Friday, February 12, 2010

Valentine's Day Past

Happy Friday! It's been one of those incredibly long, 10-12+ hours of work each day kind of weeks! Whew, so glad it's almost over. I am looking forward to celebrating Valentine's Day this weekend. I'll spend it babysitting 2 of my nephews on Saturday night. I'll bring over a heart-shaped pizza and I bought a couple of puzzles for the 4 year old & I to put together once the 2 year old is in bed. Should be a fun night! Even though I have almost always been single on Valentine's Day, I still love the holiday. I know many people think it is a "Hallmark Holiday" but I love that there is one day of the year that people are reminded to tell the people that they love that they love them! I know we shouldn't need a holiday to remind us to do that, but sadly, some people do need that reminder!! So be sure to express your love this weekend - whether it's for your spouse, significant other, parents, sibling, friend, or pet!

My heart will be a bit heavy this weekend as I reflect back on Valentine's Day last year. My Grandpa was in the hospital after having some heart problems, so I drove up to Fargo to see him. I only got to spend about 15-20 minutes with him, but I am so glad I went. I brought a Valentine's Day card for him & Grandma, and some lemon drops since that was kind of 'our candy'. I hugged him and told him to get better and not worry us like he had!

That night, I babysat for my nephews. I vividly remember sitting on the couch with my brother and his wife when they got home, talking about Grandpa and how afraid I was that his life was coming to the end. I didn't want to believe that the life of such a great man could be coming to an end.

That was the last time I saw my Grandpa - he died a week later. So my heart is heavy as I think of the anniversary of the last time I saw him and the anniversary of his death.

But my heart is full of wonderful memories of the countless hours that I spent with him. I know I am blessed to have had him in my life for as many years as I did.

So this weekend, when I reflect on all the love in my life, I will definitely think of the love I received from my Grandpa. I will reflect on the love I have witnessed between my parents and grandparents. I will reflect on the innocent, pure love that I receive from my nephews.

So, even though I am single, I have so much love in my life to be thankful for!

How will you celebrate Valentine's Day?


  1. What a sweet, thoughtful post.

    Enjoy your time with the nephews and the memories of your grandfather. Through the memories and remembering, we keep them alive.

    I'll be celebrating Valentines Day by going to see The Wolfman and getting a burrito from Chipotle. Totally random but will be fun. (Confession: I secretly want to see "Valentine's Day," also. Maybe I'll squeeze that in this weekend.)

    Have a great weekend and get some rest. You deserve it!

  2. What a lovely post, and I really hope you enjoy the time with your nephews this weekend.

    My grandma is in the hospital this Valentine's day, and my dad is flying out to spend this week with her. David and I are going to see Valentine's Day (I hope it's as good as Love Actually!), going for a couple's massage and flying out to Toronto to catch one of our favourite bands :)It was totally a coincidence they were playing so close to Valentine's day!

  3. Beautiful post, Lisa! I agree about Valentines day being truely just a day to remind us what love is! There's no other holiday that emphasizes familial and friend love!

    That is so great about your Valentines day date with the boys! So jealous. You are by far the coolest aunt. They will remember and cherish these days soo much!

    Have a great, rejuvenating weekend! I love you so so so much, Lisa! Can't wiat to see you in just 2 weeks! xoxo

  4. Beautiful post Lisa. Savor the time spent with your nephews and their completely joy and love of being with you. Maybe talk to them about some of your favorite childhood memories with your grandpa?

    I have absolutely no plans this weekend and quite honestly, that makes me incredibly happy. I'll probably spend the day reading, catching up with friends, and just enjoying some down time.

    I hope that you get lots of rest and relaxation this weekend, you need it! Enjoy the weekend, Friend!

  5. You will always treasure your wonderful memories of Grandpa Rudy. How lucky you were to have your grandpa in your life as a young adult. He was an extraordinary person! Have a good weekend! Hug those nephews for us!

  6. (((hugs))) It's so hard losing grandparents. At any given time, I am just hit with memories or grief. I hate the month of February. I lost one of my best friends 11 years ago this coming week and I dread the anniversary because the awful memories of that time come back in full force. We don't celebrate Valentine's Day because my husband is cheap and a moron. It doesn' botter me about the actual holiday, I just wish flowers or gifts just because happened throughout the year. Plus, I miss that my mom used to make such a big deal about it when we were younger and now nothing. Except for the cute things my students come up with. :)

  7. Great post Lisa. We are doing nothing to celebrate this weekend as we are going to visit my in-laws. The following weekend we are going out of town, so we will celebrate then.

    Hope you have a fantastic weekend!

  8. Thank you again for spending Valentine's day with the boys! They are really looking forward to it. Andrew keeps asking me when we are leaving. :)

  9. What a sweet, sweet post! I'm so glad you were able to spend a little more time with your grandfather before he passed.
    For V-day we are keeping it lowkey. Staying in to cook dinner and exchange or $10 gifts. :)

  10. I love this post! I think it's so important not to forget all the people we love on Valentine's Day- not just significant others. I always try to send some valentine cards out- and of course I make valentines for my kiddos at work. I love this holiday too, completely agree- even loved it the years I was single.

    Btw- what was the name of the Italian place you told me to go to in Phoenix? I can't find it on my blog and I definitely want to go there. I'm sure my stomach can handle one night of greatness :)

  11. Beautiful post.

    I am so thankful for ALL The love I have in my life; and not just the love from Eric but my family and friends, too.

    I'll be by myself on Valentines. Most of my friends are taking off to the Olympics and for reading break and I don't go home for another three days after. I'll likely spend it in with a movie. Maybe I'll treat myself to take out!

    Have a great weekend dear! XO

  12. What a sweet post! Your date with your nephews sounds awesome! I wish my brother lived closer so I could watch my niece for a night and let him and my sister-in-law go on a date! Happy Valentine's Day!

  13. Vday won't be anything too crazy. I bought the bf some heart shaped butter finger chocolates and a nice card that I need to write in.

    Otherwise, it will be a Sun as usual with a run, errands and cleaning the house. Then we'll cook this shrimp pasta dish that man friend's dad makes and some rice krispy treats! Yum.

  14. I totally agree Lisa. This day is about all the people in our life that we love, not just the ones who are our significant others! It is important to show our love and even if this is a day to remind us, its well worth it! Hope you have a great weekend with your family!

  15. Beautiful post! :)

    Our Valentine's Day will be spent doing the one thing we love the most, spending our day together! Wait...we do that everday! We just can't get enough. I agree that Valentine's Day should be about ALL of the loved ones in your life! <3

  16. Family is so important, and I'm glad to see that you have a great one. I'll be spending Valentine's Day getting crappy fast food with the boyfriend and hanging out with him and the pup. Sounds like a great time to me.

  17. I definitely teared up reading this... It's great that you got to see your grandfather before he passed away and that you can remember the good times :)

    I have to say, I also love Valentine's Day. I don't think it's just about having a partner - it's about every loved one in your life! I'll be spending it with two of my friends watching an SATC marathon on my bed, eating chocolate and drinking cosmos ;)
