Monday, November 29, 2010

Motivation Monday - Week 4

Oh boy. I might need to change this weekly post to Unmotivated Monday. Motivated probably isn't the best way to describe me these days in regards to working out! I had the best intentions to run with my sister when I was home this weekend... but dear God, it was so dang cold out.

The combo of the weather turning colder + experiencing a little marathon training burn out + and starting a new relationship = unmotivated Lisa.

I need to nip this in a bud before I lose the level of fitness that I worked so hard to achieve this summer/fall. So next week when I check in, my goal is to be able to say that I worked out 3-4 times this week...

The weekend wasn't a complete loss, though. I didn't do any 'formal' work outs, but here are a couple of things that helped me burn some calories:

  • The Barrister and I walked to an ice skating rink by his house and went skating! I have not skated since I was very young so I am proud to say that I did not fall! It's free to skate at this rink so I think we'll be doing quite a bit of skating this winter. It was such a fun date!!
  • I bought a new Christmas Tree at Target yesterday. I then turned down the Target employee's offer to put it in my car for me. Instead I lugged that heavy, awkwardly shaped box into my car... and then down the very long hall way in my condo building. That was a work out, my friends. As was lugging the bins of Christmas decoration from my storage unit to my condo.
  • In addition to the Tree, I bought a whole lot of other random things at Target, which I carried up the 2 flights of stairs to my condo. I will practically kill myself trying to get everything up to my condo in one trip v. taking multiple trips. Anyone else do that?

So not my most impressive week/weekend, workout-wise, but not a total failure!


Hi: Ice skating! I definitely used different muscles trying to keep myself upright!

Lo: I didn't run at all this week...


  1. I think after focusing on marathon training for such a long time, getting and staying motivated would be a very difficult thing. Going skating was a great idea - I think it's easier to work out when it's done in a creative/fun way...especially when it's with someone you really like!

  2. I have no idea why I don't pike making more than one trip up stairs or from my car. It is a little silly, but I will def try to carry all 20 thing in one trip.

    Ice skating sounds great....not into the cold. I might need to invest in some workout pants all I have are capris.

  3. I'm pretty sure ice skating fulfills the two exercise requirements - gets your heart rate up and is enjoyable! I'm just a teeny bit jealous!

  4. I'm pretty sure ice skating fulfills the two exercise requirements - gets your heart rate up and is enjoyable! I'm just a teeny bit jealous!

  5. Ah!! So glad that you went ice skating, can't wait to hear more about it. And heck yes, lugging Christmas totes, boxes, etc definitely counts as a workout. I did that too over the weekend.

  6. That sounded like quite a workout to me! I would cross off one of the 3-4 you have planned!

  7. Take it from me--when you get a special someone in your life---you might slack off a bit with the workouts/running/exercise--but you will find other ways to make up for it! :) Before I started dating Mr. B.--the gym was my home away from home. Then, once he was in my life, my evenings were spent DOING things with him instead of sweating like a fool at gym classes. Now--it's a combo of both (as he is also a member at my gym these days!) Don't beat yourself up too much! Look--you already found a great way to incorporate relationship/workout: ICE SKATING! how cute :) And I hear you about lugging Christmas decorations/trees around. Welcome to my Sunday afternoon! I am just extremely happy that I NO LONGER live on the 3rd floor of an apartment complex in Baltimore. Let me tell you--when I WAS living there, I was the queen of wrapping as many bags around my wrists as I could! I knew my limits at the grocery store, Target, Walmart etc. If I couldn't do it all in ONE trip, it wasn't worth buying! HAHA. That was one way to keep my budget in line :)

  8. They showed the downtown ice rink on the news last night. I should have watched it more carefully to see if you were there!!!

    I am walking on the treadmill AND swimming today. Thanksgiving does that to a person.

    I am just starting to think about Christmas decorations. You and Emily are making me feel a bit guilty!

  9. As a former hockey player ice skating is DEFINITELY a workout! Trust me ;)

    Eric INSISTS on taking everything in on one trip. I, on the other hand, would be more than happy to not kill myself and make 2-3 trips! He looks pretty hilarious sometimes when he piles himself up with bags and boxes. I should take a picture! Lol

  10. I did some Wii Boxing, lots of lugging of Christmas decorations and boatloads of cleaning in preparation for the boy coming over. I figure somewhere in there I burned some calories.

    Oh, and laughing, lots and lots of laughing. That counts, right!?

  11. Ha, I love the unconventional workouts! I can't imagine lugging all my crap up flights of stairs. That would entice me to a) buy less or b) pack less when traveling. Ice skating makes me feel like a kid!

  12. I'm definitely the girl who tries to take everything up in 1 trip. My mom just laughs at me as I sling bags all up and down my arms and practically tearing all my muscles as I walk to the house, haha. It's a sickness. ;)

  13. You guys went skating?? That's so fabulous! That's pretty wonderful Lisa :)

  14. Yay, ice skating sounds great! That's a good workout I think :) Eric and I were actually thinking of ice skating this weekend but time got away from us. We usually want to go about 30 times a winter and end up going 1 or 2, but I still have a blast when we do it.

  15. Ice skating... how much fun!!! I'm sure you;ll find your motivation, but don't be too hard on yourself. Sometimes you need to take a minute to just enjoy things.

  16. Ice skating. Then lugging Christmas decorations into your condo? That TOTALLY qualifies as working out!

  17. I dragged myself to the gym to Zumba today. Gotta do something -- I was doing so well...!

    I do that "carry too much" thing, too.

    Sounds like you are holly-jolly, too! I get a little over the top at this time of year, and thanks to book club coming, got my Christmas up this weekend. Now to knit my special orders, finish shopping and more!

    Do you like the Wally Lamb book? Read it last year and enjoyed it. Seemed like "A Christmas Story" movie - but older!

  18. I always try to haul everything in at once, and I end up dropping things, hurting myself, etc.. It is so silly!
