Monday, January 10, 2011

Motivation Monday: A Running Meme

Last month, J of Morning Runner tagged me to answer these questions! They are running related so I figured they would tie in with "motivation Monday".

What are you most proud of accomplishing in 2010?

PR'ing at the Portland Marathon. I trained really hard for that race so it was wonderful to cross that finish line with a 28 minute PR!

What are your running goals for 2011?

I want to run a sub-2 hour half marathon in Fargo in May. I really think I have it in me to accomplish this!

What is your favorite race?

There isn't a race that I consistently do every year... A race I really enjoyed running was the Twin Cities 10 mile run which is ran on the day of the marathon. It's called the short cut to the capitol (the marathon concludes at the capitol). You get to sort of experience the buzz of marathon day so it's a cool race!

What is your favorite holiday guilty pleasure?

Drinking holiday beverages from Starbucks or Caribou Coffee. They are pricey and very caloric so I don't allow myself many!

What is your most embarrassing running moment?

Probably my disappointing half marathon that I ran in the spring of 2007. I was not at all prepared so was pretty miserable. My body was not in proper shape to run 13.1 miles and it revolted against me. I had a friend visiting from out of town and was too sick afterwards to entertain her. :(

I am terrible at coming up with people to tag, so either any some/all of the questions in the comments or do this on your blog!


  1. YAY! SO glad you did this! I have trouble tagging people too - I got the idea from a few other bloggers to use the last few people who commented on my previous post and tag them. Your marathon PR was an awesome accomplishment!

  2. I second J - your marathon PR is truly awesome!! That should be something you're proud of yourself for forever.

    I ended up running yesterday. There was a mild blizzard and it was a longer one (16k) so I'm a little sore today and it was a VERY slow pace, but I'm feeling better than I thought I would and was just happy to be back out there!!

  3. Your marathon PR was awesome - I definitely think you have that sub-2 half in you!

  4. This is fun! I love it. You can toally meet your goal at the Fargo Half! I know you can =) Can't wait to see what's in store for you race/running wise this year. Always cheering you on!

  5. I know you can meet the goal for the Fargo race. I'm still so proud of you for your finish in Portland.

    I buy Caribou coffee for the keurig because it reminds me of the long weekend in Minneapolis. =)

  6. Your PR for that marathon was SO AMAZING and something to be sooo proud of!!

    My most embarrassing running moment? Hmmmm. I need to think on that one for a bit, but I'm sure i have one!! ;)

  7. Ah you're reading Mockingjay right now!? I just finished Catching Fire and can't wait to get my hands on Mockingjay!

  8. Ha I was about to go "I want to run a sub-2 hour half marathon in Fargo in May."? I thought you weren't going to run marathons any more!!

    And then I realized you said half ;)
    Hope you have a great week!

  9. Your PR marathon was amazing- though obviously just doing a marathon is amazing! :)

  10. Your marathon PR was an awesome accomplishment!

  11. You go girl!! You are always so inspirational! You'll have to tell me what you think of Fargo, ND. I'm actually from SD so not too far away from there! :-)

    Happy Monday Darling! xo

    Oh, and have you checked out my $75 EmersonMade GIVEAWAY yet??

  12. Fun quiz!!! Your marathon PR was such a big accomplishment!!
