Thursday, August 11, 2011

Wine and Love v12

Another week of Wine and Love!  Brought to you by the fabulous Nora!

- Yesterday.  I biked to work as usual but the docking stations by my office were not accepting bikes for some reason.  So I went to the next station that was a couple of blocks away and docked my biked.  I walked the 3 blocks to work and then realized I did not have my purse - I HAD LEFT IT iIN THE BASKET ON THE BIKE.  I then ran as fast as I could (in heels) back to the bike station.  Luckily, the purse was still there.  But my heart was racing and I was basically drenched in sweat from running/panicking.  Not a good start to the day.  That said, I am incredibly lucky that no one took my purse. 
- When I grilled my dinner last Saturday night, the grilling/pool area was like an all out frat party.  There was chanting and yelling and jumping in the pool.  These boys were not college aged, but they sure acted like it.  Not impressed.  I felt really out of place reading my nook whilst grilling. 

- I went out last Thursday night and had a great time.  I definitely over-indulged, to say the least, but considering the fact it was the first time I was intoxicated in 6+ months, I am not going to beat myself up too much.  It was a going away happy hour for a couple that is moving later this month.  I am sad to see them go, but am thrilled that they are moving to a location that is pretty cheap to fly to!
- My brother set up my patio furniture so I am now able to utilize that space!  I ate my first meal outdoors on Tuesday night and it was glorious.
- The weather has been cooler lately and I am LOVING it.  I'm no longer in a rush for fall to get here!
- I'm heading back to the cabin this weekend to help my mom celebrate her birthday!  Should be another fun weekend of family time.

What your wine(s)/love(s)?


  1. OMG. I would have *died* about the purse/bike situation. So happy it was still there but not a fun way to start the day!

    Your second wine makes me sad. :( I've been there and it always feels so awkward.

  2. I would have had a heart attack about my purse--SO glad yours was still there! As for the pseudo frat party that's so annoying!

  3. That's so annoying about the frat party! I hate when that happens it's so awkward.
    Glad you found your purse!

  4. I'm loving that it's cooler here to so we can sleep with the windows open, save money on the a/c and the house smells fresh!

    my other wine: my sweet tooth. it's really bad lately. I blame summer for this.

  5. Yikes! So glad you managed to get your purse back..I would have been panicking, for sure.

    And, you deserve some over-indulgence once in a while!! I feel like I need one of those nights really soon.

    My wine - probably the same as always..just stupid work stuff.

    Love: I have two more weeks until I am DONE with that place!! Cannot wait!

  6. It's supposed to get cooler here this week (high's only at 90 through the weekend) but we do get football starting tonight. That really makes me long for fall.

    Were the apartment dwellers divorcee's? They tend to be the middle-aged apartment dwellers here that swing to the other side of the spectrum (party all day) and act like they are in college again. That has to be really annoying.

  7. Wow I don't like the bike situation or the frat party situation, both would have caused me serious anxiety. Glad the rest of your week was good, and I was laughing a lot at your Thursday night partying ways last week :)

    My wine is that work continued to suck this week, but my love is that I'm leaving for NYC later today AND next week is an easy week of work because summer school is over and many of my tutoring kids are away. Then the week after is my vacation at the Cape. Wahoo! Lots of love this week.

  8. Running in heels is not fun, but I'm so glad your purse was still there! That would have been awful! Looking forward to a great weekend!

  9. I'm glad you got your purse! Also, my ex's apartment complex had a shared grilling area and I swear, it was always full of people like that. Ick.

  10. The purse situation is so nuts, and SO SOMETHING I WOULD DO. I have left my cell phone in a bathroom not 1, not 2 but THREE different times over the last year. And then I lost that $40 I told you about. I am SO BAD for setting things down somewhere random, getting distracted, and not picking them back up again. This is the #1 reason I NEVER take my engagement ring off unless I'm at my house. I leave it on even when I'm working out or putting lotion on or whatever because I could totally see myself setting it down and leaving it!

    Can't wait to have coffee/breakfast with you on your patio. I will see you in EXACTLY two weeks from today!!!!!! :-)

  11. Ahh, that bike/purse thing stinks, Im so glad it was still there! The pseudo frat party thing is pretty crappy too, but there is no shame in being the wallflower reading a book! :)

    Im so glad you got your patio furniture set up, you are going to want to eat dinner out there every night now!

    My wine ~ driving all around St. Paul yesterday trying to put flyers up at vet clinics only to find out that some of the clinics didn't even exist, and 1 even told me they couldn't put it up...even though they had a ton of flyers up for things that weren't even animal related! Gah!

    My love ~ Im with you on the weather, it is about perfect for me right now :)

  12. I hate that "in the moment" feeling when you think you've lost or misplaced something really important. Totally gets my heart racing and makes my palms sweaty. That rush of adrenaline is hard to shove off, too ... usually sticks with me for hours!

  13. This weather had been amazing, hasn't it? Have a great weekend!!!

  14. Yay! Your patio sounds awesome! I loved the photo you posted the other day.

    My wine is I just found out a friend of mine has to have a kidney AND pancreas transplant.

    My love is that I am going home tomorrow! Yay! And I am loving the cooler weather. Even here it's been in the 80s or LOW 90s. MUCH better.

  15. The fact that you ran three blocks in heels means you've totally achieved rockstar status.

    It's started to be a little cooler here too - but I'm still ready for fall. :)

  16. wine soooooo tired.
    love the pizza my husband picked up for dinner so i didnt have to cook tonight.

  17. OMG you never told me that happened. Thank goodness your purse was still there and everything ended up being okay.

    Have a great time at the lake celebrating your mom's bday! I bet she's looking forward to having you all there.

  18. I am so, so glad your handbag was still there! xx

  19. Ah your week sounds pretty good despite the fratty college-esque boys. Happy Friday! I am always freaked out something's going to be stolen, but usually I'm just thinking it's my bike (while locked up) that will be stolen so I never leave the road bike anywhere. Bike theft is bad in Eugene.

  20. I just want to know what you were reading on your Nook while the guys were dunking themselves in the pool?

    And bravo on getting your purse before someone else does. Don't y ou hate that? I once left mine in the little shelf part of the shopping basket once I'd unloaded groceries and returned the basket to that space in the parking lot. I drove home. Put stuff away. Reached for my purse to update my checkbook. Not there. Drove back. It was STILL there! what luck. Crappy adrenaline rush, eh?

    Hope you're having a lovely camp weekend!

  21. If it makes you feel any better, I left my wallet somewhere a couple of years ago while I was running errands. It had $200+ in cash from a fundraiser that I had the night before for TNT in it. I frantically retraced all my steps when I realized it was gone but was unable to find it. Later someone anonymously mailed me my ID and credit cards (which I had canceled) but not the cash.

  22. Wine - I have to go back to work at the end of the month.

    Love - I have no responsibilities right now and am enjoying a long camping trip.
