Friday, July 19, 2024


It's Friday and I'm not working! Hooray! Today was meant to be a shouldless day but it's going to be a shoudless half day instead as Taco's daycare is closing at 12:30. The closure is for a very sad reason, though. One of the co-owners, who is 2 years younger than me, sadly passed away from breast cancer a couple of weeks ago and her memorial service is this afternoon. We got to know this co-owner so well as she filled in last winter when the director position was open. Taco ADORED her and she made drop-off so easy since Taco was happy to hang with her. We just saw her earlier this summer at a family event and while we suspected she had cancer since she has always worn a head covering, we had no idea she was so ill. 

A book I am reading this week is ‘Summer Romance' by Annabel Monaghan. This is my second book by this author and I am loving it. I opted to skip her 2023 release as it seemed like infidelity was featured in the plotline (a woman runs into her high school boyfriend while touring a wedding venue with her fiance). Folks, I am not here for infidelity plotlines unless they adequately show how much they can blow up someone's life (see Nicole's post from this week that includes books where infidelity is handled well). To be clear, to my knowledge I have never been cheated on so this doesn't stem from PTSD in my own life. But I've seen it in others' relationship and it is almost always terrible, plus as an enneagram 1 my thinking around cheating is black and white. *steps off soap box* But this novel does not feature infidelity and it's been a delightful read so far. I like that Monaghan's protagonists tend to be women in their 40s. 

The high of my week was my work trip! This time I traveled with another woman that I work with which rarely happens. We had so much fun at dinner and enjoyed wine at the airport bar on the flight out and again on our return. Our meeting also went really well so I am optimistic about the outcome of that meeting. And I was gone for barely 18 hours so it was a very quick trip. Quick trips can be tiring but I traveled last week and travel again next week so was glad I only had to miss one morning/bedtime.

The low of my week was losing power for the weekend for 36 hours. Our power went out at 1am on Saturday night during a huge, loud storm. It did not come back on until Monday afternoon. I still went for my 7 mile run on Sunday morning even though we had Florida-like conditions, I had only eaten a banana with peanut butter because that was the only GF breakfast-like food available (because I did not want to open the fridge to increase the chances that the food would go bad), and I did not have coffee (because no power). And then I came back from what was my worst run in many years to a warm, muggy house. We spent the afternoon at my MIL's suburban home so we could enjoy the A/C but we all slept in our guest room in the basement on Sunday night and wow that did not go well. Taco is so reliant on a white noise machine so getting him to fall asleep without one was A PROCESS. Plus I had to present on the national sales call on Monday which means I had to look camera-ready and presentable. I did a lot of fanning of my face with a book that morning to keep coolish so as not to sweat my make up off. Taco touched my skin that morning after I was showered and ready and asked if I had gone for a run…

A show we are watching is season 2 of Welcome to Wrexham. Admittedly we don't LOVE it, but it's good enough to keep watching. I like that the shows are 30 minutes long which is the sweet spot for me. I've also watched most of The Bear - I have 2 episodes left! I've heard mixed reviews but I am liking this season overall.

For workouts I ran 3 miles on Tuesday morning before work, did a lower body strength training workout on Wednesday in my hotel room, and I will do my long 7-7.5 miles this morning since it’s going to be nice and cool! I am nervous for this long run after how horrible the last one went. Hopefully being properly fueled and caffeinated plus cooler temps helps!!

The best money spent was on a water pik during Prime days. I kind of hate Prime days because of the consumerism vibe around those days kind of raises my hackles. And yet, one of the posts with the best deals prompted me to buy a water pik. So I am part of the problem. But I did get it for half off and I am hoping the addition of a water pik will make future cavities less likely (I've had 2 in the last year!). Plus flossing has been so painful due to the flare in my right pointer finger. I try to adjust how I floss so I don't use that figure but it's just awkward to floss using your thumb and middle fingers. 

My plans this weekend include not much! This morning I will take it easy after my run and either read or watch the last 2 episodes of the The Bear before picking Taco up from daycare around noon. It's going to be a beautiful day so we are going to the zoo for the afternoon. Paul got a solo trip to the zoo with me in June so I figured Taco should get one, too. I'm hoping to take the boys to the pool on Saturday afternoon. On Sunday, I plan to run 4 miles and then we are going to Phil's friend's house on a lake in the afternoon for a gathering of high school friends. 

Bonus photo:

How cute is this flamingo in the Tampa airport? I did not get to see Stephany since I was there for about 18 hours (I literally flew in for 1 meeting but it was a BIG meeting).

Bath time shenanigans. Ignore the dingy water. Boy do the kids get dirty in the summer. And yes, the loud environment notification went off during this bath, as usual.
A beautiful Thursday night at the goose house!

How was your week? Do you have a water pik? If you are a runner, how do you bounce back from a epically bad training run? 


  1. I very nearly bought a Waterpik during Prime Days! I use these flosser picks which are both expensive and wasteful, so a Waterpik would be a good investment, but ultimately I decided we just don't have enough space for it in our 1960s bathroom. Maybe they'll get me during the next Prime Days :).

