Monday, October 14, 2024

Weekend recap

We had a beautiful fall weekend! The temps have cooled off but it’s still beautiful during the day which is my favorite. 

On Friday Phil took Paul to the driving range after school since it was so nice outside. I met a former colleague that still works in the same industry as me for coffee before getting Taco from daycare.

Taco had been waking at night last week, probably because of the cough he picked up at daycare, but he slept through the night on Friday night and was up at 6:30! Phew! I needed a solid night of uninterrupted sleep. Once Phil was up for the day I headed out for a 6 mile run. I signed up for a 10k race on Thanksgiving morning so I plan to maintain 6ish mile weekend runs. 

One of the paths I ran on. I’m lucky that most of my runs are on dedicated run/walk paths.

Then the boys and I headed to the library where we ran into friends. The boys enjoyed playing with the camping toys. 

After lunch I had to pull data for work again - last time for awhile (hopefully) as my colleague who took this task over from me last spring is back this week. Then I laid down and took a monster 2 hour nap while Paul had screen time and Phil and Taco went to his mom’s. I have felt so tired lately and a couple of nights of Taco waking did not help so I really needed this solid nap. I so want to be a person that doesn’t need naps. But the reality is that I do between this demanding stage of parenting, my RA, and my intense schedule at work. 

We walked/scooted to the park that afternoon. The weather was gorgeous! 

Then after dinner it was time to head to the Pumpkin Spectacular at the zoo. This is an annual tradition for us and we had so much fun!!

There was a zoo employee taking photos so we got a non-selfie together!

Taco had a good day at Nana’s, too. They went to Costco where he basically wanted everything. 

All that fresh air, excitement, and movement meant everyone slept well. I slept until 7 and was the first one up! I went to bed with a sore throat so my body is clearly fighting something off, hence allll the extra sleep I seem to need. 

The boys were resistant to going to Sunday school so I got them out the door by enticing them with a Halloween scavenger hunt. We looked for a ghost, spiderweb, witch, pumpkin, cat, and skeleton. We managed to find and take pictures of everything! The ghost was the hardest to find.

It took much cajoling to get the kids out of the house for swimming lessons, too. Actually cajoling was really the word of the day for most interactions with Taco… Both boys are making good progress in lessons. 

This is a short week for Paul and me as we fly to DC to visit my sister and her family for fall break! I haven’t seen her since last September so we are long overdue for a visit!!

How was your weekend?

Friday, October 11, 2024

TGIF + so many appointments

Whew the word of the week in our house has been appointments! The boys had dentist appointments on Monday, I had a flu shot appointment on Tuesday morning (which was obv brief) and also had a twice-rescheduled haircut Tuesday afternoon, and then Paul had another doctor appointment Thursday morning. I never realized how much time I would spend making and attending appointments  - both for myself and my children. And yes, Phil can take the boys to appointments and has in the past but I prefer to handle them since I tend to have the questions/be the worrier. Of course now that I am traveling quite a bit, there are fewer days of the month to fit appointments in so of course they tend to get clumped together.

So TLDR; it's been a week. Here’s what else we did!

A book I am reading this week is ‘Shark Heart’ which is my selection for our October book club (which is being held the first week of November because - you guessed it - I’m traveling the last week of October when we typically meet). It follows Newlyweds who discover that the husband is turning into a great white shark… which is clearly bananas - but it works! 

The high of my week was going for a nice walk through the neighborhood with Taco to look at decorations. I made up a scavenger hunt (for a spider, witch, pumpkin, ghost, and skeleton). Paul had soccer that night so it was a nice 1:1 evening which is my favorite. 

We found a Mickey in a coffin which he was confused by. 

This was his favorite house!

