Good morning and happy Monday! It's a chilly morning (34F) here but we are coming off a weekend of beautiful weather! So the cooler temps feel tolerable since I know there can't be that many more cold mornings left this spring - I hope. I thought a "coffee date" style of catch up would be a good approach for this last Monday of my maternity leave!
If we were having coffee (or your morning beverage of choice!) today, I'd tell you that...
- The weather was so beautiful here this weekend. Paul spent so much time outside which is so good for all of us! He went to the park both days and played in our backyard quite a bit on Sunday. I wasn't able to spend as much time with him outside since it makes sense for me to focus on Will and Phil to focus on Paul. But I'm looking forward to a time when Will's awake windows are longer so I can come with to the park! He can only handle about 1.5 hours of awake time right now but that will extend to 2 hours around 5 months.
- I am feeling good about my return to work this week. I think 20 weeks of maternity leave is the sweet spot for me. I didn't feel ready at 12 or 16 weeks, but in the last couple of weeks, I have felt ready. I am very lucky that I was able to take 20 weeks with both boys. My company provides 16 weeks, fully paid, and then I use 4 weeks of vacation time to extend it. I've really enjoyed my time at home with Will but he's at a stage now where he is very interested in people around him so I think he will love watching the other kids at daycare, especially the older ones (his room is infant through 18 months). I also think he will do ok with being cared for by someone else. He was totally fine being held by my parents last weekend at the lake even though he hadn't seen them since he was born (which he clearly has no memory of!). He put out his lower lip initially when I handed him off to my mom but then was all smiles. The teachers at our daycare are so amazing so I know he'll thrive under their care. We are going there this morning to meet his teacher/tour his room so that will help me feel even more ready for him to start daycare.
Will I miss this cutie? Absolutely! But it will make me really appreciate the time I do get with him on evenings and weekends. |
- Returning to work the second time around is just less overwhelming overall and it helps that I know I am meant to be a working mom. I had a very hard time during months 5-10 with Paul so I ended up taking every other Friday off for about 3 months to get some extra time with him. That is also the time period when Paul was dealing with ear infections and needed to get tubes. He slept so terribly so I am sure that contributed to my struggle. But now I know that if I start to have a hard time, it's temporary. I wish women were more open about the conflicting emotions they feel. I felt like other working moms didn't feel like this, but when I was on the other side of that struggle, I mentioned it to a couple of moms I work with and they said they went through the exact same thing! So I try to be very open about the struggle I had with other new moms in case they experience the same thing and want someone to talk to.
- I was cleared by my pelvic floor PT to do 15 minutes of 1 minute running/30 second walking intervals. It's a very gradual return to running but I would rather play it safe and make sure my body is ready for it. Pregnancy and C-sections are hard on a woman's body but now that I know I'm never going to be pregnant again (HOORAY!!) I want to return to running smartly so I stay injury free. I can also start the 21 Day Fix Beach Body program but she wants me to modify to the lower impact exercises and avoid the crunching ab work until my ab separation is resolved. But I am excited to be able to do some REAL workouts. I have loved walking during maternity leave but am feeling the itch to do more cardio. I'm hoping that by the fall I will be able to maybe do a 10k. We'll see what I am feeling ready for!
Sunday morning run/walk selfie! Phil watched the boys so I was out on my own which felt AMAZING! |
- We are having William's baptism this weekend! Since my parents are coming to watch Will for my first 2 days back at work, it made sense to have the baptism this weekend. The church caps baptism attendance at 10 people, so it will just be our family of 4, my parents, Phil's mom, and the Godparents. All of the adults are fully vaccinated so they will come back to our house afterwards for lunch. I am doing a very low key "barbecue" style of baptism lunch with grilled burgers and brats, potato salad, fruit salad, chips and salsa, and bars and cookies for dessert. Plus that is food that pretty much everyone likes! Plus with our long winters, us Minnesotans LOVE grilled food since our grilling season is so short.
- I'm on edge about what this week will bring in Minnesota. Sadly we are back in the headlines for another police shooting that occurred last week. Plus closing arguments will happen today in the Chauvin trial - the jury will probably start deliberation tomorrow. I hope and pray that Chauvin is convicted. Phil and I feel like it is extremely unlikely he will get off but you never know. I'm hoping today is the only day Phil will work downtown because things could get bad if Chauvin gets off. I know our city has a lot of plans for how to handle things, though. I just don't want a repeat of what happened last summer when our city was literally on fire.
- I just finished an excellent book last night called "The Nine Lives of Rose Napolitano." It's a "Sliding Doors" kind of book about the different paths the protagonist's life that hinges on whether or not she had a child. It was extremely well done and I had the hardest time putting it down!
I would of course want to know how YOU are doing! I'd want to know what you are reading and watching, whether you've been vaccinated, and how you are feeling overall. So please share in the comments!