Monday, March 7, 2011

Motivation Monday

Happy Monday! I hope everyone had a great weekend.

Last week was a decent training week for me. I got 4 runs in, which I am happy with considering my schedule these days. And one of those runs happened after consuming 2 vodka tonics at a happy hour so I think I get bonus points for completing that run!!

My "long" run of 6 miles, though, didn't go so hot. Funny how 6 miles is long now when that was an easy run this fall. I am definitely not in marathon shape anymore! Anyways, when I got to the gym yesterday morning, all of the treadmills by fans were being used - and the thing that REALLY annoyed me is that they didn't even have the fan running. That's another pet peeve of mine. Don't pick a treadmill by a fan if you aren't going to use the fan!

My Y seems to think it's a good idea to keep the work out area warm which is why I really try to get a treadmill by a fan or I will over heat.

Which is what happened yesterday. I got way too hot and nearly got sick - and when I say that, I mean I literally started to gag. Gosh I could not get off the treadmill fast enough. Luckily I did not actually get sick - that would have been mortifying because the gym was PACKED.

Le sigh. I really hate my gym. I think it's time to find a different one that doesn't keep it so toasty. I mean, shouldn't they keep it a little bit on the cool side?

Since I only got 4.5 miles in yesterday instead of 6, I am going to try to do 6 tonight. Here's hoping I get a treadmill by a fan!

And here's hoping it's warm enough and not snowing next weekend so I can run outdoors. In hindsight, I should have just braved the cold and ran outdoors yesterday.


  1. I'm thinking a new gym. Be careful of ice when running outside.

  2. Why would a gym keep things so warm?? That doesn't make any sense. I'm sorry you almost got sick, but glad that you didn't actually get sick...I think I'd say it's time for a new gym, too!

  3. Lisa I tried to leave a comment but I'm not sure if it worked!! Anyway just run outside!! It sucks but is better than a too hot gym!

  4. A gym should definitely be kept really cool!

  5. Gyms should be cool! It is not supposed to get more than 2 degrees above zero today here, but hope it's better where you are! They are predicting temps in the 20's and 30's by Thursday, though! Yeah, Spring!

  6. I feel like my gym is always warm too; the fans are only in the weight area and it's super annoying because there is nothing by the treadmills, ellipticals, bikes, stair climbers that can keep a cool breeze on you. Oh well.Only a few more months left at this gym anyway! I'm just so glad I can run outside as well; it's still rainy/chilly here but I'm forging ahead and on.

  7. My gym gets really hot in the summer because it's a very old, historic building with crappy air conditioning. All the machines have built-in fans, but it still gets too warm. Do you think you could write a suggestion/letter? You're probably not the only person with this complaint.

  8. Great job doing 4 runs last week. I only got 2 in. Sigh. I headed outside for 3 miles this morning and it was TERRIBLE! The sidewalks were all icy and snow covered after our big snowfall yesterday. I'm SO OVER winter!!!

    Good luck with your 6 miles tonight. We are getting a treadmill once we move into the townhouse and I CAN'T WAIT!! It will be so nice to have a treadmill in the comfort of my home to use on days like today (especially when I don't have a gym membership!)

  9. Unless it's a hot yoga class, there's no reason it should be so warm in the gym! Have you talked to anyone there? Maybe you could start a petition to get them to lower the temp.

  10. Oh my gosh, I can't believe that you almost got sick! That definitely qualifies as way too warm!

  11. That's ridiculous that they keep it so warm. Every gym I have belonged to has kept it pretty cool.
    Getting sick from working out is no fun, I got sick from a Body Attack class once (mainly due to eating oatmeal before working out) and it was awful!

  12. I can't even believe your gym! I would definitely start looking for somewhere else, because it sounds sorta dangerous!

  13. Ugg that stinks! Hope you get outside today! It snowed a ton yesterday here! I just hope that is the last snow we get until next November!

  14. That is cra cra craaazy that they like to keep it warm in the cardio area. Yuck! Good luck with the 6 miles!!

  15. Do you use anything except for the treadmill at the gym? I started to really hate gyms so Eric and I bought a treadmill which more than paid for itself since we both don't belong to a gym now (although I do spend money on yoga so maybe just Eric saved us money haha). I know you probably don't have a ton of space but maybe you could get one of those fold up ones? Just an idea. It's REALLY weird that your gym keeps the room warm. I've never belonged to a gym like that and I think I've belonged to probably 5 or 6 different ones including college and studying abroad. So weird.

    Good luck with the 6 miles tonight!

  16. I really really dislike hot gyms and do not understand the concept!!! Its not good for one's body - and causes dehydration!!!

    I hope it warms up soon so you can get outdoors again SOON!

    Wow, mad props for running after 2 vodka tonics?That would make me verrrry letharrrgic.

    Glad to hear training is going overall well!! :)

  17. I'm so with you on needing to get a treadmill under the fan!

  18. Good for you, Lisa. My gym is OK -- it's me that isn't gung ho on going -- and I really need to -- a lot!

  19. I'm sorry, you ran after you'd had drinks?! You're a rock star. End of discussion.

  20. Sorry to hear that you almost got sick. Gah! Why would they keep it so hot? Thats just crazy. Hang in there love. Soon it will be spring and you can run outside again.
