Monday, July 26, 2010

Marathon Madness Monday: Week 8

Happy Monday! Another week of training has come and gone. I must say - the last week of training beat me up a bit! My runs all went well, but fitting them in was a bit of a challenge!

Finding time for running is probably the biggest challenge. Last week, I had evening engagements on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday, a late night at work on Tuesday, and then left for the cabin on Friday afternoon. So that meant getting up at 5 every day to get my runs in. I ended up missing my Thursday morning run since it was pouring rain. I can handle running in a light sprinkle, but running in a down pour when it wasn't quite light out just wasn't happening.

Since my mid-week run is now at least 7 miles going forward, I have adjusted my work hours - now I come in at 9 on Wednesdays so I can do that long run before going to work. It was just getting to hard to do it in the evening hours. Luckily I have a super flexible boss who doesn't mind that I will come in a little later one day a week.

My Sunday long run was 14 miles and my mom & I had to head back to the cities at 10 yesterday morning so that meant getting up at 5:30.

But the good news is that the runs all went really good. My ankle has completely healed and I felt pretty darn good after my 14 miles run (albeit a bit famished for the rest of the day...)

But I am a bit on the exhausted side, so I am relieved that this is a quieter week for me with far fewer social engagements. And I am staying home this weekend instead of going to the cabin. So I am sure I'll be feeling much more refreshed when I write this post next week!

When do you fit in your work outs? Do you prefer to work out in the morning or the evening? Given the choice, I prefer evening runs during the week and morning runs on the weekend.

Training Tally:
Miles ran last week: 32
Training-to-date mileage: 178


  1. I wish I wasn't as terrible at fitting mine in! When I do though, it's in the evening :)

  2. I'm so impressed that you were able to get up early to get these runs in. I would really like to but it would require waking up at 4 and I just can't handle it! I'm so glad your ankle is doing better!!! I'm with you I will run in a light sprinkle but pouring rain, forget it!

  3. VERY impressed you could get up early to do this. That's motivation!! I'm awful for fitting in workouts, but I usually tend to do about an hour or so after I get in from work, and before dinner. :)

  4. I like to walk the dog in the evenings when its cooler. You are a rockstar for getting up before the sun to fit all of your runs in!

  5. I've gotten up early 3 days in the past week to do runs, but it was a lot easier to do because I was on vacation and didn't have to worry about getting to work at a certain time. Runs in the mornings on weekends tend to work best for me, especially with how hot it's been!

    P.S. You DEFINITELY want to stop by my blog today! :)

  6. Time is going by quickly, isn't it? I'm doing much better now that I'm getting my in on the morning and slightly adjusted my work schedule too.

  7. I'm an evening exerciser/runner too. Unless it's the weekend in which case I'll do it in the morning, but not as early as 5 am!

  8. As you know I get my runs done in the morning! It's just too hot in Kamloops to do them in the evenings. Usually between 30-35 C (85-95 F) and I just have SO MUCH TROUBLE finding the motivation to do them after work.

    Unfortunately I can't seem to find the motivation to fit anything OTHER than a run in in the morning (hence my lack of bike ride this morning).

    Good job getting all your runs in last week, especially considering you had to get up at 5 for them!! Last week was an exhausting week, our mileage jump was huge. I'm hoping this week won't be too bad!

  9. Finding time to fit in work outs can be quite a challenge! But way to go on making it all work! And congrats on hitting the 14 mile mark. You are now over half way there! ;)

    I prefer work outs in the morning. In fact, I really hate working out afternoon or evening! So, I almost have to do it. However, I know there will be times/days where I won't have a choice.

  10. If this was my life this post would end with, "So I just blew my whole week of runs off because I hate getting up early" LOL!

  11. i always want to jump out of bed and go but i'm too lethargic.. perhaps if i got in a routine i would be better. or a morning person haha. mid morning/afternoon is my best time.. but it's rather hot then.. and night time my hubby helps me be lazy

  12. Lisa, your dedication is astonishing. You are a machine!

  13. Nice work on running in the morning, Lisa! I usually can't fit in more than 2 or 3 miles before getting ready for work and all. I guess I could set the alarm clock earlier, BUT that means getting out of a snuggly bed after going to bed at 11pm. Ugh. I also find that my body doesn't perform as well in the morning as the evening. I would however prefer to run in the mornings and have my evenings free.

    Isn't it crazy how famished the long run can make you? I ran long on Sat and was starving yesterday. Just kept shoveling in food.

  14. Sounds like you're getting into a groove, which is great. The key is learning to remain flexible ... so that when you can't workout as planned, you are able to figure out another way without it getting to you.

    Me? I have to workout in the evenings. Given I already wake up at 5AM, there really is no wiggle room in the mornings. And I also prefer to get weekend workouts out of the way in the mornings. Otherwise, I spend my whole day wondering when I'll get in my workout!

  15. Okay, in case I didn't mention it before, I'm officially impressed! I think I prefer to exercise in the evening, but I seem to be more consistent when I get to it in the morning -- less time to talk myself out of it :)

  16. Great work Lisa!! It really is hard having night time social engagements while running in the mornings too! I have always wanted to do an early morning long run, but I feel like the only way it would work is if I ran to work! Hope you have a good week of training!

  17. It's impossible for me to do my runs in the morning (I have to be there at 6:30am) so I have to do my weekday runs in the evening. Sometimes, I'll just hit the treadmill at my gym or else I have to wait until at least 7:30 when it starts cooling down a little.

    Morning runs are my favorite, though! If I could, I would definitely choose mornings over evenings. I just lose motivation as the night wears on!

  18. wow i cant believe you logged that many miles before i saw you Sunday!! I used to run in the am and much preferred it. Now being to the hospital at 7 just doesn't work for me to go early! I try to go right when I get know...after a snack and some mtv...ok i'll get out there!!
