Monday, May 13, 2024

Weekend Highlights + Misinterpreted Song Lyrics

Happy belated Mother’s Day to all who celebrate. I have mixed feelings about this holiday as my heart goes out to those who have lost a mom or long to be one. It’s a fine day but not something I have any expectations around which is good because I was woken at 5:30 by Paul and the boys were crabby and fought for the first part of the day… But there was some good stuff to offset that crappy start and Phil got me some hanging baskets for our front porch plus chocolate. 

- Paul came home from school with some Mother’s Day projects. I love these fill-in-the-blank forms. He did a great job although I have not done yoga for quite some time! I think he must think I am doing yoga in the basement when I do strength training or something! I am surprised he didn’t mention reading since we go to the library nearly every weekend and read so many books together!

I like to sleep… that is the truth, kid, so don’t wake me at 5:25 am

Smart as a cat - I like it!

- Now a random story for you: on Friday night, Phil and I watched an episode of John Mulaney’s new live show on Netflix which is quirky but something we both enjoy. The musical guest on the episode was Warren G which got us on the topic of concerts Phil had seen which got us on the topic of Naughty By Nature (one of the concerts he went to) and their songs, which got us to the song OPP. I was like - so that stands for ‘open private parts’ right? Phil was like WHAT IN THE WORLD! It stands for other peoples’ property! So we had a good laugh over that. 

- I ran around our local lake on Saturday and Sunday. Here’s a pic on the far end where there is a little sailboat marina and a band shell for live performances. Living walking/running distance from this area is such a delight, especially in the summer! I’ve been pleased to see my pace dip a bit now that the weather is warming up. I am always slower in the winter when I’m contending with stability on patches of snow and ice. I’m not targeting a certain pace but it’s nice to see my pace below 10 min/mile.

- Saturday was gorgeous so we went to the zoo with the other half of the population of the twin cities. Ha. We were there from 9:30-1 which is the longest we’ve stayed at the zoo! Friends came around 11 so we overlapped with them for a bit before grabbing some lunch and heading home. As much as I like the break that Taco’s nap gives us, I also look forward to a time when we don’t have to plan around it! The boys were especially excited about the baby farm animal exhibit and Paul loved the carousel. 

Checking out a cute baby goat

- On Sunday morning after my run I went to Target ALONE which is really the best gift. Paul needed some summer clothes as 5T pjs, shorts and shirts seem to be the gap in our extensive collection of hand-me-downs. So I bought him some Cat and Jack stuff which was pretty cheap. We have lots of C&J hand-me-downs that have been worn by 3-4 kids at this point and have held up remarkably well. 

- Phil took Paul to his mom’s for the afternoon on Sunday to help with some yard work so I stayed back with Taco. We went to the park after his nap and got ice cream. He loved playing in the sand. It was a hot afternoon - in the 80s! 

Today I have a 7am flight (uuuggghhh) to Dallas where I will stay until Wednesday. I’m hoping to take an earlier flight home so I can be home to watch Taco while Paul has T-ball. Tonight is his first night so Phil will have to make do without me. After this trip I am done traveling until mid-June. Hurrah!

How was your weekend? Are there song lyrics you’ve misunderstood/misinterpreted? Another song lyric I got was from Taylor Swift’s song Blank Space - I thought she was saying ‘got a lovely Starbucks lover’ but she is actually saying ‘got a long list of ex-lovers’ which I guess makes a bit more sense… 


  1. Okay, I 100% thought the same as you about the Taylor Swift lyric!! So...I learned something new this Monday morning :)

    You know I am all about alone time being my favourite gift as a mother. I didn't get any of that this year, but overall I get a lot more alone time now than I ever did so I wasn't overly fussed. I find Mother's Day a lot more relaxing as the kids get older. My expectations are low, and I just have a lot more control (generally) over how the day will progress. No one naps. No one needs help with feeding etc. I really enjoyed this Mother's Day!!! Even though at 7:30 pm after being with at least one child literally nonstop stop 7 am I was like I AM OFF DUTY. Put yourselves to bed. I will come tuck you in at some point but do not come asking me when. And, by the time I went in at 8 to tuck them in, the littlest was already sound asleep which never fails to make my heart just melt into a puddle...

  2. I love those forms, too! (Cam said that his mom was as nice as his dad, too! He also said he loved her more than Target and said "My Mom's age is 25." Sweet -- taking off a good decade! Wish someone would do that to me!

    It sounds like a wonderful weekend, though, with the holiday and Target and the run. That looks like a pretty big lake so well done! Cute kid pix, the zoo -- all good.

    OK -- the lyrics I never understood (and actually got into an argument about it and, of course, was wrong) was the Jardience commercial where she sings "lowering my A1C." I kept thinking she was singing "gonna raise my A1C" and was confused because even I know you want to keep that low! I was proven wrong by the closed captions (which I should have thought of before.) They have a new singer now and sometimes in my head I STill hear it wrong!

  3. Okay, first of all, I too thought the song was about Starbucks lovers, and when I googled it at the time to find out who sang it, I learned that I was not the only one!

    My mother has one of those forms that I filled out as a kid, framed on her wall, because it says something like "I love my mother because ... she is my mother and I love her and she tries so hard." I'm sure that last bit stung when I gave it to her! But for a long time, it has just made her laugh.

