Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Ten on Tuesday

This week's questions from Chelsea have a foodie theme to them!!

1. What is a food that you never thought you would try, but then tried and liked?
I never thought I would like sushi. Then my brother talked me into trying it when I moved to Minneapolis and it's now one of my favorite foods. I could seriously eat sushi every day - and I crave it!!

2. Do you subscribe to any foodie publications? If so, which ones? Nope! I only subscribe to Runner's World and I rarely read that these days!

3. What ingredient do you find yourself reaching for the most when you cook? Crushed red pepper or cumin! Interestingly enough, I think these are 2 ingredients that my mom probably did not use much when we were growing up so it's kind of interesting that they are my 'go to' spices as an adult!

4. Are there any foods that you hated as a child, but then learned to like as an adult? I didn't really love mushrooms when I was a kid - now I adore them!

5. What do you like to eat that others may consider weird? Tortilla chips w/ pickles and macaroni with ketchup are 2 things that come to mind!

6. What is the weirdest ingredient you’ve ever cooked with? I think parsnips are odd because they tend to come in wax and that just sort of threw me for a loop initially.

7. Do you have any major food allergies? I have a gluten intolerance - which is technically NOT an allergy, but people tend to think gluten intolerance = allergy. I don't eat dairy right now as it appears to impact my complexion but I wouldn't classify that as an allergy or intolerance...

8. Is there an ingredient that you would like to cook with, but are intimidated to try? I am sort of intimidated by fresh fish. I am worried that I will either over cook it... or under cook it... and that my condo will smell of fish for days after cooking.

9. Do you bake? Rarely. Like once every 3 months and the only thing I bake is gluten free banana bread. I think gluten free baking is super tricky/finicky, and I don't deal well w/ recipe failures, so, besides this fantastic banana bread recipe that I have, I just sort of avoid baking in general!

10. If you could go on any “foodie” show to compete, which one would it be, and why? Top Chef because then I could meet Tom Colicchio. I sort of have a crush on him - I love his facial expressions. Random thing to like, but I love how his facial expressions really indicate how he feels - especially when he is talking to the chefs as they prepare for a challenge. And the guy is super talented.


  1. I could definitely eat sushi every day too!

  2. Sushi! I thought I would hate it too, but now we've fallen deeply in love. Also, crushed red pepper is one of my go to spices as well. That and garlic salt. :)

  3. i will not even try sushi.... wimp. but the dairy thing!?! really. wow that is interesting!
    have a great day!
    love reading all of your posts!!!

  4. Sushi. I could eat it every day. Dang mercury. I use cumin all the time too. Cumin and coriander go well with EVERYTHING! Yum, tortilla chips and pickles...I like my tortilla chips with ketchup so I could never judge your combo! Cool 10 on tuesday, love the foodie theme.

  5. Mmmm, sushi is amazing and this small town girl adores it. Unfortunately, I can only get it in Pittsburgh or Columbus. If you want to cook fresh fish start with tilapia. Its ridiculously easy and doesn't have a strong smell.

  6. I have yet to develop a love of sushi but I shall not give up! As long as you buy fresh fish, your house won't smell like fish! It is worth a try! I have some fresh walleye in my freezer that I have to cook soon! Mmmm!

  7. I like mac and cheese with cut up hot dogs and ketchup haha. I also like mac and cheese with tomatoes. And cottage cheese with tomatoes and sometimes cottage cheese with pineapple or strawberries. I only like deep fried mushrooms. I still cant stand regular mushrooms. A texture thing. I also refuse to cook with fish for the same reason. When I want it, I go to my dad's. ;)

  8. You and I can go on Top Chef together. I think you could make your macaroni thing and totally win!

  9. Like macaroni & cheese with ketchup, or just plain macaroni with ketchup? I'm intrigued by this!

  10. I used to HATE mushrooms with a passion and now I enjoy them too :) I never liked sushi or shrimp before either.

    Hope studying is going well!

  11. I used to hate mushrooms too. Now I LOVE them!

    I think sushi is an acquired taste. It definitely wasn't my favourite when I first started eating it but now I adore it and totally crave it! I probably eat it once a week or so :)

  12. I have a crush on a Top Chef too ;)

  13. I'm terrified to try sushi. It just looks... nasty. LOL. But so many people love it so I really should give it a try sometime!

  14. I was the same way with Sushi and mushrooms!

  15. I have far too many foodie magazines and cookbooks. I used to HATE cherry tomatoes...just the texture of their juicyness, but now I love em! Crushed red pepper is my favorite (and the manfriend's enemy)!!!

  16. I am totally with you and Amber- I hated mushrooms as a kid and now they are one of my favorite veggies. Ironically, I JUST had a conversation with one of my students about this today. He said he doesn't like mushrooms and I told him he should try them again when he is older- he said his mom said the same thing because she also didn't like them as a kid and now likes them. What is the deal with these mushrooms!?

  17. I am totally doing this on my blog tonight!!! I loved reading your answers ... food questions rule!

  18. I love mushrooms too and always have! Sushi is a regular craving of mine, but I have found if I have it too often it's not near as good.

  19. You are a marathon runner but a baking scaredy-cat. We will fix that while you are. Say hello to gluten-free brownies! (A friend recommended them and said they're gooood!)

  20. Sushi is tasty good! I subscribe to two food magazines. Oh also, if dairy breaks your skin out, then that is an intolerance.

  21. I would easily choose Top Chef too. Although I can't really cook, so I would probably do AWFUL on it. But I guess the thought is, if I was on it I must be an amazing cook by then right?
