Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Easter Recap

It's been well over a week since Easter so this recap is pretty belated!  But better late than never, right?

Easter weekend got off to a fun start on Friday.  My parents had a little trick up their sleeves- my sister and her husband flew in from Tucson for the weekend as a surprise!  For reasons I won't go into at this point, I was wishing I had been privy to this surprise, but nonetheless, it was a great surprise as it meant that my entire family would be together for the holiday!!

On Saturday, we got together in the afternoon to dye Easter eggs and celebrate my youngest nephew's 3rd birthday.  Here are some pictures!

My nephew Kolin

The oldest nephew, James


The birthday boy, Matthew!  By the way, if you have young kids, I highly recommend this technique for dying Easter eggs!  You put them inside of a whisk!  Genius, right? 

The birthday boy did not quite know what to make of all of us singing to him!!

On Saturday we all went to the Easter Vigil mass where my sister-in-law got confirmed.  It was a very beautiful mass and a special experience to be up there as her sponsor.  Unfortunately I did not get any pictures!

On Sunday we all gathered back at my brother's for a feast fit for a king!  Here are the last batch of pictures!

The carrot cake that my mom made!!  Such an appropriate, festive cake for Easter!

My nephew James reading to me - which was one of the highlights of my weekend!  It's amazing to hear him reading to me after years of reading to him.  And he LOVES reading, which makes me very happy.  Perhaps I have rubbed off on him?  :)

The 4 loves of my life.  I just adore my nephews and am glad I got them all together for a picture (which is NOT easy to do!)

After all the running around, the boys were pooped!  Matthew and Kolin cuddled up together to watch a movie at the end of the day.  They are definitely best buddies!

It was a fabulous weekend!  Of course, as usual, it went way too fast!  I'm looking forward to us all being together again, possibly at the end of June for my new niece or nephews baptism!

What was the highlight of your Easter?


  1. Haha Lisa... surprise means you don't know :) Okay fine, I only make fun of you because I am usually not all that awesome at surprises, I try to find out ahead of time.

    Your nephews are SO cute. When is someone in the family going to have a girl?

    Also I love the reading picture. I still LOVE the first time any kid reads a book to me. Reading is the best!

  2. It's so cute when kids want to read to you once they're finally confident in doing so!

  3. It was a perfect Easter weekend with Church celebrations, the whole family together, Julie's Confirmation, Matthew's Birthday party and even beautiful weather on Easter Sunday! What more could one ask for! I agree with Kelly - when are we going to have a girl? We'll see in three weeks or 4 months when the next two are due! :D!!

  4. That photo of you with your nephew reading to you is absolutely beautiful. It's a great picture of you both and I think it captures something of the love that you so clearly have for your nephews.

  5. Is it bad that the highlight of my Easter was the cheesy potatoes?? ;)

  6. Sounds like you had a fabulous weekend with your family :) The highlight of mine was being able to go home to see my family as I don't get to see them that often

  7. Awww, so adorable! I love that cake your mom made; that is some serious talent.

    And was that Thomas the Train on the birthday boys cake!?

    So glad you had a lovely Easter weekend, well deserved indeed!

  8. Holy crap! That carrot cake looks fantastic! The picture of you and your nephews is adorable! I'm glad to read that your nephew has fallen in love with books and reading!

  9. Omg that cake your mom made looks AMAZING!!!!! That is so awesome!!!

    Your nephews are sooo cute! I love the last picture of them cuddled up in bed watching a movie :)

  10. I love the idea of using a whisk for dying eggs. And who says it's only a good idea for kids ... I'm pretty sure I know some adults who would be better off that way, too! =)

  11. What an amazing cake!! I love pictures of you and your nephews - you are officially the best auntie ever :)

  12. It looks like it was perfect. I love pictures of you with your nephews, you look so glowingly happy!!

  13. Your mother made that cake? She should hire out! It was cute with the cookies around it! But if you want to talk cute, talk about those four little guys and their cute aunt on the couch! I hope you print that one out and frame it -- Adorable to the max!

    I'm so glad it all went well; I know you were so looking forward to it. And it really does sound like the perfect holiday in every way!

  14. Must try the egg in a whisk idea for next Easter. My nephew was a fan of dropping the egg in the dye and making it splash everywhere. ;)

    I love, love, love that cake your mom made! How creative and fun!!

  15. Great pictures! I love the one of you being read to!

  16. Your nephews are SO cute :) :) Being an aunt is such a great feeling! I love my nieces and nephews so much! And that cake--um...your mom has some mega talent!!! Looks delish!!!!!
    The highlight of my Easter weekend was picking out our wedding menu :) Jas and I went to our venue on Good Friday and sampled food cooked by a French chef. It was DE-LISH! You would have loved it :)

  17. What a great weekend! Thanks for sharing!!!

  18. The highlight of my easter? I watched 2 hours of the royal wedding tv junk on tv in my call room :( Love the pics, I hope there is a girl too! Then you can start reading the babysitters club :)

  19. I adore the picture of you and the four boys. And I think its genius to put the dye in muffin tins. The cake your mom made looks great and so festive. I'm glad that you had such a fun time with your entire family.

  20. Ah, i love having kids around. They just show you how non serious so many things in life are. That cake and those cookies look amazing! I'm never one to do a great job of decorating because it's more about the cake itself and I don't really enjoy frosting. But I do love how it looks when it's done right!

  21. That picture of James reading to you is the sweetest thing ever. You are listening so intently too!