The low of my week was dealing with a LUNATIC driver on my way to Paul’s appt on Thursday morning. Traffic on the freeway was especially heavy as there was an accident - and yet this woman was riding my *ss to the extent that she set off the beeping ‘you are too close to something’ sensor that I typically only hear when I get too close to something when backing up. It was so stressful and resulted in me swearing and making gestures to the lunatic behind me. WHAT IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE!! Now I just have to hope that Paul does not repeat the words that came out of my mouth that morning… 

For workouts I have done nothing. Usually I fit weekday workouts in on my WFH days after Phil leaves with the boys for school. But all these appointments mean I lost that time slot this week. Womp womp. I'll get back on track next week, though. I do plan to run 5-6 miles this weekend. 

A show we watched was several episodes of The Receiver on Netflix which is a sport doc about wide receivers/tight ends in the NFL. Sports docs are one of the few types of shows that Phil and I both enjoy. Even though I am the least sporty person, I love watching/following sports!

The best money spent was on my haircut and color! I took a good 3-4"+ off because my hair was feeling overly long. I might have gotten a bit too aggressive but I was putting my hair up in a ponytail so much so that's a sign that it's time to lose some length. Here's a very dorky picture of me the day after the cut. Taco's daycare asked for pictures of parents at work to display in their classrooms so my colleague snapped this photo of me! You can see my cube is not at all personalized... but I do have pictures of the boys that are out of the view of this shot. I have their pictures displayed so they show up on zoom calls to give people a sense of the fact that I'm a finance nerd - and a mom of small kids!

As a point of contrast, this was my hair one month ago - this is a picture I took for a 'what I wear when I travel' post that I have yet to write... 

My plans this weekend include laying low tonight, as usual. Tomorrow I plan to run then take the boys to the library while Phil grocery shops. In the afternoon, Phil will take Taco to his mom's house. Paul and I are going to a pumpkin carving event at the zoo so we figured it was best for Taco to be out of the house so it's not so apparent to him that he's not included... I will take him next year, though. I did not see it going well if I brought him this year as I prefer to do this event without a stroller since it's such a busy event with lots of people along the trail and I envisioned him potentially running off at some point. All that said, I'm excited to go with Paul! It will be our 3rd year in a row of going! We have no plans on Sunday besides church/Sunday school and swimming lessons (which is plenty for the day anyways!). 

How was your week? Have you encountered lunatic drivers recently? Do you feel like the number of lunatics on the road has increased substantially since the pandemic?? 

Monday, October 7, 2024

Weekend recap

Marathon weekend is in the books! I love how excited the Twin Cities gets for the marathon. So many people come out to cheer the runners on. It’s such a well-spectated course. Here’s how the weekend shaped up.

On Friday I logged off a bit early to take Paul to his first chess club meeting at school at 4. Another dad organized a club at school and there were 32 kids there! We walked over there since it was such a nice day (inspired by Elisabeth's walking club) and I stayed to help out even though I don’t actually know how to play chess. I guess I will learn by volunteering. When we got there, I saw one of the kids that bullied Paul last week at his after school program and wow did I want to give him a talking to. Paul has brushed it off quickly and said one of the kids apologized to him. I’m a bit slower to forgive and forget…

Saturday I was awoken by Taco yelling for me but at least it was 6:30 so not too early. I entertained the boys until Phil was up and then headed out for a windy 5 mile run. Then I took the boys to Target where I needed to grab a few things and Once Upon a Child where we purchased winter coats for both boys and 2 pairs of snow pants for Paul for a total of $58. I feel like Elisabeth would have probably paid a fraction of this amount at her thrift store but it was still far cheaper than buying everything brand new. Now we are all set for when winter arrives (hopefully months from now!!). The boys were NOT GREAT on this shopping excursion. They were so loud and kept running away from me. I must admit I was staring a bit longingly at other parents out with their quiet daughters… I know some girls can be wild, but usually when I see parents out with their daughters, they tend to be so calm and compliant! 

Enjoying some cake pops at the SBUX at Target. The sugar probably doesn’t help their behavior but it’s a small treat and something they really enjoy. I got a grande skinny vanilla latte!

