Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Ten on Tuesday

Since it's "Back to School" season, Chelsea's 10 questions are college related this week!

1. Where did you go to college?
The University of North Dakota in Grand Forks, ND

2. What did you study?
My degree was in math with a sort of minor in business/finance

3. Was college really all that it was cracked up to be?
Oh yes. It was all that & then more! I absolutely loved my 4 years at UND!

4. How far were you from home?
About 2 hours

5. Did you have the same roommate all four years?
Nope. I lived in a sorority 3 of my 4 years and had a different roommate every year.

6. Where did you order food from at 2am?
I didn't really order food at 2 am. Instead we would raid the kitchen of our sorority house. I pretty much ate my weight in cheese every semester!

7. Did you date in college or were you tied down?
I dated here & there but in general, I didn't have a boyfriend in college.

8. Funniest drunk college moment?
Well, one night I had a little bit too much to drink and I drunkenly said, "The only boys that call me are boys that need help in accounting or calculus." Then I drank a decent portion of a bottle of Pepto and went to sleep. I never really lived this down and was teased about this quite a bit. But it's a true statement. I did have a decent number of guys ask me for help in account and calculus...

9. Did you make it to class on time?
Yep, I am not a tardy person!

10. What was your favorite class in college?
I know this is going to establish my complete dorkiness, but I have to say Differential Equations. I loved my professor and I really enjoyed that class. Most Engineering/Math students sort of hate this class so it's sort of rare that I liked it so much.

So, does anyone else sort of miss "back to school" shopping? Because I totally do. That section at Target is so tempting... Oh how I heart bouquets of newly sharpened pencils.


  1. I LOVE back to school shopping a LOT. Fortunately I still get to do it :) Nothing better than school supplies. Really.

    And now I've established my dorkiness!

  2. I love this one!

    I still do back to school shopping. This has been the first year where I haven't had a new term of uni/a new education related job, but my smallest nannying child started nursery(pre-school) today, so I did a wee back to school shop for him, and got some stuff for me too!

  3. I miss it every year. Who doesn't love buying new supplies! If only it was cool to bring a Trapper Keeper to work!

  4. Oh my goodness I LOVE this one!! What sorority where you in?? I'm stealing this for my blog today :)

  5. Love this 10 on Tuesday! I absolutely loved college and my college friends. Such a fun time in life. I take my two teenage cousins back to school shopping. Its a fun day for us to spend together. We're going this Saturday to Pittsburgh!

  6. Back to school shopping was always so exciting!!!

    I've actually been to your college! I went to Grand Forks with my family to do some shopping a few years ago and we stopped to look around UND. It was a really nice campus! Also, I've always wanted to go to school in the US, for some reason. It just seems exciting...I don't know!!

  7. Oh college, how I miss thee. Though, I don't think college misses me.

    Loved reading this, because do we ever really know each other's college selves when we "meet" so many years after?!

  8. I keep looking at the back to school ads in the newspaper and have the strong urge to go and pick up some notebooks, pens, etc. just because I love them so much!

  9. I LOVE back to school shopping, I miss it so much! Haha, between the "only" boys who will call you and your favorite class you crack me up!

  10. Yup, that's my Lisa! On your very first day of school, you arose at 4 AM because you couldn't wait to go!

  11. Loved the last line... =) I miss back to school shopping too! I didn't realize you were in a sorority! I tried to be in one but it didn't go so well. I was told I had to choose between grades & the sorority. Since I was pre-law (at the time) I had to be a dork and go with grades.

    I miss college...

  12. Great one!! Now this calls for a blog post on the sorority days! :)

  13. Fun set of questions! Diff Eq was Ryan's favorite class too (second to his design classes where he actually designed projects). Funny. I would feel every indifferent to Differential Equations..

    There must be a correlation between you and stomach-acid-reducing agents when you drink. Remember the "Bottle-O-Tums" night in Florida? Haha I love it!

    "I ate my weight in cheese every semester". That is awesome. I know exactly what you are talking about to. I remember there was this giant GIANT tub of cheese in the DG fridge all the time.

  14. Awww this is going to be the first September EVER that I'm not going back to school :( Eric is, though so I get to help him shop for school supplies! Lol

    I definitely had some pretty ridiculous drunk moments in college. Haha

  15. I still get to "back to school shop" every year!! I am a teacher, and always buy a bunch of new clothes for work at the end of summer. I also buy some school supplies for the university classes I am taking for my masters.

  16. I love all of the notebooks, pens, planners, etc! Makes me wish that I was in school again. It also makes me sad because it means summer is coming to an end!

  17. Oh, back to school shopping. I miss it so!

  18. the back to school specials are hard to resist. i would buy like a dozen fresh notebooks and fresh pens and clipboards and markers and construction paper and staplers and scissors. ;)

  19. I guess a perk of being a teacher is I STILL get to go "back-to-school" shopping each year :) This was a REALLy good TEN ON TUESDAY. Made me reminisce about my own college days...... I can't believe I've been out of college for 6 years. Where does time go????

  20. I went out to Office Depot yesterday to buy a new planner, binder, & filler paper for my new semester and boy, did it bring back memories! (Especially seeing the kids shopping with their parents!)

    I loved back-to-school shopping, especially for new outfits!

  21. Whoooo! Yay for math majors! =) Differential Equations was one of my favorite classes, too!

  22. I really liked Diffequ too! I actually had to take PDE before I took ODE because of the small school I went to. (When a class like partial diffequ was offered, it was really only done every 2 or 3 years.) Of course it helps that my favorite professor taught both classes and PDE was my first time having in.

  23. Growing up, my ex step mom never bought us school supplies other than cheap 75 cent notebooks. We always re-used our crayons, our pencils, our pencil boxes, binders, folders... urgh. It was horrendous going back to school every single dern year. The only way we got new stuff was if we saved our money and bought it ourselves. I resented her for that.

    Now that I'm older, and I have money, I love buying office supplies and school supplies. Oh man, you should see my pen collection. And the planners. And the highlighters. And .... urgh! Love it. I'd rather shop for school supplies than clothes...
