Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Moving Week!

It's moving week for me!  I feel pretty organized, but it's still going to be a hectic week. 
The movers come in the afternoon on Friday, so I will have the morning to do last minute packing... and some cleaning since my tenant moves in THE NEXT DAY.  I am not a huge fan of a 24 hour turnaround between moving out and the tenant moving in, but it is what it is.  I just might not sleep on Friday night.  Ha.  

Tonight 2 girlfriends come over to help me pack!  I am making creamy avocado pasta, tossed salad, and banana softserve for dessert!  They are so open minded and always willing to try my weird gluten-free, dairy-free meals - they are troopers, that's for sure!  Especially since they are helping me pack up my kitchen!

I'll be posting sporadically this week when I need a break from the packing insanity!  Oh, and you can read more about my move over at Lemonade Life where I will be guest posting this week!


  1. I saw the creamy avocado pasta recipe one before, but I had forgotten where it was, so THANK YOU for posting it again! It sounds so delicious. :)

    Good luck on your move. I hope everything goes smoothly!

  2. Wow, that is a quick turn around, but in a way it will be good because you can just get it all over with and then you'll be ready to settle into your new place.

    Wahoo! I'm so excited about how fast this is all happening for you :)

  3. We had the creamy avocado pasta last night with sausage and peppers. So, so yummy and easy!

    I hope the move goes well!

  4. Good luck with the move! That creamy avocado pasta sounds interesting!

    Just think -- very soon you will be relaxing in your NEW PLACE!

  5. Oooh good luck with the move! Can't wait to hear all about the new place.

  6. LOVE the creamy avocado pasta! I need to make that again soon. And I haven't had banana soft serve in forever. Another thing I need to make soon. I just froze a bunch of banana's since we're going away so I'll have to make it when I'm back!

    It will be a crazy-hectic week for sure but before you know it you'll be settled in your new place! So excited for you!!

  7. How exciting! Good luck with the move and getting settled into your new place!

  8. Good luck with your move. At least you have a long weekend after Friday night, should you need to recuperate. =)

  9. Sounds like you are ready, good luck!! Oh and thanks for the motivation, Im going to pack up a box right now! :)

  10. Good luck with the move :) I'll be thinking of you.

    Can't wait to see it in a few months!

  11. Good luck with moving! I hate having to be out of one place so quickly but I am sure everything will work out! at least you have the long weekend!

  12. I wish you much good luck with the move, It's never fun but once you are all settled it will be great!

  13. That dinner sounds awesome! I have never thought to make anything vegan for my friends, but I bet they would like it!

  14. Hope your move goes smoothly, and good luck with all the unpacking!!

  15. This week for you will be described as 'OOFT' I feel. But you get to move to your new flat! HURRAH!

    What is 'softserve'? Is it like Angel's Delight (like your pudding, but closer in texture to whipped cream)?

  16. Hang in there, Lisa -- your wonderful day is finally here! Good luck with the move -- I'll try to check in on vacation!

  17. good luck with the move! That recipe looks amazing! I am on a HUGE avocado kick lately! This has been my favorite recipe lately.


  18. Happy moving week! I cannot imagine having a 24 hour turn around time but you will get it all done and it will go smoothly.

  19. How did the avocado pasta turn out? Mmmm...