  2. I also have mixed feelings around Prime days, but if there is something that you need, well, it's a good way to get a discount. I also feel this way about Black Friday and Boxing Day. Someone had said something to me about Black Friday in a very disparaging way, but my mom does all the shopping for her church's adopt-a-family, and she always gets great deals on Black Friday, and is able to buy way more with the budget she is given. So yes, consumerism, but also, we do need things in life and if you can get them for less than why not?
    Ugh, your power outage sounds dreadful. It's so hot here but I am not complaining because a) it's a dry heat, and b) WE HAVE AIR CONDITIONING. I get things done early in the day and then I retreat to the shady deck or the air conditioned house. I cannot imagine living without it, honestly. We keep the temp to 24 C, which takes the edge off without feeling cold.
    I loved Monaghan's first book and really didn't like her second, so I am interested to see how I feel about her third. I'm on the hold queue at the library for it, probably will get it in a month or so, I'm guessing.

  3. LOL he asked if you went for a run right after you got dressed-- that sounds terrible, Losing power with kids is worse than just plain old losing power. Agree on Monaghan's first book being better than her second and also like Nicole, I am languishing in line for it.

  4. That is very sad about the daycare owner's passing at such a young age. Loss is so hard and in young people, well, it's just such a heavy time.

    I'm with you on books with an infidelity theme. Not my cup of tea. The power outage sounds awful, of course. Hooray for a great work trip. I run, but never 7 miles. I usually run 4.5 miles every other day, and by run - I mean that I'm very VERY slow. I ran in SC yesterday when it was already a bit hot for my liking. I missed a turn coming back to the house and ended up running 4.75 miles and thought I was going to die. I love the pics of the boys in the tub. Did I miss something? What is the goose house?

  5. I'm here for Prime Day when it's for something good. For example, last year I replaced my really old Kindle. This year there was nothing that I wanted so I opted out.

    Let's talk cheating! I agree with you - it's not cool, it hurts people, I wouldn't want it to happen to me, and it's not something that I'm interested in doing. So yes, there is a right way and a wrong way to talk about it. I kind of cringe about the way that I wrote about watching the Ashley Madison documentary with my husband - it was a fun watch for us, but would probably be much less so for a couple that had experienced infidelity..

  6. My periodontist doesn't recommend a Waterpik for me for reasons, but I have a messed up right thumb and flossing can be sort of challenging, so I do understand why you would get one. It would make everything so much easier if I could!

    This week has been really weird and surreal and honestly, it's just going to continue to be that way until next Tuesday when I hope things get back to normal.

  7. I'm guessing your run today was great! Sometimes it takes a really bad run to make us appreciate the good ones. Caffeine, fuel, and cooler weather sounds like a recipe for success. I want to hear all about it!
    Your power outage sounds like a nightmare. You must have been SO happy when it came back!
    I'm still upset that your should-less day was cut in half... but we can't really complain under the circumstances. I hope you guys had fun at the zoo!

  8. What a sad news. She must not old right? It's heart breaking to have someone you know to go through this.
    I am reading Nicole's recommended book (leaving), I have mixed feelings about infidelity as It's a complex topic and the reason for infidelity varies a lot across couples. The book Nicole recommended is very enjoyable, I'm 40% into it. I also have in my TBR list the summer romance for my trip.
    I saw you had a great long run! YAY! isn't it great to run in cooler weather, it makes it such a big difference.

  9. That's a long time to be without power. UGH. Glad all is back. I have to start the new season of The Bear but waiting till Rick and I can watch it together. All in all, sounds like a pretty good week!

  10. That is so sad about the daycare co-owner. So young! Cancer is so awful.

    You met Phoebe! That's our airport flamingo. There was a naming contest and that's the name that won, and I love seeing her when I'm at TPA.

    That power outage sounds AWFUL. OMG. That is so long to be without power!

  11. I'm so sorry about the power outage! I know that it's miserable!!! When I was training for my half I think most of my longer runs were kind of miserable and I questioned why I was putting myself through it. Then I ran the half marathon and really questioned myself!!! I've been focused on training in heart rate zone 2 for the past few weeks and that has brought back enjoyment to my running. I have struggled with running with various injuries over the past couple of years and I kept reminding myself while I trained for the half that I was fortunate to be able to keep training since injury had been such a factor. I know making sure that strength training is a part of my routine has made a big difference. I'm with you on books that have infidelity, I avoid them. I have Kindle Unlimited and I've found some great new authors but I have also had several books that I've returned b/c I didn't like the style or it just dragged too much.

  12. Meanwhile, I'm thinking, oh, man, how much would it stink to have to replace everything in the fridge! Everything about a power outage is miserable - regardless of whether it's winter or summer, since they rarely happen when it's *nice* outside! - but losing food on top of the rest of it? Bleargh...
    Your work trip sounds amazing! I think you've had 2 great ones in a row... hope the next one made it 3!
