Friday, August 13, 2010

Can I Just Say...

Can I just say how thankful I am that it is Friday? This week has felt so incredibly long... I've been in a bit of a snarky mood all week, to be quite honest... Here's my list of Can I Just Say's for the week...

Can I just say...
  • The humidity is killing me. I apparently was not built for this kind of weather. I have been getting up at 5 to do my runs this week but it's still in the upper 70s with 90% humidity at this time of the day. My extreme dislike for these weather conditions seems to cancel out the effects of the endorphin release. I am seriously at my wit's end right now. When I listen to the forecast each day & hear the weatherman say we are in for another day of hot, humid, hazy weather, it exponentially increases my desire to move to Colorado.... because it doesn't get like this in Colorado.
  • Sleep evades me. Since I am getting up at 5 to run most days, you would think that I would collapse into bed each night and easily fall asleep. Nope, not the case. Instead, my mind goes into over drive. I think about work stuff. I worry that I am never going to figure out the crochet pattern I am working (seriously, who worries about a hobby?). I toss and turn and curse my body for not falling asleep. I watch the minutes tick by, counting the hours until my alarm will go off. 7 hours. 6 hours. 5 hours. 4 hours... I've tried Tylenol PM and another OTC sleep aid. NOTHING HELPS.
  • I just don't enjoy crocheting. See above point about stressing about a pattern... I wanted to like it, I really did. People had told me that you could complete projects much more quickly... Yah, not the case for me. This sort of 'big' project that I took on for my first project will also be my last...
  • Also, I just don't like greek yogurt. A gain, I really want to like it, I do. It is chock full of protein which is good for runners. I keep eating it, thinking eventually my taste buds will come around to it. I even have told people - "You should eat greek yogurt, it's so good for you, you'll love it." But I am a fraud - I don't love it. It something about the thickness of it or the bitter taste or something. So I am giving up on it and returning to other yogurts that I enjoy eating, even though their nutritional content is sub par.
  • I hate word verification. A couple of weeks ago, Nilsa did a post on things about blogs that sort of annoy her. If you scan the comments, you'll see that no one likes word verification. I especially dislike it when I have to click 'submit' on the comment and then another pop-up comes up requiring word verification...
  • I like my personal space. There is a guy at work that crouches down and totally invades my personal space when he asks me questions at work. I am German. Get the hell out of my bubble. It creeps me out.

Whew! I feel much better now! :)

It's my mom's birthday tomorrow so I will be heading up to my parents cabin this weekend to help celebrate! I am looking forward to turning off my phone, consuming blended concoctions made by my mom, catching up on some reading, enlisting the help/advice of my mom on this crochet pattern, playing cribbage with my dad, and only running 11 miles on Sunday.

What is your "Can I Just Say"?


  1. Yay for Friday!!! Do you have a gym membership so you can maybe do some of your runs on a treadmill? This helps me beat the heat when it's ridiculous.
    Working at a restaurant people invade your personal space often, it can be creepy!
    What a fun weekend with your family!! I'll be doing my 11 mile run tomorrow :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Omg Lisa. "who worries about a hobby?" That made me laugh out loud while eating my artificially flavored chemically sweetened yoplait this AM! I buy flavored Oikos sometimes, but I add stevia to it every time! And the weather...yikes. Last two days on wcco weather : Thursday = oppressive humidity Friday = torrential storms. nice, and maybe a bit dramatic?

  4. I'm also so done with the humidity & because of it, I haven't been sleeping either! We should start a 2 AM book club over skype. It's so frusterating!

    Mine? Can I just say that I used to really love thunderstorms, but our house has taken that away from me. We get rain in our basement any time it rains, now when I hear thunder I get a queasy feeling and have visions of shop vacs, foundation work, or even moving. *thumbs down*

  5. Amen!!!

    Omg, I am so with you on personal space. I can't deal with it. Touchy feely, secret-tellers, etc -- send chills down my back. The only people allowed to hug me are family members and my husband! That's it!

    My "Can I just say" is this:

    I love southern accents. They are so sweet and warming to my heart. However, 30 hours of NCLEX review relearning everything from nursing school by a woman with THE THICKEST SOUTHERN drawwwwwl ever - AHHHH!!!! The lady teaching the class was from Misissippi or Texas or a trailer park in Louisiana.