Some of my coworkers were out on PTO so for the first time in many months I had to pull data for our weekly newsletter and write the column for the taxable fixed income section (taxable fixed income (bonds whose interest is taxed) is my area of expertise). It is a pretty brief column - certainly less than 1,000 words - and yet it took me over an hour to write it. I used to write it weekly years ago but rarely write it anymore and wow I am out of practice. The guy that usually writes it is back this week so I will be reminding him how grateful I am that he writes this commentary. I bet he does it in less than 30 minutes!!

Having to work meant I lost my nap slot as we left for Phil’s friend’s house shortly after I was done working. The winds calmed so it was a beautiful afternoon. Our friends have a son around Taco’s age and the 3 boys played so well together. These friends are very into Halloween so Paul loved checking out their decorations. Taco was terrified of them and would not even walk by them! This is the first year Paul wasn’t terrified of the decorations.

All that fresh air wore the boys out so I had to actually wake them both up around 7:30. I woke on my own around 6:30 and felt rested. It was so nice to drink coffee and eat breakfast in silence!

We grabbed donuts and then headed to our friend’s house who lives along the marathon course around mile 9 to cheer on the runners. It was a chilly morning (in the low 50s!) and there was much complaining about the cold from the boys but all in all we enjoyed cheering on the runners! My coworker was in such a clump of runners since he was running around a 4 hour pace (9:09/mile) at that point which is a popular pace goal, so he actually saw me and yelled out my name as he was passing by! Often it’s easier for runners to spot spectators than vice versa! I also spotted 2 guys I used to run with when I was in a running club pre-kids.

Swimming lessons went great in the afternoon. Paul made good progress. I had just talked to Phil about enrolling him in private lessons rather than signing up for another session in the winter so now I am on the fence and will see if he continues to improve. 

Making some progress on his front crawl

After dinner that night I had to pull a teeth of Paul’s that has been dangling by a thread for well over a week. The boys have dentist appts this morning so he had until after dinner to get it out on his own. He agreed that it didn’t hurt when I plucked it out so hopefully he will take care of it himself next time he has a loose tooth! The tooth fairy came again but didn’t have any small bills so he gets $5 again. I guess the tooth fairy needs to plan a bit better and keep some singles around!

How was your weekend?

Friday, October 4, 2024


Yay! A week where I did not travel! I guess the good thing about traveling is that it makes me really, really appreciate the weeks that I don't travel! 

A book I am reading this week is ‘Forgotten on Sunday' by Valerie Perrin. This is a French novel that was translated into English with dual story lines. It's mostly set in a nursing home and is told from a 19-year old nursing assistant who really gets to know her patients. The other story line is a flashback of one of the residents who is in her 90s. I'm enjoying it so far. It is very much character-driven, though, so don't read if you need plot. 

The high of my week was just being home! It's nice to see my family, have complete control over what I am eating each day, and sleep in my own bed. 

The low of my week a situation where Paul was treated poorly by some other kids at the after-school program. The staff handled it really well so hopefully it's a very isolated incident that doesn't happen again.

For workouts I ran 3 miles on Monday and plan to run tomorrow morning. I wasn't able to fit another run in but I have been getting my 10+ minute walks in as part of the walking club that Elisabeth is hosting!

On Wednesday night, Taco and I went for a walk/scoot to look at Halloween decoration. Pumpkins are his favorite decoration!

A show we watched was the finale of the latest season of Alone which is a wilderness survival show. We also watch the competition part of Survivor with Paul on Wednesday night and I watched the first episode of the new season of the Great British Baking Show! 

The best money spent was on Paul's school photos! He's such a photogenic little guy!

My plans this weekend include laying low tonight as usual. Tomorrow morning we'll probably hit up the library after my run. In the afternoon we're going to the home of a friend that lives on a lake. Phil will help take their docks out. Sunday is the marathon so we will be spectating around mile 9. My colleague has been under the weather with a cold so I hope that doesn't impact him too much! The weather forecast has really improved and it should be pretty cool, albeit a bit windy.

How was your week?

