Friday, April 22, 2011

Happy Easter!

Greetings and Happy Friday!  And especially Happy Friday to those of you who get this day off!!  Even though the markets are closed, I still have to work?  Oh well, it will be a good day to catch up on some projects with minimal interruptions!

My whole family, with the exception of my younger sister and her husband, will be coming to Minneapolis.  I can't wait!  It will be so nice to not have to travel for this holiday.  Everyone is staying in a hotel close to my brother's house, so I am crashing in my parents room which means Easter = a staycation for me this year!  Here's what I am looking forward to:

  • Celebrating my youngest nephew's 3rd birthday! 
  • Seeing all 4 of my nephews.  Hopefully I can get a picture with all 4 of them!
  • Seeing my sister & sister-in-law who are both expecting!  My sister is due in late May, my sister-in-law is due in September.  Neither are finding out the sex.  I predict a boy for my sister & a girl for my sister-in-law.  When I asked my oldest nephew what he thought my sister was having he said, and I quote, "I don't know...  I am just going to love the baby no matter what."  Isn't that the sweetest thing?
  • The Saturday Easter Vigil Mass.  It's my favorite mass of the year (even though it's also the LONGEST)  My sister-in-law is converting to Catholicism and I am her sponsor.  It's been a special experience to go through RCIA classes with her so I am looking forward to the mass where she will formally join the Catholic church.   
  • Enjoy a little holiday from being dairy free.  I'm responsible for bringing the veggie tray + spinach dip.  I like toffutti sour cream but if I used that in the spinach dip I am pretty sure no one would eat it.  And I do NOT need to eat an entire bowl of spinach dip. 
  • Hiding Easter eggs.  Holidays are so much more fun with kids around!  I hope the weather cooperates so we can hide them outdoors.
Have a fabulous Easter weekend, everyone!  How will you be celebrating?


  1. Have a great weekend babe - I'll be thinking of you tomorrow evening while we're both at masses as sponsors!

    We're going to my parents for dinner Sunday and then hopping over to the mister's for dessert - should be a great time!

  2. Aaaah have so much fun!! That sounds like a blast! What could be better-your whole family together, no traveling for you!

    My family used to come to the Cities every easter while I was in college...we didn't get any days off. I have a LOT of good memories of Easter in the Cities!

  3. Sounds like a fabulous Easter weekend Lisa! Hope you enjoy it :)

  4. I look forward to the day when there are kids in our family again (of course I am probably going to have to provide these kids, shoot) because it does make holidays so much more fun. The comment about loving the baby no matter what was adorable.

    Have a great Easter :)

  5. Sunday is supposed to be nice, so the egg hunt should be able to be outdoors. It should be a very fun time with the nephews!

    Have fun!

  6. Enjoy your fun weekend with the family and best of all enjoy being Julie's sponsor! Love the Easter Vigil mass as well. We will be attending in the morning as I am pretty sure we would get some crazy looks by bringing a baby to a 3 hr mass more less pretty sure we don't even want to entertain that idea with Miss E right now!

  7. Congrats to your sister-in-law! Have a fabulous weekend!

  8. It sounds like you will have a fantastic weekend with your family! Enjoy!

    My spouse is Jewish and keeping kosher for Passover, so I'm trying to figure out a simple but festive Easter dinner for us.

  9. Okay, I am a little envious of your weekend! A weekend with the family sounds like heaven.

    Be sure to take lots of pictures and give our sweet little nephews a big hug from me!

    Enjoy this weekend, Lisa! You deserve it after how crazy its been for you lately. Love you!!!

  10. Sounds like you're going to have a grand weekend with your family! I don't celebrate Easter. Neither does Sweets. But, we will be going to church with his folks on Sunday. Because that's how we roll. =)

  11. Have fun with your family!!!!! And have a happy Easter :-)

    We celebrated Easter last weekend, because the hubby and I will be leaving for NY tomorrow morning. We are on holidays until May 2nd, so it should be good!!!

  12. Sounds like a fun weekend! Today I spent time with my mom organizing baby stuff and shopping. Made my husband his bday cake and we had his bday dinner tonight (his bday is Monday). Tomorrow, going out to breakfast with my parents and then to the outlets to shop with my mom. Easter Sunday we are going to A's grandma's for dinner.

  13. Kids do make the holidays a lot more fun. :) It's one of the reasons I like working at a preschool - every holiday is so exciting for them!

    Have a great Easter!

  14. I'm smiling at Abby's comment above. She's tricky ;)

    I hope you are having the most fabulous weekend with your WHOLE family together. Miss you! XO

  15. We made our friends eat tofuti cuties without telling them what they were and they loved them. Just don't tell. :)

    I know I am late but I hope you had a great Easter and I guess you probably had a good night's sleep at your parent's house!
