Friday, June 18, 2010

Ode to My Dad

Happy Friday! Another week has flown by!

Father's Day weekend is upon us already! I will be heading up to my parents' cabin but I actually won't get to see my dad as he will be on a fishing trip with my brothers. I hope they have a fun & successful fishing trip. I am always more than happy to help them eat what they catch!

I consider myself incredibly blessed to have such a wonderful dad. The older I get, the more I appreciate my parents and the more I try to ensure that they know how much I appreciate them!

So today I'd like to share just a few of the many, many reasons that I love my dad!

  • First and foremost, he has shown me what kind of man I want to marry. I take after my mom and tend to be a little bit on the high strung side so I know I need to marry someone like my dad. Someone who is just a little bit more layed backc. Someone who can dispel tension in a room with a quirky joke. Someone who doesn't have an arrogant bone in his body. You will never hear my dad brag about himself. His humility is part of what makes him so likeable.
Mom & Dad on the night of Abby's wedding, just months before they celebrated 40 years of marriage!!
  • He has supported me as I've tried to find my place in this world. I had put on a stiff upper lip when I was working at The Psych Experiment and hadn't told my parents how unhappy I was... until the afternoon of my brithday when my dad called. All the doubts and insecurities and terrible experiences came rushing out of me. I couldn't hold it in any longer - but he was there to listen and to tell me I could make it through and that no matter what I decided to do, mom & him would be behind me 100%. That next Monday after my Birthday, he called me at 6:30 when he knew I'd be on my way to work to give me a little pep talk. My dad is not a big phone talker so that phone call meant the world to me. And in the months to follow, he continued to support me and assure me that it would all work out.

Dad & I on the day of my MBA commencement

  • He's taught us kids to appreciate the simple things in life, especially the great outdoors. When I pull into the driveway of my parents' cabin on Friday nights in the summer, I know I can expect to see my dad sitting at the end of the dock, fishing. There is something really peaceful about stepping out of the car and seeing him at the end of the dock. He's taught me that sometimes silence is better than endless chatter.

My dad really loves to fish and he let me take a picture of him with this tiny fish that he caught a couple of years ago. My dad does not like having his photo taken, but he was a good sport about it!

  • He is an amazing grandfather! I think he is actually a bit of a 'baby whisperer'. My 4 nephews are all so drawn to him. They refer to him as Papa and you can see how much they look up to him and admire him!

Reading to my nephew Kolin at the cabin

Wordless communication with my nephew Matthew

  • He plays multiple games of cribbage with me whenever I see him. I don't think he has ever turned down. It's kind of "our thing" to play cribbage together.

I love you, dad! Happy Father's Day!!

How will you celebrate Father's Day? Who are the special Fathers in your life and what qualities do they possess that you most appreciate?


  1. What a great post! It is such a blessing to have wonderful parents!!

  2. That was the perfect "ode" to our Dad. Everything you said just truly displayed what makes him so great.

    Him humbleness is truly incredible. I am honestly sitting here trying to think of ONE time ever that I've seen him brag or talk up on himself - and I can't! And believe me, he has many traits he could "brag" about!

    Beautiful post, Lisa!

  3. I love these posts!! Your dad sounds just wonderful :)

  4. What a great post! Have a great weekend at the lake!

  5. awww, this is so sweet =) I love it!

    Unfortunately (or fotunately?) my dad's band accepted a gig this father's day at winery so my mom and I will be making the trek out there with books, journals and snacks in hand to hang out while he plays. Other than that, I'm hoping to surprise him with brunch on Sunday morning!

  6. Awww, so sweet! And I appreciate it since I kind of thought next weekend was Father's Day...hello!

    By the way, you didn't get hit by any twisters in your area did you?

  7. Great post Lisa, your dad sounds like an amazing man!

    Hope you have a great weekend!

  8. Excuse, I have to go get some tissue. That was great, Lisa. I love your Dad. Enjoy your weekend.

  9. I love this post. Your dad sounds like an amazing man!

    My relationship with my Dad is a lot different than this. When I think about him on Father's Day I remember how he NEVER, EVER missed a single sports game that I had when I was growing up. He was there cheering me on every single time. He always has been an amazing support system in my life!

    Have a lovely weekend dear. XO

  10. Aw, what a sweet post! I hope you have a great weekend at the lake and can make up for lost time playing cribbage soon :)

  11. He is a dear, lovely man! Too bad he didn't see your post before he left on his trip!

  12. My dad would love to fish with your dad! Have a great weekend!

  13. Lisa, this is such a nice tribute to your dad. Sounds like he's been a great part of your life. I remember a lot of my dad being the mean one of the parents. We get along great, but my mom and I are just much closer.

  14. What a great Father's Day post!! You're one lucky girl, you know that??

  15. Now, I have to dry my eyes...damn pregnancy hormones. I hope you have a great weekend, even if it is sans dad.

  16. Aw; this is awesome. Have fun at the cabin--

    Hm, my dad and I have had a strained relationship- well, sorta. When I was growing up, he was working a lot on the road, and I really didn't know alot about him (and he didn't really know alot about me) until I was 16 or so. After my mom died, I think I reminded him too much of her, so he was always closer to my siblings (who are half-siblings) than to me.

    But now- now it's different: I'm sort of a daddy's girl now. He completely melted my heart the other day when he told me that there is a picture of me as a 2-year old with spaghetti all over my face, hands, on the high- chair, etc. I told him he was mistaken, that it was my brother he was thinking of, but surprised me when he said, "no, it was you- it was your birthday and your mama's best friend was there, I'm digging it out- I still have it." Ha!

    Anyway- re: your comment on my financial post- no worries. I was sooo worried about what my husband would say when he found out about my student loan debt; uffda! I know what it feels like to know you owe more on your education than you do on your house!! We took a non-traditional route and decided we weren't going to get married without a pre-nup: he has his car, his house, his educational loans, I have my car, my loans-- he's got his stuff and I have my stuff. He pays his bills, I pay my bills. And we don't share money other than a mutual savings account which we try to dump any extra pennies into!! It's the way of the world I think; so don't worry. If he's worried about your bank account or your student loans, he's not worth it!

  17. Your dad sounds great!!! We will be celebrating Dad's day by going out for Mexican, my dad's favorite! I inherited my dad's free spirit and I love that we can bond over our interest in moving about and seeing the world!

  18. Your dad sounds like such a lovely person. I am so glad that you have the wonderful relationship that you do with him. Hope you've had a great weekend at the lake.
