Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Book Meme

Thanks for all the sweet comments on my job news post. :)

I have been a little light on the book review posts lately - I just haven't read much lately that I would recommend to you all. I am pretty sure I will be highly recommending the book I am currently reading (The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo), though, so stay tuned for that review.

Anyways, since I haven't done many book-related posts lately, I thought I would do this little book meme that A Little Pink in the Cornfields posted yesterday!

Here goes!

Hardback, trade paperback or mass market paperback?
All of the above, please. If I had unlimited financial resources, I'd buy as many books in Hardback as I could. But since I do not have unlimited resources, I usually opt for paperback or mass market.

Waterstones, Borders or Amazon?
None of the above. I'm a Barnes & Noble gal. I should buy more from Amazon, but when I want a book, I am usually way too impatient to wait for books to be delivered.

Bookmark or dog-ear?
I bookmark to keep my place, but I dog-ear sections that I want to go back and re-read or blog about. I hate to dog-ear books and keep telling myself to buy some little post-its to keep in my purse to mark sections.

Amazon or brick-and-mortar?
I like to look for books online but I prefer to buy them in a brick-and-mortar store. I love wandering around book stores!!

Alphabetize by author, or alphabetize by title, or random?
I used to alphabetize by author, but I got made fun of for doing this by some friends. So when I moved into my condo, I arranged my books by size. I hate it, though. I can never find books, so I am considering going through them and alphabetizing by author during my two week vacation. I have A LOT of books, so this is not going to be a small undertaking!!

Keep, throw away, or sell?
Keep. Even if I hate the book, I keep it. Although now that my bookshelves are overflowing, I am thinking about going through my books and donating the ones I hated to our United Way book sale at work.

Keep dust jacket or toss it?
Um, do people actually toss the dust jacket?? Of course I keep it!

Read with dust jacket or remove it?
Read with it on unless it's a really, really large book.

Short story or novel?
Novels. Never really been a big fan of short stories!

Harry Potter or Lemony Snicket?

Buy or borrow?
Just started to use the library, but in general I usually buy books.

Buying choice: book reviews, recommendations, or browse?
In order... Recommendations, browse, book reviews. I try to keep up on the various best seller lists and then also find a lot of my 'to-reads' by looking through the list of books friends on goodreads.com have read & liked.

Tidy ending or cliffhanger?
Tidy ending

Morning reading, afternoon reading, or nighttime reading?
I get most of my reading done on my bus ride to & from work.

Stand-alone or series?

Favourite series?
Harry Potter

Favorite children’s book?
When I was a kid, I was obsessed with the Babysitter's Club series. I devoured those books and identified most with Mary Anne's character.

Favourite YA book?
Probably "Bridge to Terabithia" and anything else by Katherine Paterson

Favorite book of which nobody else has heard?
Maybe "Es Cuba" by Lea Aschkenas? I am obsessed with Cuba for some odd reason so I loved that book!

Favourite books read last year?
"Love Walked In" by Maria de los Santos

Favorite book to recommend to an 11-year-old?
Something by Katherine Paterson, maybe? I don't know any 11-year-olds right now so this is tough to answer. I am always picking out books for 2-5 year olds these days!!

Favorite book to re-read?
Tuesdays with Morrie

Do you ever smell books?

Do you ever read primary source documents like letters or diaries?
I have read a few diaries.

What are you reading right now?
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. It's the October selection for my 'Books & Bars' book club.

What are you reading next?
Probably "Beat the Reaper" since it's on loan from the library. Once I get through my library books, I plan to read "Outlander."

If you have a blog and are interested, post this meme and make sure you let me know that you are doing it. If you don't have a blog or don't feel like doing this, answer as many of these questions as you'd like! I love hearing about people's reading habits/interests!


  1. I loved The Babysitters Club books (I still have all of them!!) and Bridge to Terabithia. Fun post! Hope you had a great weekend!!

  2. My favorite series would have to be the Shopaholic books by Sophia Kinsella. I love Becky Bloomwood!!!

  3. "Harry Potter or Lemony Snicket?" I mean really, is there even a question...


  4. Oh I will def. be doing this on my blog soon - look for a post! :)

  5. Fun meme! LOVE the smell of books :-)

  6. I totally did you meme. I should be sleeping. I don't make great decisions!

  7. awww, thanks for the shout out! :) Hope you're having a wonderful weekend so far!
