Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Blogger Award

Way back in March, Kyria of Travel Spot graced me with this blogger award.  Over a month later, I am finally getting around to doing it!

I am supposed to list 5 random things about myself and pass it onto 5 people!

1.  I love puzzles - except human ones... aka pretty much all of my ex-boyfriends....

2.  I do most of my runs on the various lake paths around Minneapolis and I sort of HAVE to run counter clockwise.  I've tried switching it up and running clockwise, but it just feels 'wrong'. 

3.  If I could wear a dress every day, I would!  Dresses are my favorite thing to wear by far.  I'm slowly building up my dress wardrobe so I can wear them nearly every day.

4.  I may or may not drink pickle juice from the jar on a somewhat regular occasion...  I just figure it means I am lacking in sodium or something as I only tend to crave it when I am running a fair regularly (like I am these days).

5.  I need more personal space than the average person.  I kind of hate it when someone uses the bathroom stall next to me when there are other stalls further from mine open...  or sits next to me on the bus...  or stands too close to me in an elevator. 

I am supposed to list 5 people, but it is too tough to choose.  So instead, I'd love it if you share some random tidbits of information about you!


  1. Hurrah for your award! Also, I completely have the personal space thing! If people get to close for my liking, I move as far away as is possible. I most hate when people sit by you on the bus when you are at the window seat,as then you are stuck!

  2. Drinking pickle juice is normal...right?

  3. It's so cute that you have to run one way around the lakes! You're like a racehorse :)

    Super interesting that you need more personal space than other people- I feel like that about quiet time. I have a hard time working if Jesse is around on the weekend, there's too much hustle and bustle!

  4. I have totally been craving pickles for the past couple of days. Must put them on the grocery list. I also wear lots of dresses. My waist is a good 1.5 sizes smaller than my hips, butt, and thighs, so it's much easier for me to find dresses that fit than it is to find pants that do. Jeans shopping is pretty much a nightmare for me.

  5. It's funny because I was thinking about running my route at lunch the opposite way as I always do today and then I thought to myself, no I won't like that! Too funny!

    I have a serious dislike for pickles. And mustard.

  6. Like the random facts. I'm with you on the personal space thing. It's not so much that I need it, I'm just baffled by the fact that I'm not afforded it when people have the option of not crowding me. Also not a big fan of crowds.

  7. I'm a dress person, too! I have acquired so many over the past few years; it makes me happy to look in my closet and see almost all dresses!

    Also, YES to personal space. I recently went to the movies with a friend and the entire theatre was empty until some idiots came in and totally sat in the same row. UM, WHAT? I made us move, even if we looked rude because it was just so weird.

  8. I laughed out loud at #'s 1 and 5 :P

    I am starting to like wearing dresses more and more (currently wearing one!) they are just so darn comfortable and easy to throw on in the morning!

  9. You always loved puzzles - I wonder how many you put together as a child! That's all you wanted to do! Yup, you must need sodium! I, too, crave pickles or sauerkraut, and vinegary food. Must be the German blood. I love dresses, but they have to be long as my legs are not that attractive anymore, so pants are still my choice!

  10. What a beautiful award button! I loved #1 :) and I think it is hilarious that you have to run one way around lakes, makes sense to me though!

  11. Congratulations! And I love learning these wonderful things about my blog friends. (There is a restaurant in Ann Arbor with the most astounding dill pickle soup!)

  12. I completely agree- I LOVE dresses. People will say "wow you are so dressed up" when I wear one and I'm like glad you think that but in fact I just really wanted to be comfortable this morning haha. If only the weather would stop being TERRIBLE here then I could wear one, but for now it's pants and raincoats!

    I agree about personal space... see the hug post of mine haha

  13. We are so related in regards to our needs for personal space. Ahh! I can't stand people who talk close to you. It makes me super uncomfortable.

    Pickle juice from the jar? I'd do it.

    I love your comment about human puzzles.

  14. I drink pickle juice too!! Also, I agree with you about the personal space.

  15. I totally get the personal space thing. It bugs me too; I also don't get why people park *right* next to you in a parking lot when there are about 50 other spots avaialble. So bizarre.

  16. I am with you on the personal space thing. What about the people behind you in line who kind of lean in and touch you? I mean, dude, we are in A LINE. It is NOT moving. Stop touching me!!! Arrrggh!
