Monday, March 28, 2011

Motivation Monday

It's race week! I can not believe how fast this 10 mile race snuck up on me! It seemed like ages ago that Charbelle and I found out we got into the lottery back in December. Sheesh a lot has happened since then. I went through a break-up, started a new job, visited Tucson, St. Louis, and Paris, and studied my butt off. Charbelle has had a busy couple of months, culminating with her engagement just a little over a week ago! So I guess I should not be surprised that we both sort of struggled to find the time for our training runs.
I was supposed to run 9 miles yesterday - I ended up doing 7.25. I got to the end of a 2 lake loop and my hip flexor had been bugging me since mile 4 and I just could not make myself add on a 2 mile out-and-back. I figured it was best to listen to my body. Hopefully with some extra stretching throughout the week, my hip flexor will feel better next Sunday on race day. My hip flexor has never bugged me before so it's odd that it's flaring up now. I blame the dreadmill!!

The temperature for my run yesterday was a bit chillier than I was hoping (it was 16F), but it was really sunny and there was no wind so it was actually a really pleasant run. Running outside yesterday reminded me why I do love the sport of running! Going forward, the majority of my runs *should* be outdoors. Hopefully!

I don't really have any goals for the race on Sunday. Mostly I just want to run it and feel good afterwards. I KNOW with absolutely certainty that I will not PR. I am definitely not in peek condition so that is just not in the cards. But that is ok with me. I want to enjoy the run and chat with Charbelle and take in the sites! After all, it's Cherry Blossom season in DC and we'll be running along the Mall for part of the race, so there will definitely be plenty to look at!

Oh, and Becky will be spectating, so I might actually have my first photo from a race (besides the professional ones that cost an arm and a leg)! Besides the marathon in 2006, I've never had a spectator at any of the races I've done, so I am kind of super excited to have someone cheering us on!


  1. 16's amazing what a baby I've become since my southward migration...I thought I was going to DIE when I saw the 30 degree forecast for my race on Sunday!! Sounds like you've got a really great weekend ahead of you! DC is so pretty, especially in the spring! You be good to that hip flexor!! Have a great week!!!

  2. I can't believe it's race week already! So exciting. I am sure the race will be nothing but gorgeous and I can't wait to see photos of your entire trip :) Have so much fun and hug everyone (even Charbelle who I'm aware I don't know...), k?

  3. That's so exciting! Have an amazing trip, and best of luck!

  4. I'm glad you were able to run outside. Hope your hip doesn't bark at you too much this week!

    Stay healthy!!!

    I would love to see D.C. during this time of year.

  5. It's nice to have pictures but also to have someone there to cheer you on from the sidelines or at the finish line! Hopefully your hip flexor feels better and the race goes well! :)

  6. Spectators and company should make for a fun race! It's a lovely time to be in DC. Enjoy it!

  7. Having a spectator is the best! Usually Eric does it for me and he's gotten pretty good at it but once my friend Danielle did it and she's a really good photographer so she got some GREAT photos of me running. They are still some of my best race photos!

    SO excited for you to spend the weekend with Becky :)

  8. Ouch - hope your hip feels better soon! It was nice yesterday with the sun and no wind! Cold temps are still with us - Brrr! I'm sure it will be warmer in DC! Have a great trip!

  9. grrr. blogger eats every comment i leave everywhere these days. ANYHOOO. good luck this weekend and i hope the weather in DC is gorgeous!

  10. Oh, gosh. I'm just cringing at the 16F weather. I really couldn't survive anywhere but Florida. lol. I'm so excited for your race and seeing Becky! It will definitely be a blast for you. :)

  11. Uh-oh, now the pressure is ON for a good end of race picture! Can't wait!

  12. Yay, I can't wait to see the pictures of you :) It's definitely hard to convince spectators especially because races are so early in the morning but it makes a big difference when you are running to see someone cheering for you on the side!

  13. I am sure you will have a great time and will do well on your run. Maybe if I had nice scenery or a buddy to run with I would enjoy it more.

  14. I'm running a race on Saturday! It's just a 5K but I'm really excited for it. It's the Aids Walk/Run here in DSM, I will probably be walking more than running, but I don't care! :)

  15. I am excited for you!! Make sure you are getting lots of rest, and staying hydrated all week!

  16. One of my favorite marathons was in DC ... it's a great place to race! And even if it's not perfect spring weather there (I heard it snowed? there last weekend), it'll likely be better than running at home!