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

What We Read in September

September was such a blur that had you asked me what I read during the month, I couldn't have told you without looking at my goodreads account. That is often the case but was especially the case last month since I traveled so much! Overall, the month was "just ok" in terms of my reading. I read 6 books, bringing the number of books read in 2024 to 74. Here is how my reading shook out. 

Good to great

You, with a view is a romance that was recommended by Stephany. It's about a granddaughter that discovered that her grandma had some secrets in her past that she doesn't learn about until her grandma has passed away. The book involves a road trip which made it extra enjoyable for me. The Guncle Abroad is a sequel to The Guncle which is a book I absolutely adored. I enjoyed being back with these characters but didn't like it as much as the first. After loving Rufi Thorpe's latest book, Margot's Got Money Troubles, I decided to read some of her back list and started with The Knockout Queen. It's a coming-of-age story about 2 teens that live next door to each other. I love that Thorpe's characters are so very "voicy." How We Named the Stars is a book I heard about on Sarah's Bookshelves Live. It's an owned voices coming-of-age story about 2 college roommates that are discovering who they are/their sexuality. Humor Me is the sophomore novel from Cat Shook. This one features a protagonist that works on an SNL-type of late night show. I enjoyed it while reading it but had to remind myself what it was about when reflecting back on my month's reading. 

Did not work 

I was drawn to read Absolution as it was about a group of expatriate wives living in Vietnam with their husbands/families in the early 60s when the conflict in Vietnam was escalating. I usually love character-driven novels but this one just did not work for me at all.

The boys' reading

We pulled out our fall books which Paul seems to have sadly outgrown. :( But Taco has really been enjoying them, especially Room on the Broom and Pumpkin Soup.

Paul has mostly been reading Wimpy Kid books. We are reading The Getaway together which is about a family vacation gone wrong. He also likes to re-read the various Dog Man books we own over and over and over so we are really getting our moneys worth on those books!!

Did you read anything great in September?

Monday, September 30, 2024


The calendar says fall but it has been HOT lately with highs in the mid-80s. Where are you, fall? I bank on cooler but still sunny weather and that has not happened much this month. I don’t want highs in the upper 80s when all the pools are closed! But the weather will cool off this week but then will warm up over the weekend - right in time for the marathon. Womp womp. It won’t be dangerously hot - just hotter than ideal for a fall marathon in the upper Midwest. You may remember it was canceled last year due to the heat and humidity. I wonder if the race organizers will consider pushing it to late October since warm falls seem to be a thing that will happen going forward (global warming, amiright?). 

All that said, we had a nice weekend. Phil took Paul to the driving range again on Friday and then to Home Depot. I had a late (for a Friday) client call that went until 4:30 pm but since it was a $200 million opportunity, I was happy to be on the call! 

Friday night at the driving range!

Taco had a rare solo bath since he was so dirty from playing in the sandbox at daycare.

On Saturday morning I ran 5.75 miles. I had to stop and take a picture of this house’s decorations! It made me think of our fall-lover, Jenny!

After showering, I took the boys to a park while Phil grocery shopped. It was BUSY at this park as there were 3 kid birthday parties and what appeared to be a parent group meet-up. There were a bunch of blown up balloons around the park so the boys had fun playing with them and made friends with another little boy. 

I did overhear a convo between them - the boy they met made a comment about Paul’s size as he was bigger than Paul but a year younger. Paul confidently said, ‘I’m 6.5, I’m just small for my age.’ He weighs about the same as Taco these days (prob around 38 lbs) so he is very small. But his doctor has never been concerned since he’s stayed on his (4th percentile) growth curve. Admittedly I worry about him getting teased for his size as he gets older but I guess we will cross that bridge when we get there. 

Phil took Paul out to his mom’s for the afternoon and I stayed back with Taco. We went to the goose house and played with LEGO. 

Paul got $5 from Nana for helping with yard work! They also found a cardinal feather in her yard which he was excited about.

