Thursday, August 12, 2010

Ten on Tuesday, err, Thursday...

Since I didn't post this on Tuesday due to a book review, here is a belated edition of Ten on Tuesday...

1. Do you have an innie or an outie?

2. What kind of milkshake do you order?
I can probably count on 1 hand the # of times I have ordered a milk shake… They are just a bit too rich for me… But if I was going to get one, I’d probably go w/ just a basic chocolate.

3. How often do you repeat outfits at work?
Right now, I repeat them almost weekly since I wear the same dresses over and over and over again. No one really cares – of if they do notice and care, oh well!

4. What are your feelings about thank you notes?
They are very necessary. I think it is incredibly rude to not acknowledge a gift when it’s a formal occasion such as a wedding. When I am giving a birthday gift or Christmas gift, I do not expect a thank you. But if I attend a wedding, I expect a thank you…

5. Do you like spicy food?
I LOVE spicy food!!

6. How many toilet paper squares do you use?
On average, I'd say 5.

7. Were you in Girl Scouts?
Nope. I don’t think that was an option in the one-horse town where I grew up. I was in 4H, though! Yee haw.

8. Notebooks/Journals: College ruled? Wide Ruled? No lines? Spiral Bound? Plain front? Decorative?
College ruled. I actually sort of shiver/cringe when of wide ruled. Yes, I might have OCD.
I prefer that it be loosely bound in a binder. I hate spiral notebooks!

If it's a journal, it must have lines - can't stand blank pages as I am not very good at writing straight. I like simple covers.

9. Do you snack throughout the day? What do you pack for snacks?
Yes. I basically eat every 2-3 hours. I have Greek Yogurt in the a.m., blueberries or cut up strawberries in the afternoon, and usually string cheese or an apple for an evening snack!

10. What is your favorite month? Why?
That’s tough… I am going to have to say October – mostly because of the weather. I LOVE fall weather. I love the cool/crisp temps. I love the changing of the leaves. Starbucks starts serving pumpkin spice latte. I can wear sweaters and jeans. Boots are back in season. Scarves are an appropriate accessory.

Le Sigh. Oh how I am pining for fall right now!


  1. Ah, fall! Haha I'm impressed you know how many toilet paper squares you use!

  2. I was thinking the same thing as Becky about the toilet paper squares :)
    I would have to say that October is my favorite month as well!!
    I love milkshakes, especially the jamocha one from Arby's and a small only has 11 grams of fat and it's not horrific calorie wise so I can work it in to my daily planning if I *really* want one!!

  3. I definitely like the month of October too, and I like fall- it's probably my favorite weather, however I prefer spring overall just cuz I know long days and warm weather are coming- I don't like the dread of winters to come haha.

  4. I was in 4H too, we did have the Girl Scout option as well, but I was kicked out of Brownies. I'm starting to slide into the fall frame of mind as well. Pumpkin spice lattes area glorious thing. You're right, October is a good month.

  5. I, too, love fall, but I know what comes after it so I am still clinging to summer - heat, humidity and bugs included! But, when August is over I'm ready! Only two weeks to go - sigh!

  6. I love that you said "yeehaw!" in this post =)

  7. Yes! We're spicy food twins, and I'm also counting down the days until October. Great minds... :)

  8. Ahhh..sweaters, apple cidar, apple crisp on Sunday afternoons, Pumpkin lattes.......Fall.

    It's going to 107 today. Gross.

    I am the same way about my note books! What the hell is the purpose of side ruled? The only place those are appropriate is 1st grade in teaching cursive....

    And about the whole snack thing? I have been rubbed off on by you - b/c lately my S.O.C. (snack of choice) has been pickles, pickles, and pickles. Must be dehydrated!!

  9. Can't wait for September-October. Sweaters and boots and... sigh.. It'll be here before we know it, I hope!

    I need new, cute work clothes so bad. I repeat outfits ALL the time!

  10. Fellow 'Distance Dreamer' checking out the groups' blogs. Interesting collection of facts. After a couple of lousy, hot runs I'm about ready for fall as well. I'll be the one cursing the ice and snow during the winter runs, but right now it sounds pretty good.

  11. I had a birthday party and a friend brought a delicious mulberry dessert and I still haven't sent a thank you for it. It's weighing on me. When is it too late for a thank you? I should probably go do that.

    Thanks for the comment on Amber's blog! I am glad that you enjoyed that post. I didn't mention it there, but it got passed around through different members of my family, and the pastor read it during the memorial service.

    I've added your blog to my GR! I need some healthy inspiration to get back into running. Today my bed was just too comfy.

  12. I'm excited for fall as well. While I love bundling up, I find it very hard to find enough warm work clothing. Grrr...

    I'm a spicy lover for sure! Manfriend is not a fan of the spice. He begins to sweat with any sign of spice I add to food. Muaaah hahaha!

    No girl scouts for me. I was too involved in sports and band. There was barely any time for homework, much less girl scouts. I do love thin mints though! ;)

  13. I cannot wait for fall! It's my favorite time of the year!

  14. I was in Brownies till I was 11, but didn't progress to Guides or Scouts. My favourite month is December, though I understand the October love, it's when the weather is perfectly autumnal, and everything is red and russet and gold.

    Bring on the spices I say!

  15. I agree with you about the thank-you notes - they are a MUST.
