Thursday, May 5, 2011

Wine and Love v1

This week I am participating in Nora's weekly feature, Wine and Love.  I'll share the things that are driving me to drink (theoretically, of course....  not a lot of alcohol consumption happening around these parts) and things that I love. 

Things that make me want to fill up a wine glass...
  • Studying for the CFA.  Nope, I'm not done complaining about this yet.  ;)  I'm done reading the 6 textbooks of material and am in the review phase.  The test is less than a month away so I am really starting to freak out (and I am wishing I hadn't looked at the historical pass rates.  Ignorance is bliss).  Yesterday was my 10th day in a row of studying.  I am taking today & tomorrow off, though.  I need to for my sanity.
  • Finding out that they are increasing my HOA dues by 10%.  Again.  Le sigh.
  • A frustrating project at work that I think is kind of a waste of our time and resources.  My boss feels the exact same way so at least we can vent to each other. 
Things that I am loving this week...
  • Spring has FINALLY sprung.  The weather has been great the last couple of days...  here's hoping the trend continues!
  • Running.  I've re-discovered my love for the sport after months of being at odds with it.  My pace is improving and it's something I look forward to - instead of dreading like I did in March and April.  I even ran in the rain on Saturday - and enjoyed it!
  • Online shopping.  Remember that outfit I posted on Monday?  I bought the white linen pants the model was wearing as well as some espadrille shoes.  I blame the sunshine.  It drove me to buy summer-like clothing.  I will hopefully pick up that seersucker blazer this weekend!
Alright, your turn - what's driving you to drink / what are you loving this week?


  1. I love the wine and love series- I may do it this week too.

    But in general- I'm just very stressed this week which makes me want to drink wine, but I love... hmm, last night i was in such an optimistic mood but today I woke up with a terrible stomach ache so I've got nothing haha

  2. Ugh, this exam! You're almost there babe - hang in there!

    My wine this week:
    Idiot people.

    Being in limbo for some job stuff - I feel like even though things are changing in a good way I won't really be out of limbo until July and I've been in it since December.

    Love this week:
    I was in such a pissy mood last night, and then I mentioned to the mister that if "he" wanted to go out and get ice cream (at 10 PM), I would fully support that. I was kind of half kidding, but before I knew it he was at the store calling me asking what kind I wanted. That's love!

  3. This is fun. I will have to do it next week.

    I don't really need an excuse to have a glass of wine!

  4. I think it's pretty standard for HOA dues to increase annually. Doesn't it feel like everything is getting more expensive these days? I guess it doesn't surprise me the increase was 10%. At least it wasn't 20%.

    You're my running inspiration. I have to run 10+ this coming weekend and it's supposed to rain on Saturday.

  5. Dislike: Waking up in a funk for more or less no apparent reason. Oh, and it's supposed to rain AGAIN today. And this weekend.

    Love: amazing friends. Seriously so much love for my friends. And 22 days until the move which means we won't have as much insane fill-ups at the pump.

  6. By this time next month the CFA will be history! I know it's been grueling but I know you can do it! I have 100% confidence that you will only have to take it once! Maybe seeing the percentages actually has forced you to study harder than you would have so it's a grace! I'm glad you are back to loving running and I love the outfit you bought and will buy!

  7. Hang in there with the studying! I am w(h)ining about grading final exams - especially those written by students that show absolutely no critical thought after a semester of trying to get them to think analytically and to use evidence to make an argument.

  8. I love that I am going to see you on Sunday!

    My disorganized house makes me think about wine...

  9. Fun blog series idea! This studying may suck, but it will be all worth it when you kick that tests butt and pass!

    My wine this week:
    My neighbour who lets their two dogs just bark and bark without coming outside to tell them to be quiet or bring them in. So annoying because our dog doesn't bark at them but they are ALWAYS barking.

    My love this week:
    The spring like weather that we have been having and that today is my Friday!

  10. It's so much easier to love running when it's not horrifying to be outside! I'm glad you're enjoying it :)

    Are HOA dues your condo fees?

  11. I'm drinking thanks to most of work this week. but at least i've got tomorrow off. so i'm loving vacation, mothers day, and travelling back home to see my family.

  12. Oooh ya, ditto what your mom said! This time next month the CFA will be BEHIND YOU! Whoo!

    Wine this week: work. Work has been SO STRESSFUL getting ready for my biz trip!

    Love: My trip to Ottawa! I'm SO excited to finally meet Anais!

  13. I love this feature!! Lets see...

    Wine ~ For the past 2 months, every other day here is rainy, dreary, windy, and cold :(
    Love ~ Well, that means that the opposite is true on the other days, sunshine and happiness! :)

    Are you going to keep doing this? I like it! Oh, and just think, soon that damn exam will be in the past...

  14. Running is sloooowly becoming a love for me. I managed to run a 15 minute mile yesterday which was a FIRST, even though that still totally sucks as far as pace is concerned. Hoping for better now that the weather is getting nicer. Running on a treadmill = wine. Running outside = love.

  15. Oooh you must get the blazer! I'm a little obsessed with Kate Middleton's style and am ALL about the blazers lately :)

  16. My love this week is sweets. I don't think I can possibly eat enough. BAAAAD. The bad? I got super tired again and feel like I am so not ready for baby girl.

  17. Confused patients who pee in their water pitchers are driving me to want to drink lately.

    My inability to get out of work before 8:30 pm is driving me to want to drink.

    But I can't ... b/c i Have to wake up oh-so early the next day and I just don't feel right pouring a glass of wine on a "work night" (kind of like a school night)

    Things that give me sanity right now? My 4:30 am run. It is my quiet time. I feel like the rest of my neighborhood is still sleeping. Just me, the road, & some howling coyotes. It's my time to decomp and refresh before the day! And our camping trip :)

    I'm sooo excited for you to be done with this test! I'm not sick of you complaining, though - b/c you have a damn good reason to complain. You just need some sanity restoration ;)

  18. Your summer inspired outfit sounds great. You'll have to post a photo of you wearing all the items together.

  19. Studying for the CFA sounds awful so feel free to vent about it as much as you want! I'm pretty sure I did the same when I had to design a magazine for a class, ha. :) You got this, girl!

  20. Hmmm. Driving me to drink -- work frustration, mostly. And a bad case of spring fever - or wanting it, but the weather won't cooperate. Loving? Reading "Sarah's Key," one sunny day (where can we go but up?) and knowing the cleaning people are coming today -- and it's FRIDAY!

  21. I am loving that it is spring finally too!!! It is so nice :-)

    My headache is driving me a little crazy, because I would really like it to go away so I could fully enjoy the day.

  22. I am loving that you wrote "le sigh" in this post. Made me LOL. And, I will borrow/use it. I am loving that you have read THE AMERICAN LIFE which is now on my ngihtstand. But it's from the library so I'd best get moving!

    And i love the comment you left on MY blog about Nor's wedding and your dream of having breakfast here and no, she hadn't told me but I will ask her about it.

    And I love that you sent her a bride magazine with certain pages tabbed with your notes and thoughts.

    And bravo on the running!

  23. I feel your pain - I was in a similar situation with the bar exams. They really suck the life out of you :( but hang in there!!

  24. LOL - nothing is driving me to drink ... I just drink because it tastes good :-)
