Thursday, May 6, 2010

Running Club Review

First off, comment of the day on yesterday's post goes to Gracie of How I Complicated My Life Today. She said, and I quote,

"I'm not going to skirt the issue, mister. Your outfit is making me run off kilter."

Is that an epic comment or what? I love a good play on words!

Back to the topic at hand - the running club. It went so well! I really had nothing to be nervous about. It was a little awkward at first as I shuffled back and forth, trying to figure out how everyone got organized into the right pace groups or length of runs. Then a store employee rang a bell and helped organize a couple of distance & pace groups. There were 3 others in my pace range that wanted to run 4 miles, so it worked out perfectly.

I will definitely be doing runs with this group again. Everyone was really easy going and inclusive. I didn't feel like I was breaking into a tight click, so that was a relief.

And the best thing?

There were no men in Kilts.


So the plan is to run with this group on Wednesdays and I might do my long runs on Sunday. My marathon is a week after the Twin Cities marathon, so my mileage should be really similar to those training for the TC marathon.

I would be lying if I said I'm not sort of hoping I meet an attractive fellow runner. A girl can dream right?


  1. Oh yay!!! I thought about you last night during my run and wondered how it was going!
    I fully believe that you can meet a handsome fellow runner!!

  2. Awww hurrah! I'm so glad it went well :) And yes, that is an epic comment!

  3. Haha, that is GREAT comment =) Glad it went well and that there weren't any funny men in kilts!

    And dreaming is part of being a girl, so I say dream all you want!

  4. I'm so glad it went well!! And, I had a feeling it would. I'm still wondering about this kilt thing though...I can't even imagine running in a kilt would be very comfortable.
    Meeting a hot runner would be great!! Runners always have the nicest, muscle-y legs!!

  5. So glad it the running club worked. Great idea. It will be fun to see how it works for you!

  6. This post is all smiles. Nothing more :)

  7. Oh how that last statement brings me back to my group running days. And how there was this one guy who was such a lady's man. I mean, really nice guy (I fell for it). But, then I found out he'd also hooked up with two of my girlfriends. hahahaha - those were the days. At least us girls had a good sense of humor about it.

  8. So happy to hear that this group of runners was "normal" and there wasn't a guy wearing a kilt!!

  9. I am so glad that it went well!! Maybe I should try and go to my running store and run! Maybe you will meet someone! You never know! I really just want to meet a nice girl who can be a friend! I need a running friend!

  10. Heeheeheeheehee. I do so love a good pun!
    And I'm glad the run went well. Do you think any of the runners are doing the marathon, too? It would be great to work in some long runs with company! I dread those hours of just me and my ipod.

  11. Your good experience gives me motivation to join one here in IN. Although, marathons are NOT ever going to be in my future.

    Glad you had fun.

  12. Haha yay I'm so glad the running group worked out. I've definitely heard of people meeting through running groups could happen :)

  13. I am so glad that running club went well! I hope you meet a handsome runner, too! I really don't know how you couldn't. :)

    And I loved the Epic comment of the day! :) That was extraordinarily witty!!!

  14. Woohoo! I'm glad to hear that the run club went well, and of course that there were no kilts in sight. I love that it was inclusive too. It can totally depend on the runners and the store owners.

  15. Hurrah!

    I can't imagine what kilt man was thinking, they aren't designed for running!

  16. Ya ya ya! So glad you had a great time and felt included and so on. I LOVE doing run clubs. Last summer I was hopping in and out of THREE different ones! I almost never did a run alone but it was nice.

    Can't wait to virtually train with you! I've been itching for a run lately!!
