Thursday, June 30, 2011

Wine and Love v8

It's Thursday!  Woo hip!  Well, actually, it's my Friday since I move tomorrow and all so I took the day off.  This my wine & love of the week - post theme thought up by Nora

- Let me preface this wine by saying, I really do love my job.  But this week sucked.  My boss has promised me that it will get better - and I trust him, so I hope he works his magic soon, because this whole reorg thing has wreaked havoc on my role thus far.
- I am bleeding money.  Seriously.  This week I found out about a moving fee that I wasn't told about.  And then I found out about another background check that the HOA wants to run.  And I found out that the leasing agent didn't schedule an elevator for my move.  There are so many freaking moving parts that need to line up between me moving out and moving into the new building and the carpet cleaner coming and AHHH.  I just want to be done with the moving part so I can focus on the settling in part. 

- The rate on my mortgage reset this month and now it's 2.875%.  OMG - that is freaking low!  I got very lucky as it reset on a day when the 1 year Treasury Rate was at the lowest point of the year.  Hooray for my payment going down about $75!!
- I got some quality time with my family last weekend which was awesome.
- I have a long weekend so should have plenty of time to get settled into the new place!
- I worked late on Monday so to lift my spirits, I decided to swing by the grocery store in my new neighborhood to get a feel for what life will be like, post-move.  OMG I have never seen so many men in a grocery store - most of which were alone.  This might just be my new hang out spot.  Perhaps I should volunteer to hand out samples or something.  ;) 
- Today is my last day of commuting by bus and car!  I will gain back over 6 hours each week!!!  That's huge!
- This video because it makes me laugh.  It's a cinematic (well, I am using that word loosely) representation of how I sort of felt this week at work.  Warning - it is a bit gory...   It's really short, like 20 seconds, so check it out.  I may have watched it 5+ times yesterday - and laughed every time I watched it!


  1. Ugh, hang in there with the move! You're so close! And just think, you'll have a nice long weekend to unpack, nest, and relax! Plus, when you need a break from boxes you can go to the store to see all the men! Happy (for you) Friday - woo hip!

  2. Hope the move goes well. It is always an adventure!
    The video made me laugh. I am excited to hear about your new neighborhood! :)

  3. stupid moves. Something always gets messed up. On my last move from apartment to parents house I was sitting in my non air-conditioned, no powered apartment for what seemed like forever. And then? They couldn't move the futon out of my apartment. I was *so* annoyed. The good news it will all be over soon and you can settle in, shop at that grocery store and enjoy your new life and six extra hours a week!

  4. Moving. Sucks. It just does. You'll get through it and then live in your fabulous new place--yay!

  5. I don't know a soul who spends less than what they thought they'd spend to move. There are hidden costs everywhere. Maybe you should simplify things and just move your belongings into the grocery store. That way, you can settle in to watch all the hot guys without worrying about an elevator reservation! =)

  6. Moving is always more expensive than I anticipate even when I think I've carefully budgeted for everything. I hope you're done with hidden fees for this one!

  7. Moving sucks, no ifs, ands or buts about it! But you'll get through this weekend and be settled in your new place before you know it and that is going to be AWESOME! I'm excited for you :)

  8. yay for moving and for men in grocery stores!

  9. Moving will be over soon, moving will be over soon, just keep repeating that, I know I am!! Oh and I totally think you should hand out samples, that made me laugh out loud!! :)

  10. I hope you get settled in soon and all those little moving annoyances are things of the past. It always seems like something always pops up during a move. :(

    But you're gaining 6 hours a week with this move! That's a lot of STUFF you can do. :) (I would say sleep, but that's just me. Hehe.)

  11. I am thinking your good is definitely outweighing the bad!

  12. I seem to go through a period about once a year where I just feel like everyone and everything is demanding my money- and it's very stressful!

    I'm SO excited for your move AND I can't wait to hear the stories of all the men you will be seeing at the grocery store :) haha.

  13. I hope the move goes well. Loved the video, by the way!

  14. Yay for the move! Woo Hip! It always seems that everything happens at once. Next weekend you will be bored. Just kidding!

    Good luck and have a great weekend!

    PS That video WAS gory! If a cartoon stick figure can be!

  15. I think it will be nice to get a little break from work for a few days for you!!!

    Good luck with moving. It will go well I am praying! I know how stressful moving can be!

    That is awesome about the new grocery store!!

    But I must say.....

    Picturing you handing out samples made me laugh out loud. It reminded me of the senior citizens at Sam's club who make the best tasting taquito's & frozen pizzas known to man!

  16. A) Cheers for men in the grocery aisles! Honestly, in Eugene one of the local papers rated the produce section of the nice market here "the place to meet people". Good luck in finding your man among the melons! ;)

    B) Six hours a week is huge! How exciting to have that extra free time back all for you.

  17. *grumbles* Money. money escaping everywhere. I know how that feels.

    Our mortgage isn't fixed either. It has been the same for about a year, but when the market went all collapsy, our dropped by a third. Of course, the value of our flat did too, so it's not all good.

    Good luck with moving! I can't wait to see your new fancy place when you are all settled!

  18. Wow, your job must be super stressful right now! :(! Hope the move goes well inspite of the 100 degree temps and humidity to match! Not pretty!
    Handing out samples seems quite stressfree!
