Monday, August 16, 2010

Marathon Madness Monday: Week 11

The humidity finally broke this weekend!! My runs were downright blissful this weekend, I must say. Sure makes a difference to not run in 91% humidity!

Now that I am past the half way point, I thought I would do a bullet point post about what has surprised me about training thus far. This is not my 1st marathon (I ran the Twin Cities marathon in 2006), but it sort of feels like it at times as I have struggled to remember how I felt when I ran my last marathon.

What's surprised me...
  • I am way more exhausted than I ever remember being when I trained in 2006. Maybe I have more of a social life than I did back then? Maybe it's the fact that I am 29 and I was 25 back then? Who knows. I do well at the beginning of the week but find myself being hit with a 'wave of exhaustion' at times during the latter part of the week. I am at fault for this as I have make bad decision about when to go to bed sometimes...
  • I haven't lost any weight. At least not that I can tell (I don't own a scale). When I ran the 2006 marathon, I couldn't keep the weight on. I drank a large mocha every day & ate more than my male co-workers, but my weight steadily decreased. This time around? Not so much. Again - is it because I am older? I have no idea. I am not too concerned as I am actually happy with my weight. It's just 'interesting'. I have the appetite of a teen-age boy right now so I should just be thankful that I am not gaining any weight, considering how much I am eating!!
  • I forgot how much of running is about 'perspective'. The way I feel at the end of a mid-week 8 mile run is VERY different from how I feel at mile 7 when I am running 11-17 miles. On those mid-week runs, 8 seems so long. On my long run, 8 seems like a 'warm up'. Knowing that I have 4-10 more miles to run when I hit that 8 mile mark on a weekend long run keeps my mind from telling my legs that "we're done", and thank God that happens!
  • Cue the song "Obsession" by Animotion. Holy moley, I do not remember thinking about running as much as I did last time around. Case in point: my nephews think I run for a living. My cube wall is plastered with training schedules and training logs. I exchange bbms and emails throughout the day with Amber, talking about how far I ran, how far I am going to run, and other miscellaneous marathon-related stuff.

Despite these 'surprises', I am really enjoying training. I like to be challenged. I like how marathon training pushes me to my limits. I like how marathon training has turned me into a morning person (sleeping in means something completely different these days)! I just hope all this hard work pays off and I PR in October!!!

Training Tally:
Miles ran last week: 30
Training-to-date mileage: 275


  1. I love these marathon Mondays - keep up the good work lady - I'm so impressed with you!

  2. Glad to hear the humidity broke in your area! I can relate to everything you said here - I'm exhausted most of the time, I'm eating everything in sight, obsessing about running but in a good way! Keep up your great work, I'm sure it'll pay off!

  3. Sounds like an interesting experience the second time around

  4. I've been thinking about how the change in humidity must be feeling so much better for you! :) Although last night I saw my breath, and while I'm anti-humidity I'm not sure I'm that anti-humidity lol

  5. Yay for nice blissful temps!!! It makes such a huge difference!! You rock, keep up the amazing work!!

  6. Cannot believe you are halfway through!

    You might not be seeing changes on the scale b/c you were running so much in 91% humidity and your body was holding on to everything!

    I gained weight on Saturday after my horrid run and by the end of the day -- I looked/felt like a blowfish!! Ha! The joys of running.

    It's funny how much can seem different from last time I around!! Keep up the awesome work, Lisa!!

  7. i like hearing about your weather cuz our humidity just broke this morning haha.. it seems what happens to you happen to us just a couple days later.

    i am sitting under a blankie this morning while sipping coffee.

    good work!

  8. I'm with you on the weight. Last winter my weight just kept dropping, no matter what I did. This time around I haven't noticed a change - if anything, I feel less toned.

  9. What an accomplishment!! It sounds like you already have a lot to be proud of, even before the marathon!

    The humidity broke here this weekend too, but it's supposed to come back mid-week. I hope it doesn't come back too strongly for you!

  10. You. Are. A. Rockstar.

    Seriously, so impressed =)

  11. I'm exhausted too. All. the. time. So it's not because you're older!

    I think it's because of the high mileage we're doing. Also because of the heat/humidity/stress you haven't been sleeping that great. NOT getting a lot of sleep + running 30-40 mile weeks doesn't really mix!

    Halfway there! Can't believe it!

  12. I think your are eating lots because you are running alot and your body is telling you you need to! You are very slim, so well done your body!

    Also, I think the reason the distance feels different is that you are thinking more, so your brain knows that this is a longer run - like when you know you have to get up in 7 hours, and you wake up a couple of minutes before the alarm goes off!

  13. I think your hard work is definitely going to pay off in October! I'm surprised you were able to lose weight last time you were marathon training, most people I've talked to don't lose weight training- so maybe that was just a fluke haha.

    I bet the tiredness is related to the trouble you've been having sleeping rather than the marathon training?

    At least you are enjoying it overall!

  14. My second marathon was a real wake-up call. I felt terrible throughout a number of the longer runs. And, in hindsight, I realized I thought I knew what to expect, since I'd been through marathon training before ... but, the reality is, every time you train for a marathon, you experience new things. Keeping an open mind about your training became key for me as I continued to train for and run them.

  15. keep up the great work Lisa!! You are doing so well!! Did you run in the mornings when you trained for your first marathon?? I have noticed that my body reacts differently to evening running (like when I ran in college) as compared to now when I run in the mornings.

  16. Halfway already - you're doing amazingly! Love reading about your marathon journey - it's fascinating. Very impressed!

  17. I'm seriously jealous the humidity in your area broke. It looks like we still have another few months to go of crazy humidity. :(

    You're doing so great with this training! I'm so impressed!!

  18. I am so exciting that you are halfway through. I can't wait to hear about the marathon in October. Its going to be amazing for you!

  19. I'm sooooo impressed with all of your running!! Great job, Lisa!!!!! Humidity is SUCH a pain, isn't????? I can't imagine running for over 2 hrs in it!! Keep up the great work!!! I'm very proud of ya!!!!!

  20. Love the bullet points. Isn't it interesting how each training process can be totally different than another?

  21. All your hard work is so amazing!! And it is very interesting to see your comparisons between this time around and last time! Keep up the amazing work :D
