Monday, June 13, 2011

Third Time's a Charm, I hope?

This weekend was an absolutely perfect weekend for running!  It was in the 55-60 degree range (that's around 12-15C for my Canadian friends).  So pretty much perfect weather.  I got a nice 6 miler in on Sunday and was pleased to look at my garmin and see that my fastest miles were my last 2.  Woo hoo!

Now that the CFA exam is behind me, I am shifting my focus back to running.  Sure, I ran while I studied, but it was more of a stress-relief activity.  I wasn't working to improve my pace or to become a stronger run.  I was just running to keep myself from losing my mind!

Now I am ready to push myself and become a stronger runner.  So how do I go about doing that?

I have decided to try another running club.  This will be my 3rd club that I'll be trying out.  Maybe you remember the first one - you know, the one where the guy showed up wearing a khaki kilt?  Then there was the one I tried last summer where I could not seem to find anyone in my pace group.  I kept going in the hopes that eventually I would find someone in my pace group, but had no luck. 

The third time is a charm, though, right?  That is what I am telling myself.  In July I'll join a local club called Club Run.  The membership is $75 for July-October, which I think is really reasonable.  There are 3 work-outs per week with coaches.  I think this is really going to be good for me! 

Besides wanting to improve my time and hopefully achieve a sub-2 hour 1/2, I am also hoping to make some new friends through this group.  While I am blessed with having running friends across the US and Canada, I don't have any running friends in Minneapolis/St. Paul.  It sounds like this group goes out for brunch after the Saturday long run, and will occasionally grab dinner after some of the weeknight runs, so I think I will *hopefully* make some new friends!

I'm sure I will let you know how it goes after I attend my first work-out.  Fingers crossed that there are no kilt-wearing runners...

Do you prefer to run/exercise alone or with others?  I actually really like running alone, but I know I need to run with others if I want to improve my pace/level of fitness!


  1. Haha... wow I forgot about the kilt... yeah, I wouldn't blame you if you were done with running clubs for awhile haha. However, I'm guessing this one is closer to your new place and therefore more in the city which could mean slightly more normal people? I'm just guessing haha. Good luck!

  2. run/eat out...sounds fun! I run alone, I'm too ADD to have a running partner. ooo look, a birds-nest, I should stop and look at it! I don't think that would fly in a running group.

  3. Ohhh, that sounds great. I think it great that you are putting yourself out there to meet new people and it sounds great that they go out for brunch/dinner afterwards.

  4. Totally forgot about kilt-man. Still pretty hilarious. I hope the next running club does the trick for you :) Can't wait to hear all about it!

  5. Qwerkyqook made me smile! There are all sorts of runners and, if I did run, I would probably fall into her category! This club sounds great for you, and I hope you get all the benefits you are looking for! :)!!

  6. I sure hope there are no men in kilts in this club. ;)

    This sounds like so much fun!! That will be awesome.

    I typically run & work out alone. Every once in awhile Ryan joins me.

    That is so neat that you get to work with running coaches!! You're going to rock

  7. I hope that this running group is better for you, but you need one odd character to be in the group so you can some good blog worthy stuff to write about! Haha.

    I don't run with others often, and I did all of my half marathon training alone. But it would be cool to join a running group for one training cycle just to meet people and make the distance go by quicker

  8. I've always run alone but have wanted to join a training group for a long time now. I think once I move to Pittsburgh (at the end of the summer) I'll finally join. Hopefully it can help me improve AND I'll meet some new people. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you too!

  9. I really hope the third time is a charm for you. I've had so much success with running groups and have met so many different running friends through them. I would say that now-a-days I prefer to run with people. I usually run all 4 of my runs with people each week these days and I really like that. It's good motivation to get the run done and not put it off. It also forces me to push the pace like when I do my Tuesday morning tempo runs with my old neighbour. Occasionally I do like to run on my own though!

  10. I'm with Leigh, I hope there is a kilt runner or someone equally as interesting (for blogging purposes) in this new group. The picture of you getting to sit with kilt man afterwards still makes me laugh!!!!

    Seriously, I think this sounds like a great idea. How great you get to schedule fun things!!! Finally!!!!

  11. You are so m otivated. You are going to do graet!

  12. Sounds like a great idea. I know S down here is in one thru the local running store and she has met a lot of great people thru hers.

  13. I don't mind running by myself most of the time, but it is nice to have training partners for some runs. It definitely can motivate me to go faster or longer. I hope this group works out for you! And a khaki kilt is just all kinds of wrong!

  14. Sounds like this running group times perfectly with your move to a new place! Perfect!!!

    I used to love running with others. I'd organize small groups to train for marathons. I thrived running with friends. Then, I got sick of talking to other people and entered my solo running period. It was nice to get out on my own clock and not be accountable to anyone but me. Now, I'm coming around again. I'd like to run with others, but know no one that runs my pace. I'm not interested in running groups. So, we'll see ...

  15. I'm excited to see how this goes! Hooray for having time to run for fun!

  16. I hope this running group goes well for you! There is a really great group in Tampa that I went to a few times but I'm just not as into running as them. ;) I do love working out in group class settings, but generally like to run/walk alone.

  17. I hope this new running group works out for you! That stinks you havent been able to find ppl that run the same pace as you. I had that trouble last year. I was right in the middle with no one to workout with. Hopefully this group will have lots of great people for you to run with!

  18. I have only ever run with my husband, and I prefer to run alone than with him - LOL.
