Wednesday, September 30, 2009

September Re-Cap

Nory does this over on her blog each month, so with her permission, I'll be doing a similar re-cap every month!

Current Book(s):
Finished - And Sometimes Why (hated it), The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (loved it), Beat the Reaper (meh. Little too vulgar for me), Best Friends Forever (so-so), Olive Kitteridge (loved it).

Currently Reading - Firefly Lane

Current Music:
Tyrone Wells & Brandi Carlile are two artists I'm listening to quite a bit. I kind of want to email Tyrone Wells and ask him to marry to me. Or at least take me on a date. Ha!

Current Shame-Inducing Guilty Pleasure:
Jalapeno Baby Dills. I consume way too many! I've started buying 2 jars at a time since I go through them so fast!! Mmm, I love pickles! And don't be grossed out, but sometimes I drink a little bit of the juice when I finish off a jar!!

Current Colors:
I love that mustard yellow color!

Current Obsessions:
My 1/2 marathon training grid
The library
Cherry Pomegranate Crystal Light

Current Drink:
Cherry Pomegranate Crystal Light - it's awesome and I go through 2 quarts of it every 2-3 days! Which is kind of a lot for a person that lives by herself!

Current Song:
Ok, I hate Chris Brown, but I love running to 'Forever'.

Current Movie:
My fave of the month was Julie & Julia. Meryl Streep rocked!

Current TV Shows:
I love Mad Men and wish: a) that I looked like Betty Draper, and b) that I had her entire wardrobe. I am hoping that one of my friends will host a Mad Men themed party this fall. I would but my condo is way too tiny to host such an event!

Current Wish-List:
Lots and lots of books.

Current Needs:
A paycheck. I'm sort of between paychecks now until I start my new job on the 5th! Thank God for savings! :)

Current Triumph:
I'm starting a new job that I am so excited about in just a few days! Woot woot!

Current Bane of my Existence:
My to do list that I made for this stay-cation. I swear to God, I am the busiest unemployed person. Ever. I have 5 days to get the list done.

Current Goal:
Maintaining a 10 minute/mile pace on Sunday when I do the Twin Cities 10 mile. It's a hilly course so that might be a challenge. Wish me luck!

Current Indulgence:
Those dill pickles I mentioned above! If I ate them in front of my mom, she'd shake her head and warn me about the sodium levels!

Current Blessings:
Family. Friends. A cozy condo. A job I am super excited about.

Current Slang or Saying:
Saying "whatever - I'm on vacay". I am seriously so laid back right now - I am usually high strung, but this whole stay-cation has been so good for me and has resulted in a much more easy going Lisa.

Current (Fav) Outfit:
I'm super excited about this dress that I bought for work. I plan on pairing it with some black tights and a cardigan of some sort.

Current Excitement:
I am taking my nephew Andrew out for a "Lisa and Andrew Afternoon" today. I am picking him up after preschool. We'll get lunch, go to this awesome bookstore called Wild Rumpus where they have real, live animals, and then get ice cream! I took him here last year and he loved it so hopefully it is as big of a hit this time around!

Current Mood:
Relaxed! I'm on vacay, afterall!


  1. kelley's reading Firefly Lane right now too and enjoying it.

    good luck with the 10 miler this weekend!

  2. Lisa! I randomly picked up Olive Kitteridge in LaGuardia for our flight home and read the entire book that day!!! I missed that you were reading it. Enjoyed it very much. We need to pin down a date for our cooking get together. Enjoy your last days of retirement!!!!

  3. My old roomie used to drink pickle juice out of the jar and the first time I saw it I was shocked but now, not so much.

    Meryl Streep was amazing in Julie & Julia!

    Good luck on the run this weekend. I'm sure you can do it =)

  4. I LOVED Firefly Lane! It's so good. Right now I have True Colors checked out from the library but I'm getting a little backed up with my newfound obsession with YA books (mainly Sarah Dessen) and Audrey Niffenegger's new book "Her Fearful Symmetry" came out yesterday so I think I'm going to have to pick that up too....

  5. Your life is very exciting right now! Starting your new venture of career next week!! And you have your race this weekend!

    Good luck with your race :) You are going to do awesome!!! Wish I could be there to cheer you on when you cross the finish line.

    PS...I am definitely trying the jalepeno pickles. Forget Mom's Sodium -guilt trips. We instinctively have low blood pressure. AND--runners need lots of sodium and potassium!! :)

  6. Nice!! I think I just might do that too!

    I've never seen those jalapeno pickles but they sound like they're just my type :P

  7. I just finished The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo over the weekend. I liked it but I really liked Firefly Lane.

    I always like with Nora does these month end wrap ups. Good luck with new job and the race this weekend!


    I don't know why I felt the need to shout that, but everyone else thinks its weird, but I totally do it.

    Did you know it helps a lot with leg/foot cramps? When I started doing Masters swim last year I would get TERRIBLE leg and foot cramps in the middle of swimming and one guy told me to start drinking pickle juice, so I did, and they went away! True story :-)

    This was a fun little recap, I always enjoy Nora's so maybe I'll do one next month too!

  9. ah, this was a fun fun fun post! I am on a serious book kick (for me anyway!). So impressed with my own ability to check out books, read them, request more, pick them up and repeat! It's so great AND cheap.

    Right now I'm reading Dr. Robin Smith's "Lies at the Alter: The truth about great marriages." Great advice for anyone in a relationship, thinking about marriage, or married. It's really made me think more internally about how I react in situations or treat my man.
