Friday, May 7, 2010

Ode to My Mom

Happy Friday, everyone! I hope you all had a great week.

It's Mother's Day this weekend so I thought I would dedicate this post to my mom. I won't get to spend the holiday with her, but I will see her in AZ on Thursday!! Can't wait!

It's really hard to sum up everything my mom has done for me and how much I appreciate her in a blog post. How do you sum up all the tears she wiped away, all the cuts and bruises she kissed, all the advice she has given out, and all the delicious meals she has cooked? I obviously can't do her justice here, but I will do my best.

As I have gotten older, I am more and more in awe of all that my mom was able to and continues to accomplish. She helped my dad build up a successful business while still finding time to cook delicious meals every night. We sat down as a family and ate a balance, healthy meal every night of the week. I can't even handle cooking dinner for myself during the week - but she managed to keep 5 kids well fed!

Another thing that amazes me is that I do not remember her ever seeming tired. If she was tired (and seriously, she had to be between working, volunteering in the community, and raising 5 kids), she sure never let it show. She always had time to listen to our stories and help us with our homework in the evening.

So here's to you, mom, and everything you did and continue to do! I know I don't always do the best job showing how much I appreciate you! I love you very much!

This is one of my favorite pics of my mom! You can just see the joy & happiness in her eyes. She's totally in her element - sitting on the deck of our cabin with my nephew Matthew. Doesn't she look fabulous? Would you believe me if I told you she was over 60??? I hope I age as well as she has!

How will you celebrate Mother's Day? Tell me one thing about your mom that you really, really appreciate!


  1. This is such a sweet tribute, she sounds like an amazing lady! And gorgeous! Those aren't bad genes to have kicking around =)

  2. That's a great picture, and she could be 20 years younger than you say ;-)

  3. Great post! One thing I really love about my mom is her energy. Yes she's always tired, but she's always going and doing something! She's in here fifties and has taken so many girl scout troops backpacking I've lost count (including places like Scotland!). She's an inspiration and I love her!

  4. Happy Momma's day to your Mom! She sounds like a great woman. I am in awe of my mom too, she raised two of us while working full time (and sometimes a side job), going to school, and still had time for us at the end of the day.

  5. Great picture!! She looks wonderful (and so YOUNG!) and she sounds like a lovely lady!

  6. I love reading posts from both you and your sister about your family because you can just tell how close you guys are and how much you care about each other. It's so nice!! And, your Mom does sound like an amazing woman..and does look very youthful! Happy Mother's Day to her.

    I'm in awe of my Mom as well. How did they do it, you know? My brother, sister and I seriously had an amazing childhood and now that I'm older, my Mom and I are really great friends. I'm sad I'm not going to be able to see her this Mother's Day.

  7. What a great tribute and an amazing lady!! You truly can see how beautiful and full of joy she is in this picture!
    I feel so blessed that my mom is close by!!

  8. Aw, so cute! Yes, moms are amazing. I love how my mom always believes in me even when I don't. Tomorrow, I'm driving up to see my mom. I think we'll take a nice long walk to a coffee shop and walk around downtown. Then maybe some errands. Love hanging out with the mom!

  9. aww, she's so pretty! She certainly doesn't look like she's over 60, either =)

    I think the one thing I most appreciate about my mom is the fact that she's my best friend. Always a shoulder to lean on, a hug if I need it, my partner in crime for shopping sprees and ice cream trips. It's just the best.

  10. Our mom is truly amazing! :) I will be posting an ode to Mom, too - so I'll save "the thing I appreciate most about my Mom" for my blog!

    I love that picture. Every picture of her with the grandchildren resembles that! She is the true image of beauty! :)

  11. I think it's every parent's dream to be appreciated for all they did for their children. Clearly your mom is pretty darn amazing to have balanced all that she did!

    We're picking my mom up from the airport tonight for a quick weekend with her.

  12. I was thinking of doing a post to my mom too! It really is amazing how much they have done for us! I can't believe that your mom raised five kids and did all that!!

  13. That was such a nice post for your mom :)

    I won't be able to see my mom for mother's day, but I did make her a card and send her flowers.

  14. All those good genes, I guess, run in the family :)

    Happy Mom's Day to your dear mom!

  15. Thanks for a great post, Lisa. I love my sister!
    And I have always been jealous of her blonde hair!!!

  16. Haha, wow your mom does look young :) And that's after raising 5 kids? I honestly don't know how moms do it, they never fail to amaze me!

  17. Aw, very sweet.

    I don't have a mom to celebrate, but I have a grandma that is absolutely FANTASTIC--

  18. Your mom looks AWESOME!

    This was a great blog post :)!