    It was like Paula Dean on crack.

    I don't want to year "Yall" or "Aw, Bless yer heart" anymore.


  6. Amen it's Friday!

    Can I just say I'm tired of incompetent people? Our insurance company accidentally charged us twice and while they refunded that money it messed up stuff with the bank that we now have to deal with. (That's how my Friday morning started. Livid).

  7. I have to say the "I am German" line cracked me up, which is much needed for a Friday.

    Can I Just say...
    * I really really really hate it when someone sends me an email and then calls me to ask if I got it.

    * I also can't sleep and it's making me crazy. Literally. I don't even recognize myself some days.

    Here's hoping the weekend is good & relaxing for all of us =)

  8. I'm over this humidity as well. Its been so much worse this summer than any other I can remember. Also, tylenol pm has been my friend lately -- stress from worrying about work has me at my wits end. My goal this week is to just let it go (again knowing the difference on what I can control and what I can't).

    A big Happy Birthday to your mom! As always, please have an extra drink for me at the cabin this weekend.

    My can I just say? I am so damn happy its Friday! Its a bit ridiculous. I'm also really looking forward to seeing Wicked tomorrow.

  9. Oh, I laughed so hard at your German remark, but totally understand how you feel! I guess I know where that comes from! We will have a good weekend at the cabin, weather permitting! These hot humid days are coming to an end - supposed to be much cooler all of next week!

  10. You know what's also a rude invasion of personal space at work. That guy on the other side of the cube who talks entirely too loudly (and isn't even talking to you). It kills me. Though, I think I'm bad enough at being nice about it that he now goes into a conference room if he's going to be on the phone for more than a minute. hahaha.

  11. I wonder if melatonin would work for you? I've never taken it, but my mom swears by it.

    I am tired of the humidity and the heat and the weird torrential storms. I'm sick of this summer. There, I said it. I want it to go away. I want to WANT to be outside and not worry about turning into a sweaty mess as soon as I step out the door. This isn't Florida, Mother Nature.

    It kind of makes me long for Snowmageddon.

  12. Can I just say how tired I am. Need more sleep.

    Can I just say how annoyed I am with this random side pain! Wtf!

    Can I just say how I'm SO READY for the weekend and some WINE! Ha!

    Happy Weekend! XO

  13. "I am German. Get the hell away from me." Lisa, you're hilarious. One of my coworkers does this too and I always lean away or step back if I'm standing. He never gets it.

  14. Someone rubbed my belly the other day, and I nearly punched her in the face. I, too, hate invaders of personal space. Have a great weekend, and wish your mom a happy birthday from me.

  15. Have you ever tried Greek yogurt with honey mixed into it? I like it better that way or with dried apricots otherwise I agree too bitter.
    My vent is when you are wanting to turn right at a red light but the car in front of you is going straight and it so happens to be when I am running late! Augh hate that!!

  16. Ugh, I am SO OVER humidity! It's horrible over here, just utterly ridiculous.

    I am such a fan of Greek yogurt, though! I just tried some about a month ago and now I can't eat regular yogurt, it's too sweet for me! But to each his own. :)

    Can "I" just say that Steve Carrell is the sexiest awkward man alive? Yes?

  17. Feel the same as you about this week, ugh- it was long and everything that happened was just annoying. Thats why I didn't blog a lot because it would've been like 5 complaining posts in a row haha.

    Also I cannot stand close talkers or word verification.

    Not a huge fan of humidity either- it's been nicer here the past few days, maybe it will turn around and head to you next.

    ALSO (clearly I related to this post), I suck at sleep as well. I'm SO exhausted today and angry about it. haha

  18. I didn't think I liked greek yogurt at first either. But I kept trying different ones and now I *love* chobani or brown cow. The others are 'blah' to me

  19. Can I just say that I also hate word verification, but I hate it even more when I have to enter my email, name, and website each time I comment on a site (there are some blogs that are like this for me, and it sucks).

  20. If you don't finish the crochet then just rip it out and start knitting again. Some people love it, some people don't! You do great work knitting so just stick with that! At least you gave it a chance!

  21. Paul and I worked with people who were "close talkers" and they FREAKED us out. Every day.
