Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Ten on Tuesday

This week's edition of Chelsea's Ten on Tuesday has a "what's in a name" theme!

1. How did your parents decide on your name?
My father named me after a character from a soap opera he watched. My dad is a total man's man so the fact that he used to watch soap opera's? I think that's hilarious.

2. Do your initials (First, Middle, Last) spell out anything fun/funny?
My initials are LAD. My parents actually wanted my middle name to be Suzanne, but then they would have been LSD, so they went with Anne instead!

3. Did you take your middle name from childhood or did you take your maiden name as your middle name? (If unmarried, what do you plan to do?)
Gosh, if I made my last name my middle name, that would potentially make for a really long name... So when/if I marry, I will most likely just take my husband's last name and ditch my current one.

4. Are you or will you name your children thematically (ie. same first letter, all of same origin…)

5. Did you decide on baby names as a little girl? Did you stick to them or change your mind?
I do not remember thinking of child names as a little girl... These days, I have names I like but nothing I am dead set at using when/if I have kids!

6. Does your family have any names that have been passed down through generations?
Not that I know of!

7. Do you look at the meaning of the name or just the name itself?
I just look at the name itself. If it happens to have a neat meaning behind it, then great.

8. Do you name pets with human names (Sally, Henry) or with pet names (Fluffy, Mr. Bo Bo)?
I am gone 13+ hours a day most days... I would have the most neglected pet, so I don't have any pets. We had 2 cats when I was in high school that we named Allegro & Fritz. Fritz bit the dust but Allegro is still alive and kicking (and living with my parents). I love the name Allegro, it fits him so well. We chose that name because its musical meaning fit the cat's personality.

9. Are there any names that you have an affinity or dislike for based on a childhood experience/someone you once knew?
Childhood, not really. Adulthood, yes. I have dated so many Brians and Ryans, I think I can rule those out as future name choices. That's about it, though.

10. What are some of your favorite names? Why?
For boys, I like Paul (my dad's name), Neil (my maternal grandfather's name), and Liam (for no particular reason).

For girls, I like Claire, Lydia (but only if she was born with dark hair, I don't picture a Lydia being blond), and Colette (because it's French & I think it's beautiful - I know this will be a tough sell with my future husband, unless he's French, since it's a bit different).


  1. You're right about the name Lydia just going with dark hair. I wonder why that is??

    This was a fun Ten on Tuesday. I always enjoy hearing how people got their names and I love that you got your's from a soap opera your dad watched!! That's pretty great!

  2. On the McDougall side, John was a name that has passed on down the line. I love the name Lydia and hope to have a granddaughter by that name someday! And John would be good, too! Then we'd have another "little apostle" in the family! James, Andrew, Matthew & "John"!

  3. totally love that we both referenced the "what's in a name" thing without talking about it =)

    What do you mean your parents didn't want your initials to be LSD!? ;-) Good call on their part.

  4. Your mom brought up the generations of the name John in our family.

    Suzanne is named after her grandmothers and Nick is named after grandfathers on Paul's side of the family.

    I love the name Neil.

    Interesting post. I did not know you were named after a soap opera person. Wow.

  5. Paul is my dad's name too :)

    Funny you like the French names - David loves them (because his first language is French) but I'm not sold! :(

    LSD is too funny!! I'm glad the initials question was raised because my favourite sequence of names for a girl spells SEKS lol!

  6. My parent's were very uncreative when it came to my name....I have no middle name! Just plain old Leigh. My two brothers both have the same middle name too.

  7. Hehehe Fritz. Love it! That is so cute.

    I REALLY like the name Claire. Like love love love it. I think I fell in love with it when I read the Outlander series. Haha!

  8. LOL. I knew a Lydia with the prettiest curly blonde hair ever. She was seriously cute so now I can only think of Lydia for a blonde-haired child. Funny how that goes! :)

  9. Claire is such a pretty name, I have always liked that one too.

  10. I love that your dad named you after a soap opera...and really love that they went against LSD as initials!
    I don't think you will have to worry about "selling" the name Colette because Im sure your future husband will be french! :)

  11. I think Collette only goes with dark hair too :-)

  12. Due to teaching I have SEVERAL names I will never name my child haha. Luckily most of my really tough kids have had the WEIRDEST names (not kidding, can't be mentioned her they are so unique haha) so there is really no chance I would name my kid that.

    I also would not name a child after an ex, I agree with you on that. My aunt named one of her kids her ex-husbands name I was like WHAT?! I say this as soon who had an ex- but now a friend at my wedding- love him, but still not giving my kid that name haha. I really like sentimental names but I don't want to name my kids Kelly or Eric, that's weird. But after people who have passed away or just general important people I like.

    I kind of laughed a bit at the question about what will happen to your old last name... you could just have one weird and long middle name like I do haha. Though yours might be a little more crazy than mine.

    PS. Anne with the E was my confirmation name, I liked it with Kelly... still can't tell you anything about St. Anne though.

  13. There are so many things you have to take into account when naming a child, like the potential ramifications of the initials LSD.

    I've always liked the names Scarlett and India (both from Gone with the Wind) for girls and William (a family name -- my grandpaps first name, brothers middle name) and Wyatt for boys.

  14. I think you'll be able to get away with Colette, no problem! As for Liam, yes!

    Had to laugh out loud about the potential of having had Suzanne as middle name and btw, what soap did your Dad watch, anyway?

  15. I like this one. I am not, as most people think, named for Lisa-Marie Presley.

    Dave and I have picked future children's names! I did think about double barrelling my name (in the UK, people double barrel or just take the man's name, we don't have our own as a middle name really) but it would be silly - Lisa-Marie Dempster-Hughes? I think not!

  16. I actually know a Colette, and as far as I know she isn't french. She is from Louisiana, which with it's background is French, so I guess it's a little less out of the ordinary here.

    And the one Lydia I know, is actually a blond!

  17. I'm liking your ten on Tuesday! I'm named after Mom and Grandma -- nothing fancy there!
