Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Ten on Tuesday

1. How do you take your coffee on an average day? How do you like your coffee if you’re splurging?
I rarely drink coffee anymore since I have had acid reflux issues lately... when I do treat myself at a coffee shop, I order a "Non-fat Vanilla Latte." At home I drink it very strong with a little bit of French Vanilla cream.

2. What is your genre of books to read?
I love fiction... no chick lit though...

3. Where do you want to retire, if you could go anywhere?
I'd love to be able to own a cabin on the lake near my parents place!

4. The 17-year-old you is told to write a 10-minute speech. What topic would you have picked?
At 17, I probably would have given a speech on eating disorders. I found them very fascinating so wrote my junior high term paper on them...

5. What word describes you best?

6. What is the next “event” that you are looking forward to? (ex.: vacation, moving, date, job change, etc)
The marathon in October - it's all I think about these days!!

7. Do you like to discuss controversial topics or do you prefer to avoid those types of conversations?
It depends on who I am with. In general, I would say I prefer to avoid controversial topics because those debates usually make me uncomfortable. But there are certain people that I can talk to about controversial topics and the debate is respectful and enjoyable.

8. Would you rather add 4 free hours to each day, or add 1 extra day to the week?
An extra day, please. Dear God, I could use an 8 day week. I am so busy at work, and my life is busy between running and social engagements. I am so worn down, I really need an extra day!

9. If you created a sports team; what would your colors and mascot be?
Um, I am going to be a party pooper and I will say I would NEVER create a sports team. Because sports are just not my thing...

10. If you had to be a teacher, what subject would you teach?
Definitely English!


  1. These were my questions! :)

    I'd be an English teacher, too! I love English. That sounds yummy - the coffee with vanilla ice cream! I bet you miss your coffee!! Darn GERD :(

  2. I would love to retire to a cabin in the middle of no where (although having cabins next door to each other could be loads of fun!). The thought of just enjoying the scenery, drinking and reading on the dock makes me happy. I tend to do the same thing about controversal topics. Its no use discussing such things with my family because our opinions are vastly different.

  3. Oh my gosh can you imagine having an extra day each week - AWESOME!

  4. Great questions! I'd definitely be an English teacher too - that was my original goal at 18 when I went into university :)

  5. I'll take an extra day as long it was a weekend day and I got to take a nap and not run errands!

  6. How fun!

    If I could retire anywhere I wanted, it would probably be to Cape Cod or maybe Daytona Beach. Or have TWO Houses, one in each place, and could fly north/south depending on the weather :)

  7. I would DEFINITELY want to retire in a cabin on the lake, too! I LOVE being on the water!

    An extra day in each week would be AH-MAZING. Let's make it happen!!

  8. I'm with lots of the others...an extra day in the week would be wonderful!

  9. I love this one, so I'm borrowing again :)

  10. I have never had a cup of coffee in my life...I just can't get used to the taste! Strange I know.

    The next event that I am looking forward to is my wedding! Only 18 days now. I would rather have an extra day in the week to get all of the wedding related stuff done and to just relax!

  11. I just tried the new starbucks infusions w/ caramel coffee. I brewed some yest. and put it in a glass in the fridge for this morning. Worked wonders! I like plain hot coffee w/ a pastry or something sweet. Otherwise, I like flavored stuff iced.

    An eight day week...that would be faaabulous!

  12. I would choose the extra day ONLY if it was considered part of the weekend and not just another weekday. Really though, I just want three day weekends to be standard!

  13. Please tell me your adding that 8th day to the weekend!

  14. I could definitely go for an extra day in the week, as long as it's extending our weekend! Could you imagine 3-day weekends every week?!

  15. Hehe, the 17 year old me would have picked genetic birth defects. Morbid.

  16. I'm a fiction fan too - though I've strayed into chick lit recently! lol

    And I'm a huge coffee fan, I don't think I could get through my work mornings without it.

  17. Oh acid reflux... if only the doctor had told me sooner what not to eat.

    My sports team mascot would be a skunk because we'd stink. I just can't do sports.

    And I'd take the 4 hours a day. Because 4 hours a day for 7 days is 28 extra hours. Plus, is that one extra day going to be a week day (work) or a weekend day (no work). Maybe I'd take the extra day only if it were another day off. But right now, I could just use extra time throughout the week.