  4. Yes, Mother's Day can be tricky. You don't always get to spend it the way YOU want to. It definitely gets better as the kids get older. But when they're older you don't get those hilarious forms they filled out in school! I got some pretty "special" ones over the years... I should try and find them, I saved them somewhere!
    Overall it sounds like a nice weekend, and good luck with the travel today. I'll be happy for you when this trip is over and you can be at home for a while.

  5. If I were ruler of the universe I would do away with Mother’s Day. It wouldn’t be my first order of business but it would be on the list. 😂

    Yay for good weather and lots of outdoor time!

    I 100% have always sung “Starbucks lover” even though at some point I learned it was a mondegreen. But I cannot unhear it! The real lyric doesn’t sound right to me at all.

    Hope your travel goes well and you are able to make it home early.

  6. I thought it was lonely Starbucks lover and now I'm questioning my entire life.

    Mother's Day is very challenging for me and I just pretended it didn't exist for most of yesterday. LOL.

  7. I have lots of misheard song lyrics in my life! I vividly remember when a high school classmate explained what OPP meant. The second “P” is not for Property.

  8. The OPP misheard lyric made me laugh. My misheard lyric is the Macey Gray song, I Try, where I think she's saying "I wear goggles when you're not near" and it's "My world crumbles when you're not near." My aunt pointed it out to me one time many MANY years ago, and now I can't hear anything else!

    I'm glad you had a good Mother's Day and yes, keep those expectations LOW, lol. I love showering my mom with lots of love on this day because I know she had many, many years where things were hard when I was growing up.

  9. I love that Paul said you are as smart as cats! That is a high complement haha.
    My husband when he was young thought that the lyric “Raspberry Beret, the kind you find in a second hand store” by Prince, was “Rags, Miracle Rags, the kind you find in a second hand store”. It always makes me laugh to think of it!
    Yes Mother’s Day is low key for us too, and that’s fine! Glad you got some solo time, definitely a relaxing way to spend any Sunday, including Mother’s Day :)
    My youngest is dropping his nap right now, and I have such mixed feelings. Nice to open up flexibility in the day, but I’ll miss the mandatory down time it brought for me!

  10. John Mulaney has a new special? I'll have to look it up!
    I spent my Mother's Day in the car driving home from my parents', but my older son had made dinner (a vegan dinner!) and my younger son bought me a little garden tool for weeding, so I feel pretty happy.

  11. I also enjoy going to store alone, so much quieter and less stressful.
    glad to hear you are enjoying your runs with better weather. I am trying to stay positive with the heat and humidity, but some days is hard.
    I'm traveling for work tomorrow and already miss the family. sigh.....

  12. OPP - that song was very popular my senior year of college. The dance floor went crazy at the bar when that one came on. I am dying at your interpretation of those lyrics. WHAT ON EARTH? indeed. So funny.

    Ah, the zoo with half of the population of the surrounding area. I love when the weather gets nice enough to enjoy those things. Living so close to that lake and the band shell must be awesome in the summer.

    Mom is as nice as Dad. Well said, Paul. Those little forms are so funny. I mess up lyrics all the time, but I cannot think of an example, but I do remember a funny thing Ed wrote on his father's day car for Coach decades ago. "My Dad is a leg guy." This could be translated to Ed's dad likes ladies with long legs, but what he meant was that his dad fixed other people's limbs because he is a PT. The photo of stick figures didn't do much to clarify the thought. Hope your trip to Dallas is uneventful and your trip home has no delays.

  13. I love that you have such a beautiful area/path to run in your neighborhood. The lake looks lovely! And great job on your pace!

    I know the song "OPP" but have never really thought about what it stood for LOL but I am sure I've "misheard" or misinterpreted a lot of lyrics before.

  14. Lisa, I think Phil is wrong about the song too! I always thought that OPP meant "other people's p***y".

    Also I just looked it up and the lyrics say....
    As for the ladies, OPP means something gifted
    The first two letters are the same but the last is something different
    It's the longest, loveliest, lean- I call it the leanest
    It's another five letter word rhymin' with cleanest and meanest

    Also I have a sinking suspicion that Phil helped Paul with him Mom fill in the blanks. Mom is as nice as...Dad? Hahah!

  15. I'm with Kyria and Anonymous on what OPP means.
    I also thought it was "Starbucks lover"...people love their coffee, me included.

    You are SOOO lucky you can run (with RA). I'm just trying to stave off knee replacements for as long as possible. Diagnosed with OA in my 30's but didn't find out until recently that RA can cause early-onset OA too :/

  16. I have quite a few songs that I misinterpreted the lyrics for- but that was because of English being my second language. A song by Hall and Oats "Maneater" I thought they were singing "bandida" like a female bandit/badass LOL I think it was T who were like nope, man-eater. LOL

  17. I love the fill in the blank mother's day sheets. I still have mine from when C would do them! We had my Mom over for Mother's Day and MH fixed lunch for all of us, it was wonderful! Way to go on the running!!! This time of year I get a bit slower thanks to the heat and humidity! You really do have such gorgeous spaces for running!!!
