writing got me.

  3. OMG, I am so excited for your trip. I hope you love it! I have said this a million times before but I do think the Canadian Rockies is the most beautiful spot on earth. Eeeee! Can't wait to hear all the deets (still sad I'm missing you though, so close, and yet so far.)
    Lots of transitions for your kids! I hope all goes well and it sounds like you made the right decision for Taco.
    I like Duolingo a lot and have been using it for Spanish. You are right, some of the things ARE weird (does my dog actually work with me in a factory?) but I have learned so much. Quiero beber vino! Lol.

  4. This is my first time commenting, but I'm a long time reader! I've used Duolingo for a couple of years now. I'm currently learning Italian and my daughter and I do the lessons together most nights. They do have a heavy emphasis on animals in the earlier lessons, but as someone who thought they were hopeless at languages (oof, high school Spanish and Latin), I am so proud of how I've progressed and what I can understand from a listening perspective. So sorry about your daycare troubles, but so glad you have an alternative in place.

  5. I made a face when you mentioned your coworker. GRRRRRR. But your trip to Canada sounds amazing! I hope you have such a great time!

    The preschool thing is so hard. My daughter went through something sort of similar with her first daycare. The infant room was great, but the staff complained bitterly about the management. And then when my daughter transitioned into the class for older kids, it was really upsetting -- the teachers seemed nice enough, but she would come home with soiled clothing and management was totally uninterested in our concerns. We ended up switching despite feeling really sad and worrying about the transition. And it was THE BEST. I ended up wishing that we'd switched her a long time ago. So I really hope that you find Taco's new school to be an even better situation than you could hope for! Transition is hard, though, even if it's a good transition.

    I have dabbled in Duolingo, but I just get bored with it, I guess, so I never progress very far. I wish I were more fluent in French! I took it for four years in high school and two years in college -- you'd think I would have a better grasp of the language than I do. My only strength is vocabulary. Forget about verb tense, LOL. But I love France as well -- my husband and I honeymooned in Paris and I have been to France several other times and would definitely go back. The entire country has so much to offer! I love your idea of getting a place there for a few months to really immerse in the culture.

    Have a FABULOUS vacation! I can't wait to hear all about it!

  6. Daycare stress is such a frequent problem for my friends with small children. Your kids are there for so many hours and it just needs to be a great fit. I'm so sorry you've been struggling with it, but hopefully it's a weight off your shoulders to have made a decision about it.

    I am a Spanish Duolingo fan and I've been surprised at how much it has helped me. Sure, you don't need to know how to say the cow opened the window, but you're learning sentence structure, so when they add vocabular to say the noun verbed the noun, you know what's going on! It's actually a cleverly designed app, although sometimes I wish the vocab were a bit more adult.

  7. Maybe you and your friends can take a trip to France as a get together in the next few years? That would combine multiple awesome things!

  8. daycare stress is the worst, and given the investment level, it is great that you were able to find a new spot. Have you read "my grape year" or the grape series? it's a self published memoir and really sweet about a woman's time in burgundy. highly recommend, and they are all easy reads (I get them through kindle unlimited).

  9. Ugh, that is stressful about daycare!!! Like you said- hopefully by January everyone will be settled and happy.
    Ive never used Duolingo but I’m starting to feel kind of left out! Maybe I should try to learn Spanish- it would actually help me a lot because there are a lot of Spanish speakers here.
    Enjoy your vacation!!!!!! I can’t wait to hear all about it and see lots of photos. This is Jenny by the way. Ive been blogging from my phone the last few days and it is ROUGH.

  10. I hope the trip is incredible (and you know I'm already petitioning for you to come to Nova Scotia next)...

    That daycare situation is the worst and I'm so sad you/the employees have to go through all this upheaval. I think you'll be very glad you've made the switch. The transition may be rough for a short time, but I'm sure Will will adjust quickly and you're stress levels about what's going on and worrying about the teacher treatment will be appeased. I'm hoping that you pulling Will (and maybe other parents doing the same) might send a message to the administration and they will get their act together and treat their staff with far more respect and dignity. It sounds truly horrible.

