Thursday, April 21, 2011

Always... Sometimes... Never

It's been awhile since I've done one of these type of posts. It's a good way to expound upon the random thoughts floating around in my head these days...

I always...
- smile when I think of my time in Paris. That city is just plain magical - I can't wait to return some day!
- sleep better in my parents home. Is it the fact that the room is darker since I usually sleep in a basement room?  Is it because it's one of the few times I feel taken care of?  Whatever the reason, I sleep deeply and peacefully when I am home.

I sometimes....
- wonder if I will ever have someone besides my parents to put down as an emergency contact.
- miss marathon training.  I never thought I would say that.  And that doesn't mean I will run another marathon (I am pretty sure I won't).  It just means I miss being in a frame of mind where I was so focused on running - and in such great shape.  I miss the days of long runs when the miles just effortlessly ticked by.  I'll get back to that state again.  Just not until after the CFA exam.

I never...
- thought it would be so easy to give up dairy. As a cheese lover, I honestly thought my heart would ache for cheese. I actually don't really miss it... yet!
- would choose to relive my junior high/high school years.  Seriously. Those were dreadful, dreadful years.

Ok, your turn - what's your Always... Sometimes... Never?


  1. I don't really go home to my parents to sleep anymore because it's about 10 minutes away, but when I'd go home in college I would sleep AWESOME at home (no one being loud and waking me up, dark shades etc).
    I hope you will have someone to put down as your emergency contact, and then I hope you get a little sad when you take your mom off like I did... I still put her as second when they ask for 2.
    I know middle school and high school had their tough moments, so I don't think I'd choose to relive them either, but they also had their funny moments, and I sometimes do miss the lack of responsibility. Though I have to say, it's a great feeling to have more control over my own life. I was just thinking recently how I was rude to my parents when I was in hs, one time they wouldn't let me use a car because they needed it and I flipped out. I was thinking, I'd never do that now. Then it occurred to me, no one would ever try to use my car now so I really have no idea if I'd at least kinda wanna flip out on the inside :)

  2. Always - Get a sweet tea from McDonalds before work this year...

    Sometimes - I really have no patience with teenagers

    Never - Will understand freaking out about things you cannot change..

  3. There is something relaxing about occasionally being taken care of by your parents.

    I always drink coffee in the morning. I sometimes (like today) get irritated with myself for not journaling my food intake when I show a gain on the scale and/or my clothes feel tight. I never thought I would find not shopping so easy as I have after a couple of months of being on a year long shopping diet.

  4. OH I always sleep like a BABY when I'm at my parents' house! It's amazing!

    It's hard to finish a race...amongst all the feelings of accomplishment and satisfaction (or disappointment if it doesn't go the way you hoped) there's an emptiness that goes with it.

  5. You could totally put me down as an emergency contact. Seriously. I've put friends down for years (in addition to my mom, just to be safe).

    I sleep better anywhere it's darker, it's just a fact.

    Ah, high school. The only part I'd like to relive are the classes part. I know, I'm a dork but I really liked the classes I took in high school. Plus since we already did it, it'd be easier, right!? Or maybe...!

  6. I always say a prayer for my children every day.

    I sometimes wonder if I'll ever really retire!

    I never - hmmm,! There are so many things I never want to experience or relive, but it would take a book!

  7. Fun post idea! I love being home at my mom's worries about doing dishes, or cleaning. Just get to relax and be a guest!

    You said you would never run a marathon again...would you run a half? Or any plans of running one?

  8. I always smile when I think of my time in Paris/Europe too. This weekend it will be a YEAR since we left. A YEAR!

    I still put my mom down as my main emergency contact because Eric's phone didn't have voicemail!!!! Haha. But he has voicemail now with his new phone so I guess I'll have to start putting him down, especially considering my mom lives 650 miles away and all!

    I never thought I would be looking out my window on April 21 and it would be snowing (this is happening right now. Sigh)

  9. These are always fun…

    I always wish I lived in the same city as my boyfriend. I pretty much miss him all the time.

    I sometimes wish I could quit my job in a super spectacular fashion. This place is wearing on me even more now that I’ve been away from it for a month!

    I never get sick of my niece and nephew. Love, love, love those kids and everything they do!!

    Have a great weekend, Lisa!

  10. I always:
    Worry about my children. And, then, I try to be "helpful" and it seems

    I sometimes: irritate them as a result. Sigh.

    I never: Look back. No regrets.

    Happy Easter!!!
    Are you going home to have a good night's sleep?

  11. I'm the same way about re-living high school and about sleeping at my mom's house :)

    Happy almost easter weekend!

  12. I always love my son's smile as he's just waking up.

    I sometimes wonder if I'll ever see my pre-pregnancy weight.

    I never miss marathon running, though I do miss those days of training with good friends.

  13. I always hit the snooze button at least once. It's inevitable.

    I sometimes go to bed at a decent hour.

    I never get enough sleep.

    (Can you tell where my mind has been focused today?)

  14. Agreed...never want to relive middle school. BLECH!

    I too used to wonder if I'd ever have anyone to come to my races or put down as emergency contact than the parents.

  15. I always:
    Make time for fun.

    I sometimes:
    Work out.

    I never:
    Hold a grudge.

  16. I always think of something smart to say, ten minutes after the conversation. I always get up an hour before Dave on Sat/Sun to watch cooking programmes. It is my time to myself. I always feel grateful that I have a good life.

    I sometimes feel the need to explain that though I have a 'servant's job', I have a degree. I aim to stop that, there is no shame in what I do.

    I never go to bed without tidying up first, and I never leave the house in the morning without having made that bed and done a quick tidy.