Sunday was the usual program - church/Sunday school, Vikings game viewing for the boys (they almost blew their big lead but pulled off a win in the end), and swimming lessons. 

Working on his back float. 

When we got home, the boys happily played with LEGO for a solid chunk of time with no wrestling/fighting! It was magical!! 

This week will finally be a normal week with no travel… although now I wonder - is a week of travel now my new normal and a travel-free week is more abnormal? That’s what is feels like these days. My Chicago employee will be here for part of the week since he’s running the marathon on Sunday (his first!!). A lot of our 1:1 meetings this spring/summer have had a solid amount of time dedicated to discussing his marathon training and he usually lets me know how his long run went. I’m excited to cheer him on!

How was your weekend?

Monday, September 23, 2024

Weekend Recap

It’s the last week of September. I am actually not terribly sad to see this month come to an end because it’s been intense. I leave for another work trip today. It’s my 3rd week of traveling in a row which is TOO MUCH. I get a 2 week break after this thank goodness. This week’s trip is a team offsite in Chicago so a short flight and lower pressure since I won’t have any in-person client meetings. But there is often pressure to socialize and stay out late with the team but I have decided I will not be doing that. I’m secure in my position within the team and do not need to be the most fun person. 

We had a nice weekend. I took Friday off as I had a friend who was in town for work. I hadn’t seen her in person for almost 7 years when I visited her in St. Louis when I was pregnant with Paul! I picked her up at her hotel, we went out for Mexican, walked around the lake by my house, and then I took her to the airport. This is a friend I met through blogging (who sadly no longer blogs) but despite not seeing each other for many years, we picked right up where we left off and gabbed for hours straight. 

Since it was so beautiful, Phil took Paul to the driving range when he got home from school.

I picked up Taco and when we got home, I pulled out his Halloween costume since he has been asking to try it on. The boys are VERY excited for Halloween. They will probably wear their costumes a lot before the actual holiday. 

Taco will be Chase from Paw Patrol which is a hand-me-down from Paul

Paul is going as Pikachu

I woke up on my own at 6:45 on Saturday which was delightful! The boys slept past 7! It was a rainy morning so we hit up Starbucks for treats…

A donut for Paul (from the grocery store next door) and a raccoon-shaped cake pop for Taco. I hate how expensive the cake pops are but it evens out since Paul’s donut (from the grocery store next door) is cheap.

Is there something on my face? ;)

Then we went to the library where Paul lobbied to check out all of these books. He actually had a few more he wanted to check out but we settled on 5. He is very into graphic novels and will read them over and over again. He gets to read when he goes up to bed every night and I have to pry the book out of his hands! I let him read later on weekends since he can sleep in a bit. 

After lunch and quiet time, the rain had moved out so I took the boys to the park. They had a blast running around and pretended a pine tree was their house where they made croissants (pine cones) - I think they got this idea from Bluey.

They slept past 7 again on Sunday (although Taco yelled for me at 5:40 to cover him with blankets and I didn’t fall back asleep like he did). I laid in bed until 6:30, though, which felt good. 

Sunday was our usual church + Sunday school + afternoon swimming lessons. Phil and the boys watched the first half of the Vikings game before swimming lessons while I rested. The Vikings won and are 3-0 which is shocking to us as we thought this would be another ‘rebuilding season.’ The boys are both progressing well in swimming lessons although I imagine both will repeat their level, which is fine. I do sometimes wonder if we should enroll Paul in private lessons to see if he’d advance to a level of more comfort and then we could put him back in group. But I am seeing progress in him willingly putting his face in the water.

Paul working on the front crawl

Taco working on his front crawl

When we got home, Phil took them to the park so I could start making dinner. I made a marina with blitzed veggies hidden in it. I had mine on spaghetti squash and boys had theirs on pasta.

And then after Taco was in bed, we played Paul’s new favorite game, ‘bank.’ He is very good at counting out money and likes the made up withdrawals we come up with. We make up names and amounts we will withdraw. He’s very interested in money so I guess the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree!

How was your weekend?