Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Oh J. Crew, you tempt me. I love your clothes, but they would deplete my financial resources entirely too quickly if I gave into these temptations. Why, oh why, do your clothes have to be so pricey?

If I wasn't on a budget, I would re-create this look.

(photo courtesy of

This look pretty much epitomizes my style - or the style I would have if I had unlimited resources. A clean, preppy look. I love the effortless look of this outfit - from the hair and make-up to the accessories.

Unfortunately, I will not be re-creating this look because that blazer alone is $250. Ouch.

I tend to do a lot of 'window shopping' at J. Crew and Anthropology - I will usually only purchase things on clearance. Most of my clothing comes from either Banana Republic and Gap. My wardrobe has been likened to that of a librarian - which I am totally ok with! I heart cardigans and blazers, so I am sure my wardrobe would transition well to a library setting!

How would you describe your sense of style? What is your favorite store?


  1. I'm fairly preppy. I tend to wear a lot of tanks, cardigans, and sweaters. I don't really have a favourite store though. I shop a fair bit at Old Navy, but that's mainly because of the cost factor.

  2. I have no style. End of story! ;) I do have a fair amount of awe in your commitment to posting every day. I am so impressed!


  3. Banana & Gap are two of my fav stores. I like to think of myself as Connecticut preppy with a mix of hippie on the weekends.

    Never been a blazer gal but I like vests and sweaters and casual jackets for sure.

  4. Love this outfit!!

    I think you and I may have the same sort of style. I like effortless preppy. I like clothes that are timeless.

  5. LOVE that look! And my aunt just gave me a necklace almost exactly like that for my birthday so maybe I will have to try and recreate it.

    My look is all over the place; since I both work in an office AND I'm a student it can really change from day to day. I would totally wear an outfit like that, though. I'm actually in the market for the perfect blazer now that fall is here! I also started wearing a lot of flowy dresses this summer because they transition well to the office but also keep you cool in the heat!

  6. If it has a ruffle, bow, pleat or any other detail that makes it feminine and classic then it's my style. I hate pants and try to wear skirts and dresses as much as humanely possible.

    Favorite stores... mostly I go discount shopping (oh you poor people who don't live in the NYC area and will never know the wonder that is Loehmann's). I also love the Limited and Banana!

  7. Love this look! You can definitely re-create it on a budget!

  8. I am kind of preppy. If I could, I would wear cardigan sweaters, button downs, sweaters, sweaters, and more sweaters. And nice, practical dark jeans.

    Being I live in AZ where it is +90 nearly all year round; this changes.

    Love the outfit you posted though. I always wish I could completely recreate outfits I see in magazines and on manakins.

  9. That outfit is really, really cute! I never go into J. Crew because I know I will walk out wanting everything but not wanting to spend the money!
    My style is very classic. I pick up pieces that I know I can wear for years. So, places like Gap and Banana Republic are favorites of mine!
