Monday, September 23, 2024

Weekend Recap

It’s the last week of September. I am actually not terribly sad to see this month come to an end because it’s been intense. I leave for another work trip today. It’s my 3rd week of traveling in a row which is TOO MUCH. I get a 2 week break after this thank goodness. This week’s trip is a team offsite in Chicago so a short flight and lower pressure since I won’t have any in-person client meetings. But there is often pressure to socialize and stay out late with the team but I have decided I will not be doing that. I’m secure in my position within the team and do not need to be the most fun person. 

We had a nice weekend. I took Friday off as I had a friend who was in town for work. I hadn’t seen her in person for almost 7 years when I visited her in St. Louis when I was pregnant with Paul! I picked her up at her hotel, we went out for Mexican, walked around the lake by my house, and then I took her to the airport. This is a friend I met through blogging (who sadly no longer blogs) but despite not seeing each other for many years, we picked right up where we left off and gabbed for hours straight. 

Since it was so beautiful, Phil took Paul to the driving range when he got home from school.

I picked up Taco and when we got home, I pulled out his Halloween costume since he has been asking to try it on. The boys are VERY excited for Halloween. They will probably wear their costumes a lot before the actual holiday. 

Taco will be Chase from Paw Patrol which is a hand-me-down from Paul

Paul is going as Pikachu

I woke up on my own at 6:45 on Saturday which was delightful! The boys slept past 7! It was a rainy morning so we hit up Starbucks for treats…

A donut for Paul (from the grocery store next door) and a raccoon-shaped cake pop for Taco. I hate how expensive the cake pops are but it evens out since Paul’s donut (from the grocery store next door) is cheap.

Is there something on my face? ;)

Then we went to the library where Paul lobbied to check out all of these books. He actually had a few more he wanted to check out but we settled on 5. He is very into graphic novels and will read them over and over again. He gets to read when he goes up to bed every night and I have to pry the book out of his hands! I let him read later on weekends since he can sleep in a bit. 

After lunch and quiet time, the rain had moved out so I took the boys to the park. They had a blast running around and pretended a pine tree was their house where they made croissants (pine cones) - I think they got this idea from Bluey.

They slept past 7 again on Sunday (although Taco yelled for me at 5:40 to cover him with blankets and I didn’t fall back asleep like he did). I laid in bed until 6:30, though, which felt good. 

Sunday was our usual church + Sunday school + afternoon swimming lessons. Phil and the boys watched the first half of the Vikings game before swimming lessons while I rested. The Vikings won and are 3-0 which is shocking to us as we thought this would be another ‘rebuilding season.’ The boys are both progressing well in swimming lessons although I imagine both will repeat their level, which is fine. I do sometimes wonder if we should enroll Paul in private lessons to see if he’d advance to a level of more comfort and then we could put him back in group. But I am seeing progress in him willingly putting his face in the water.

Paul working on the front crawl

Taco working on his front crawl

When we got home, Phil took them to the park so I could start making dinner. I made a marina with blitzed veggies hidden in it. I had mine on spaghetti squash and boys had theirs on pasta.

And then after Taco was in bed, we played Paul’s new favorite game, ‘bank.’ He is very good at counting out money and likes the made up withdrawals we come up with. We make up names and amounts we will withdraw. He’s very interested in money so I guess the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree!

How was your weekend? 


  1. What a cozy recap this was, Lisa! It made me smile and think about when my kids were that age, going to the library and park and playing little games. We did enroll one son in private swim lessons but he was older than your kids, and I wish we had done it earlier. So I'm here to say - now would be a good time! The one-on-one was great for him, and both of my boys are good swimmers now. Wow, that is a lot of travel for you! I hope your trip goes well this week.

  2. I agree with Nicole that this does sound cozy - the costumes and the swimming and the Starbucks. Waking up to a kid yelling for a blanket at 5:40 sounds less cozy, but overall, what a great weekend.
    I have had two sick kiddos and one is still sick. Our son never gets us in the night...except when he's sick. So I've had three very disturbed sleeps in the last week which I don't love, but such is life.
    I hope your travel goes well and I'm glad you get a break after this. It's also great that you're confident of your place in the team. That's a nice place to be; you can be more authentic with your personality. Clearly you knock work stuff out of the park, but I'm sure there is pressure to be extroverted which is EXHAUSTING! So nice to be able to lean out of those extracurricular social things and know it won't negatively impact your career.

