Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Ten on Tuesday: A Picture's Worth a Thousand Words

This week, to answer Chelsea's questions pictorally (is that a word?)! 

This is a photo edition of ToT. Post a photo of each of the following:

1. Your favorite piece of furniture in your home.

My reading chair
2. Your favorite thing on your wall.

Can't pick just one... I love these 3 Paris prints
3. Your bed as it looks right now.

I always make my bed, every morning!
4. Your pantry.

I live in a shoe box so I don't have a pantry.  This holds most of the food I own.
 5. Your favorite piece of jewelry.

I am not a jewelry person... if I had to choose, I'd say these earrings...
 6. Your favorite book.

7. Your most comfortable shirt.

Dryfit race shirts are my favorite - esp when they are long-sleeved (I am perpetually cold)
8. Your messiest room.

If I am not sleeping, this is where I am at when I am home.  It's a living room + office + dining area.  It never looks orderly.
9. Your house shoes.

10. Yourself.

My nephew and I at his birthday party earlier this month.  Yes I am wearing a Thomas party hat.  I am a cool aunt like that.


  1. Love that picture of you and your nephew!

    You are awesome that you make your bed every morning. I pretty much only make mine when I wash the sheets! First of all I suck at making beds- I don't know why I just do and secondly I just don't 100% get the point of bed making haha

  2. Ooh, what a fun Ten on Tuesday! My messiest part of my house looks much worse than that! :)

  3. Such a fun post! Licky nephew to have an aunt that dotes on him!

  4. Fun post. Your slippers are much less "broken in" than the pair I wear around here!

  5. I think I taught you to make your bed each morning! I just can't go to bed in an unmade one! For the messiest room, I would have to take a picture of my whole house right now!

  6. love your bed!! that looks so comfy and soft and ahh i want to snuggle in it!! ;) the picture of you and your nephew looks awesome too!

  7. I make the bed every morning too, and it kind of annoys me when my hubs sleeps later than me and doesn't do it if I leave before he gets up. The rest of my house might be cluttered, but I can't rest with an unmade bed. The picture of you and your nephew is adorable!

  8. Super cute! Love that you did this. I just did not have the energy this week to do it. Sigh.

    I would also wear a Thomas hat; when in Rome, right? =)

  9. I totally make my bed EVERY morning too. Or, actually, I make Eric make it because he usually sleeps way later than me! Ha! But I am very fussy about having a made bed because I like going to sleep in a nicely made bed with straightened out sheets not a messy one!

    And I don't think your study area is too messy! Ditto Becky - I have a few areas much worse :P

  10. This was such a fun ToT. First, I love that pic of you and your nephew wearing your party hats. Secondly, my room is a complete disaster area and looks way worse than your messy area. Thirdly, I admire that you make the bed every morning. I've never been a bed maker.

  11. You are so pretty, I really like that picture of you and your nephew!

    I usually make my bed every morning, too. It just makes the room look better!

    Funny we both pictured our "reading chair" as our favorite piece of furniture. ;)

  12. Ok. Your bed looks seriously, seriously comfortable!!

  13. Oooh, I like this one and just may do it! I love that you make your bed, decorative pillows and all! I usually don't sleep under the sheets mainly because it makes making the bed easier :)

  14. Fun idea to add pictures to this week's questions! I really LOVE your reading chair. I have been searching for one, but I have found nothing I like or that is in my budget :(

  15. Best 10 on Tuesday EVER!!! I am TOTALLY doing this one!!!

  16. This is a fun 10 on Tuesday! I will do it tomorrow. I need to read Tuesdays with MOrrie. You always talk so high of it -- and I'm looking for a good read. I haven't read anything since our trip home in Easter!!

    I like your bedspread. It looks very welcoming. It looks comfy and classic.

  17. Very fun! If that's your messy room, please call before you come visit me!
