My week off got off to a great start last week as I went to the Adele concert with a good friend on Tuesday night. I've been a huge Adele fan for years, so I was so excited to go to her concert. She put on an absolutely amazing show! I would definitely see her in concert again!
Not the best photo, but it was tough to take photos during the concert. In this picture, Adele is center stage and her orchestra is playing behind her. |
On Wednesday morning, I was up bright and early and drove up to my parents' lake home. My Chicago brother and his family had arrived the day before, so I got them to myself for about a day which was nice.
I was hoping to be a bit more active during my vacation, but at my Tuesday PT appointment, I was told that I need to stop biking and using the elliptical for a couple of weeks as my range of motion isn't improving enough and I might be developing tendinitis in my hip flexor. Le sigh. So I only went for one walk and did my PT exercises every day. #lame
My niece, Anna, kept me company while I did my PT exercises. I taught her how to do bridges. |
It was great spending time with my niece and nephew. I wish we lived closer to each other but living far apart just makes me appreciate the time I get to spend with them!
Kolin and me |
Besides soaking up lots of family time, I also ate lots of good food. My sister-in-law made homemade tortilla chips on the grill - I'll definitely be making some in the future when I have leftover corn tortillas!
My sister-in-law Emily, (wo)manning the grill |
The delicious Mexican meal we enjoyed on Thursday night! |
There were also card games...
My dad looks angry in this photo but I swear he was having fun! |
...bean bag toss...
....time with my sister (who has been mistaken as my twin in the past)...
...and time with this guy!
This was the longest stretch that I have spent at the lake in quite a long time, and it was just what the doctor ordered! Of course, the weekend ended on a sour note as my car broke down 20 minutes into my drive home. I found out on Monday that the transmission is shot and the cost of repairing it exceeds the value of the car, so I will be buying a new car this week. Womp, womp. But despite that crappy end to the week, it was still a wonderful week off!
Your vacation sounds LOVELY and I'm so happy you got to spend so much time with family. <3
I wish I had taken more pictures last weekend! I didn't get any of all the grandkids that were there together - bummers! It is always so great to have family gathered together!
Good luck car hunting! You won't have the luxury of taking your time hunting but feel confident you will find one. I am excited to see what you pick!
Looks like such a wonderful week off! So glad you could spend time with ALL your family at the lake. Sucky way to end it but I guess it's a good thing it happened at the END of your week off and not the beginning or middle as that may have really soured the whole week! Can't wait to see what car you end up picking out!
You know, a week at the lake house like that sounds absolutely wonderful. I wouldn't mind spending a week like (even better if spent with family :)).
I am also happy you got to see Adele in concert. How cool!
Sorry about your car. That always sucks (transmission problems are the worst).
Tortilla chips on the grill is a delicious idea!
It looks like a wonderful and relaxing time. I always wish I knew how to play card games but I didn't really learn any other than go fish and uno when I was a kid.
I'm still jealous that you got to see Adele!
GIRL. I hear you on the car woes :( :(
I'm feeling extra broke these days.
Good thing you had such good food for the soul at the lake!
Looks like fun!
Glad you were able to get away and enjoy some quality family time. Plus, how could you beat the awesome lake weather.
I'm so sorry about the car! The tortilla chips from the grill look awesome!!! I'm so sorry you've had to dial it back on the elliptical and biking :( I love spending time with family!!! Glad you and Phil were able to get a few days together at the lake!!!
Glad to hear you had a great time with your family :-) You and your sister do look a lot alike. Sorry to hear about the transmission - that's no fun!
That looks like a lot of fun! I think that I often cram a lot into one vacation, but it is nice to have a few days of relaxing and not having to worry about planning things or to wonder where you are going next... I also took the week of the fourth off and went up to Oregon and then drove to Kings Canyon, which was a lot of driving but otherwise such a great time with lots of outdoor adventures.
Sorry to hear about your car, but that thing really gave you a lot!! I think it's gone happily off to the little prairie in the sky to run around with the other cars... Your new ride is sweet! It will be so nice to have modern conveniences...sometimes you don't even know you missed them until you have them and they are so great! I have satellite radio right now (free for first year) and it's fabulous!
Great recap!!! Such a wonderful weekend. Love being home so much.
Sounds perfect to me, Lisa (apart from your car). Nothing beats time with family (and a special guy) -- time at the lake, time to relax, just to be. Four star.
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