  3. Yay for a great weekend. I'm OK with September being done.

    Shudder...I remember the late nights "socializing" for work. The "socializing" part is that I really didn't have anything in common with those people...Ok fine I flat out didn't like them and I liked them even less at 9 at night.

  4. It sounds like a lovely family weekend. The boys are getting so big and looking so cute. LOVE the Halloween costumes. Good luck on your travel. It's nice to feel as comfy in your work as you do (even f the travel gets a little old at times.)

  5. The boys are SO CUTE in their Halloween costumes!!! And Paul is so cute with his love of reading and money, ha. He's a little banker with his glasses on!
    I love the idea of September, but our weather is so terrible that I can't help looking longingly ahead to October. I hope your travel goes smoothly this week- that does sound like a lot, and I'm glad you're getting a break soon!

  6. We need to bring your old blogging friends back into the fold. Why aren't they still blogging? Don't they know how cool we all are?!

    Ha ha. Paul playing bank is killing me. I NEVER played bank. It's so funny how personalities emerge early.

  7. I know this is crazy, but Taco looks like he is a lot bigger even since I was there! They grow so quickly! I assume you are talking about Nora and hope that you guys had fun! I bet she's got some stories to tell as I think on of her kiddos graduated recently (?)

    My weekend was okay. I spent it riding, which was good but it did rain a little which was not good and I hate trying to get lodging on the weekends as things are often booked and/or expensive. I ended up camping both nights in the end, which was okay but again, rain... Also I'm getting a little tired of having to plan a route and a place to stay every day. However I am almost done with that, so I am trying to enjoy the other parts too!

  8. What a happy, full weekend! I love that Paul is so into reading. Both boys look so cute in their Halloween costumes! The bank game is perfection. He is going to be a math whiz!

  9. Oh, I so remember the anticipation of Halloween and the costume discussion. Your travel schedule sounds less than ideal. Chicago, you say? wink, wink. I know you're too busy to meet up, but maybe another time. It's great that Paul loves to read so much that you have to pry the books from his hands. Readers are leaders.

  10. Oh, your boys look super happy in all these photos. So cute and I love their costumes. My kids always loved getting dressed up when they were younger. Your travel sounds brutal at the moment, hopefully things will settle soon.

  11. It's so nice that Phil gets to play golf with his boys in the future. What a bounding experience that will be. Our weekend was packed, especially sunday for birthday celebration for Sofia which Ihaven't had time to write about.

  12. The boys are getting so big!! And how cute they both are. We have that exact same costume of Chase lol from two years ago. This year R is going as Bumblebee (Transformer) and L is still undecided: a cat, a Mexican ghost, a mermaid?... She'd better decide soon. ;)
    I love that the boys play golf with Paul, totally their "thing" in the future!
    Our weekend was uneventful... Gymnastics, piano, cleaning, groceries... Some rest, a movie...

  13. I saw that Nora was in Mpls and was hoping you guys would meet up! It's amazing how we can still pick up where we left off with them. <3

    I was at the library with Mikaela and her girls a few weeks ago and saw two little girls in the children's section who were so excited to pick out books and it made my heart melt! I love that Paul is turning out to be the same. <3

    OMG the bank game cracks me up! Paul is certainly the child of two finance nerds (and I say that with the MOST love!!!).

  14. Can Paul count your change to you when you buy something? I mean, THAT is a lost art, and good for making sure you know how much the different coins and bills are worth.

    I love that they will get good use out of their costumes! That makes it feel a lot better, since those things ain't cheap.

    I'm glad you got to hang out with a friend recently. Sorry there has been so much work travel. I've never had to do a lot of that, thankfully, because I don't really enjoy it. Except for the not having to cook and do household chores part, THAT part is fine. The last time I had to travel for work, they gave us 2 optional things we could do on our own time. I was really happy with mine. One was a volunteer gig (food bank I think? It's been 6 years) and the other was a massage at the hotel spa. NICE, right? That and getting together with coworkers that I only know online were the fun parts. The boring parts were the meetings. Snore.

  15. Aww, I gleaned from the commments that you were able to connect with Nora (whose blog I also used to read and miss). So fun.

    And I love the boys in their costumes. Oh to be a kid again at Halloween time (although I never really liked to dress up as a kid, tbh LOL).

  16. This seems like a perfect weekend and as your posts often do, made me nostalgic for when the boys were younger and this is more how my weekends looked! I know it's not an easy time, at all, but there's so much sweet stuff in there, too. And I spy one of Asher's shirts- he LOVED that blue/grey striped shirt and I feel like I have so many pics of him in that one!!! :) :)
