Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Ten on Tuesday

Another set of questions from the lovely Chelsea of Roots and Rings!

1. Is there a band/artist that you HATE?
Hate is a strong word, but I strongly disliked Michael Jackson. Yes, he was the King of Pop, but I think he did some pretty questionable/icky things...

2. What do you do when you get a gift that you do not like? How do you react?
I can't even think of a gift that I've received that I didn't like... I am pretty easy to please, though! If I didn't like something, though, I would probably just pretend I did as I would never want to hurt the gift giver's feelings...

3. How is your work office/cubicle decorated?
Decorated? Not. at. all. I don't have a single personal effect at work. No pictures, nothing. I used to have photos of my 4 nephews but then people kept asking me if they were my kids - to which I said:

"Seriously? Do I look like I've had 4 kids that closely spaced? Wait, don't answer that..."

4. Do you use all of your vacation every year?
Hells yes! I would like to try to carry over a bit next year as it's nice to have a little cushion at the end of the year in case you get sick. This year I had a whopping 4 hours left as of December 1st... I didn't use those, so carried them over and will use them later this month when I visit Nora.

5. Did you have a real or fake Christmas tree?
Fake. My condo association does not allow real trees.

6. If you could have anything for dinner tonight, what would it be?
I would have shrimp cocktail and ceviche for an appetizer, followed by my mom's oven roasted chicken & mashed potatoes for the main course, followed by homemade chocolate pudding for dessert. Mmm... I realize those 3 courses are sort of disjointed but I don't care.

7. Do you bite your fingernails?
Yes, sometimes... I've gotten better about this but it's something I do when I am stressed...

8. How many cups of coffee do you drink each day?
Somewhere between 1-3. It used to be 6, but then I started having trouble with acid reflux so I had to cut WAY back.

9. Do you have a nervous tick?
Nope, not that I know of... Are they common?

10. How often do you vacuum?
The high traffic areas of my condo have wood floor so I do not vacuum very often. The only room with carpet is my bedroom and I really am only in there to sleep so I don't think it 'needs' to be vacuumed that often. I vacuum it about once/month maybe?


  1. I know THREE people with nervous ticks..so maybe they are common. I remember asking my sister at some point to take note if she noticed any nervous tick tendencies in me because most of the time, I don't even think most people realize they have one. She's assured me that I don't have one either.

    I feel like that was a long comment about nervous ticks...ha!

  2. Hehehe about your nephews and people asking if they were your kids :P

    I HATE vacuuming. It has always been my least favourite chore!!! Unfortunately, mostly because of Webster, we NEED to vacuum at least twice a week. Every second day would be more ideal!

  3. Your answers today cracked me up! I don't have a lot of pictures at my desk either... just Jack, my brother & me, and my other dog. That's it!

    I tend to have a few vacation days left at the end of the year myself, but I'm trying to fix that so that I use them up more! Ours don't rollover!

  4. I always worry about the gift thing. I try to always be really excited and grateful but sometimes worry it's not enough or my reaction doesn't seem genuine enough.

  5. My cube walls are covered in pictures of my family and friends, post cards from friends, and pictures my younger cousins colored or drew when they were younger. I can't stand to look at drab gray walls so its pretty colorful from where I sit.

    I've reintroduced coffee after a year and a half-ish hiatus. I only drink a mug or two. I'm sort of wondering how I lived without it.

  6. Fun questions today! I don't have anything personal at my desk/ in my office right now because I am still on a temp contract, so I would like it to be permanent before I start making it mine. Fingers crossed that is soon!

    We got our first tree which is fake this year. I would love a real one, but they are so messy!

  7. I've never even had a real tree - we always had aritificial because of allergies, a tradition I continued when I bought our tree from Target this year. Plus I tend to kill things that can't tell me when they need food/water so it's probably better this way!

  8. Our complex doesn't allow real trees either. I would love a real tree because they smell so pretty!
    It's good that you can roll over your sick time! I have never had a job where I could do that!

  9. My hubs uses all his vacation time too, lol. I suppose if I had vacation time I'd use it as well!

  10. This was a good question series. I have always had a hard time separating a singer/actor from their profession. So while I like Michael Jackson's voice and songs, I have a very hard time respecting him even as a musician because of what he did in his personal life.

    That's funny that people see pics of kids and they automatically think they must be yours. I have 3 little rubber DUcks (go ducks!) sitting on my window ledge, a few inspirational quotes and running related things on my desk. Also a few pics around the office. I like it to be personal bc I spend so much of my time there.

    Oh when I was like 2 or 3, I really wanted a baby doll but my grandma gave me this kind of hideous knitted doll for xmas. We have video of my just balling because I was so upset that I didn't get the kind of doll I wanted. Funny memory.

  11. I hate hurting people's feelings when it comes to gifts too so I've found that a hug and a huge smiling thank you does wonders :) lol

  12. Ick...Michael Jackson disgusts me. What really bothered me after his *tragic* overdose from being an opioid-dependent slob......is that ALL OF A SUDDEN the media/world glorified him as seriously "the King". Prior to his death he was known as "The Bad Guy", "The Child Molestor" .... weird

    Anyways -- That is so nice that most of your house is wood floors now! Soooo much easier to take care of! Our old house was seriously allll carpet, and I was vacuuming 2/week!! Ick. Good thing I love my Dyson....

  13. LOl about your nephews. I have some pictures on my desk. One is of my former student who passed away + two of his friends. One of my kids this year asked me about a month ago if they were my kids.... ummm you really think I would NEVER mention my own children? haha.

    Hmm I vacuum my hardwood floors, is that bad? haa

  14. I'm not a big fan of Michael Jackson either. I really never "got" him in regards to his music. And his personal life was just a wreck so I was not a big fan at all.

  15. Thanks for sharing!! I like Michael Jackson's music ... but him ... well ...

  16. Your condo association doesn't allow trees?? I didn't know that they could even do that, wow!

    Now I kind of want to work out an elaborate scheme to get one into your place.... ;)

  17. Any meal that ends with homemade chocolate pudding would have to go in the books as a win! I also dislike vacuuming, and I really wish we lived in a place with hardwood floors like we did before we moved.

  18. I definitely have a few co-workers who have pictures of their nieces and nephews in their cubicle. It can definitely be a little awkward, especially when you're almost sure someone doesn't have kids. That's pretty much the main reason I don't have a lot of pictures in mine, to avoid awkward conversations like that.