    We were so fortunate in finding an incredible preschool in our town (it's very small so people enroll their kids the DAY they are born to get a spot...and I always thought people that did that sort of thing were so pretentious/ridiculous and then we managed to send our kids there and it was just the most wonderful preschool imaginable and I wish my kids could still go there!!! It was home away from home for them, and the teachers truly loved all the children soooo deeply).

  11. I am so excited that you're meeting up with Amber again... I used to read her blog and was sad when she quit blogging. Hope you guys have a great time.

    And I do hope the transition to the new daycare will be going well for Taco. I am sure it's a big change, but kids often take these changes better than the adults ;)

  12. changing daycare is big decision but I feel strongly about trusting your instinct. any change brings challenges but they can be resolved quickly if it's just adjusting to the new environment. I'm sure the boys will do well.
    enjoy your trip with friends, those are the best, hope you won't have to work so you can focus on the moment and truly enjoy.

  13. As someone who worked in a daycare, I know firsthand what the politics behind-the-scenes can be like. Not having a supportive director can be BRUTAL. I've seen it all, unfortunately. Good for you on switching daycares to one that is more conducive to Taco/what you want!

    Give Amber a big hug from me! I really wish she was still blogging, wah.

  14. Have a great trip in Alberta!

  15. Ohhh, sorry you're having to switch daycares!! I know for a long time you were really happy with your place. And the switching and MORE transitions must be so stressful. But I know you wouldn't make a change unless it were really necessary, so I'm sure you're doing the right thing. And the timing does seem good, with "back to school" season almost upon us... you can just frame it like, new school for Paul and new school for Will! Woohoo! ;)

    Hope you're having the best time on your trip!! Don't feel guilty- work travel is not the same as personal travel! It's ok. And anyway it's not even a super long trip or anything, so the boys will be just fine. :) You'll be back before they know it! I hope you can recharge and reconnect and enjoy the beautiful scenery! I so want to go there someday... you'll have to give me some tips.

  16. I know this had to be a stressful time and decision with the school but it seems like the right one and a wise one, too. And now you can study French! YAY! Have a terrific time on you vacation with friends. you just can't beat that!

  17. I am so glad that you made the swap for Taco. I know it is not really what you wanted per se, and it will be difficult for him to switch, but I think in the long run (a) you/he will be happier and (b) it must be so nice to have that choice behind you! I know that here in the Bay Area it is SO difficult to get daycare, so I am glad you found a place!

    Aussi, comme tu vu, je peax practicar le francais avec toi! Mon francais c'est tres tres horrible, mais je peax essayer!

    Also! I still have that shirt! I guess it is either a really sturdy shirt or it's time to get rid of it, since that photo was 7 years ago! :)

  18. I am so sorry about the stress of the day care situation, but hope that Taco winds up in a program that is stable, supportive of its workers, and provides excellent care. Lots of transitions coming up, but you've got this.

  19. I'm so sorry that the daycare situation has been so stressful! Anything that negatively impacts your littles weighs heavy!!! I'm glad that you have been able to find good solutions! Work trips are work and you don't get downtime and you have to constantly be "on". This vacation trip I can't wait to read all about! I'm so excited that you get to enjoy hiking and time with Amber!!!

  20. I had to use a crappy daycare for 6 weeks before I could get Isla where I wanted her and it sucked. Specifically because the crappy daycare was at my place of employment and I saw how crappy it was! I am currently on a 163 streak on duolingo for Spanish. Isla made the switch this year to Spanish after dabbling in mandarin in elementary. I had taken Spanish for 4 years in high school and a semester in college so she and I both signed up over the summer for practice. I'm now addicted. I haven't gotten any animals in my sentences that is funny!
