Tuesday, September 29, 2009

My Chicago Trip - Frank Lloyd Wright

Happy Tuesday! I am back!! I had a fantastic little get away to Chicago, but as always, I am happy to be back at home in Minneapolis. I guess that's a good sign, huh? Must mean I am exactly where I am supposed to be. :)

First things first - I few of you commented and asked where I got my shoes & bag. Here the details!

My flats came from the Gap - I bought them last week and got them on clearance!

My bag came from the Forever 21 accessory store. My friend Katie introduced me to this store last Thursday - everything is so inexpensive there! This bag is the best travel purse - it was big enough to fit my knitting, 2 books, and all the other essential like my wallet and blackberry. And it has lots of pockets. I highly recommend it. And I am totally obsessed with that mustard yellow color!

Anyways, back to the trip. There were many highlights from my trip to Chicago, but one of my favorite parts of the weekend was touring Frank Lloyd Wright's house and studio, and checking out all the homes he designed in the Oak Park neighborhood of Chicago. I highly recommend this and would love to go back someday. I wasn't able to take pictures inside the house/studio, so you'll have to take my word on this - it's amazing! The man was a genius. Oh, and was he ever odd. I have read "Loving Frank" but plan on checking out some other biographies about this interesting man.

I'm going to let my pictures tell the story of this part of my weekend.

To start off, here I am in front of his placard by his studio.

I would love this house! It's not a typical "FLW" house as he favored the "Prairie Style" which I'm actually not totally in love with - I am more of a "Victorian" girl.

Many of his house featured different geometrical shapes - this house has a rectangular foundation with a circle shaped porch, which is very typical for FLW.

This one is a little closer to this "Prairie Style" of architecture.

This one is my favorite! FLW actually did not like the style of this house, but the client requested a Victorian, and FLW really needed the money so he had to listen to the client. FLW had a bit of a spending problem. Apparently he owed the grocer $800 back in the early 1900's. That is quite the tab!

So there you have it - that's the FLW tour portion of my weekend. Aren't the houses amazing? There are probably about 30-40 FLW houses and there are also many, many other cool Victorians around the area. Most of the homes are actually private residences. I can't imagine owning a FLW house - there is one on the market for $900k, which is not too shabby (but certainly out of my budget).

I am definitely a sucker for old homes. I know they often come with a host of problems, but I am willing to overlook that. I currently live in a teeny little condo, but hope to buy a cute little home in this neat area of South Minneapolis. I just love how much character older homes have - like the original wood work, built in book shelves, and the buffets that are often found in the formal dining room.

How about you? Do you prefer newer homes or older homes?


  1. I love the character of old homes. I love the original woodwork, the interesting window, the secret stairways. But jazz it all up with some vintage feeling yet modern appliances and amenities. I will definitely have to get to Chicago sometime and take this tour. It sounds amazing!

  2. i love all of flw's stuff. but we tend towards older homes. the newer ones all look exactly alike, and a cookie cutter neighborhood is so boring. but for some reason houses built in the 70's have more character. the wife likes houses from 1890 to 1945, but i find the rooms a little too small and there's usually no closets.

  3. I love older houses as long as they're still structurally sound and not too squeaky!

    You look great in those pictures - and your bag and shoes are fabulous!

  4. Oooh those houses are gorgeous! I especially like the second one! They don't even look old at all!

    I am like you, I would LOVE to have a cute, old house one day and then do some restoring and add some modern touches to the inside! Built-in bookshelves would be AMAZING!!

    Glad to hear you had such a great trip and I love that bag!!

  5. I really enjoy older homes; there are some great ones here in StL but wow they are pricey! They just look so classic, elegant and have such charm that some of the newer homes do not have.

    Glad you had a great time on the trip & thanks for letting us know where you got your bag =) I might have to go in search of something similar!

  6. UGH! Love those flats!

    I would like an older charming house. I have a house that was built in '63. That's just awkward old, not charming old.

  7. I have an older home that has built in bookshelves and nice orginal wood work. I hate the fact that it was inhabited by old people for the last 20 years and my house is a massive mess of 70s/80s/ and modern now that we moved in. Oh and we are on year three and everything is now going to crap. Like our ceiling leaking yesterday during the rain. The plus side? Our 2.6 acre yard. Our man room. We have a complete basement. We live in an awesome school district.

  8. I LOVE old houses! Those houses are absolutely stunning! What a fun trip! :)

  9. I love FLW. Love love love. We went on a tour of Taliesin in middle school. I thought it was awesome and got a FLW t-shirt. I wore it the first week of middle school. I thought it was way hip. 6th graders just didn't get it. Was I genetically pre-determined to be socially awkward? Not to mention, on the first day of 6th grade I wore a DARE:keep kids off drugs shirt. I didn't want 8th graders to get the wrong impression. wow. I'm going to stop now. Looks like the vacation was fun. I hope you are soaking up the relaxation :)

  10. Beautiful homes! I love the white one. Chris and I def need to go and check out the FLW home and do the FLW tour that we have in Scottsale.

  11. I had never heard of this Frank guy... :S But I love the houses pictured here! I love watching HGTV (the international shows are my fave, most of all Location, Location, Location etc. I don't know if you watch those?). I think I'd rather have an older home... Actually, the best would be an old english cottage... Ah, if only I was a millionaire...

    ps: oh, and like Amber said: built-in bookshelves all the way!

  12. How are you just now finding out about Forever 21? It was pretty much my stable back in high school. And I'd say I'd probably go for older houses over brand new ones.
