Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Workout Wednesday - Half Training

This week is week 4 of my half marathon training plan, so I thought it would be a good time to check in and talk about how it's going as I will be 1/3 of the way through after this week!  Which is exciting as that means the trip is just around the corner!  Super duper excited to see Amber, Lauren, and Leigh.  I think our little group is going to have a blast in Victoria, BC.  I can already tell we will travel well as a group.  Which is so important.  There are just some people you travel well with, and I know these 3 will fall into that category.  I mean, I spent 5+ days with Amber last year and we never got on each other's nerves once - seriously, I am not exaggerating.  That's saying something! 

Anyways, back to the training.  This training cycle is VASTLY different from other training cycles.  How so?  Time for a bullet point list...

  • Instead of running 4-5 times/week, I run 3 times/week.  Each run has a focus:  tempo/pick ups, hills, and long distance runs.  I am still getting in as much, if not more, miles that I would if I was runnign 4-5 times/week as the runs as my week day runs are 6-8 miles and the weekend run is 8-12 miles. 
  • In the past, I ONLY ran.  This time, I bike twice a week and am  starting this week, I am going to incorporate strength training.
  • Instead of doing every single run alone, I run with my run club.  I don't always run with someone as sometimes I am going slower than those around me, etc, but I always have company at some point during the run.
  • I'm sort of winging it when it comes to the long run on Saturday.  In the past I followed Hal Higdon's plans, but this time around, I am running 10 miles each week and that will start to increase as I get closer to the race day, with my longest run being 12 miles.
I am such a creature of habit, so it's been interesting to switch things up SO much.  I have been a bit nervous lately as I have had some not-so-great runs, but I am doing my best and trusting the coaches. 

Will I make my sub-2 hour goal?  Time will tell.  In the event I don't make my goal, I will go back to the drawing board.  The good thing about half marathons is that there are plenty to choose from so I can always find another race in the late fall or spring. 

Oh and while we are on the subject of races, I'm about 99% sure I will do another marathon next year...  So much for the 'I am never doing another marathon' comments I have made for the last year...  Now I just need to pick a marathon!  :)

Are you training for any races?  Besides the half in Victoria, I am doing a 10 mile race in late September, which I will treat as a training run.  I'm excited as Kyria might come to Minneapolis and do this with me, and Raquelita of Historiadora on the Run is definitely doing it, so I'll get to meet 2 bloggers! 


  1. Sounds like you are doin g a graet job with your training!

  2. Another marathon? I am surprised! But it's a good goal, so I'm behind you! Cheering of course, not running!

  3. Lisa, you totally read my mind. I was JUST looking at Marathons online....but was thinking of just piggybacking on my already training for a half. (so I was looking in Dec)

    I found this girl's blog and was really moved by her journey. I mean, she has run not one but TWO marathons!

    I need to get my butt in gear though. I have never run more than 13.1 miles! EVER.

    Also I just entered the 10 miler into my daily mile race log and it's only 45 days away!? How can that be!? Ug. Once again, I gotta get my butt in gear!

  4. You could do the Pittsburgh marathon with me in May 2012...if I don't chicken out first!

  5. When I was training for my half marathon, I'm positive the reason I got injured was because I was putting too much stress on my body by running five times a week. I think it makes way more sense having a much more balanced approach to your training program! I'm interested to hear how it plays for you in the race!

  6. I love the run less run faster plan. I used it last year to go from a 5:07 marathon to a 4:34 marathon. You can certainly use it to break 2 hours.

    Try to incorporate lots of core and bodyweight exercises into your strength training. Lots of planks, situps, pushups, and pullups will really help your running bring the speed.

    and please don't hesitate to ask someone like me about how to get fast if you have any questions or need some guidance. I've coached some people through their goals before.

  7. It sounds like your training is going really well and I have every confidence that you will be ready on race day. We all have bad runs some times and until this week the weather has been conducive to bonking.

    I can't wait to see what marathon you decide to do! I am already tentatively thinking Grandma's in June and Toronto in October for next year, but we'll see.

  8. Haha, I knew when you said you were never going to do a marathon that you probably would do one haha. Oh well :)

    I like the idea of running less frequently and putting some other things in- this has been important for me because of injury but I think it's also just good for your body and will hopefully make you even faster!

  9. OMG I'VE BEEN THINKING ALOT ABOUT DOING A MARATHON IN 2012 TOO! I was just talking to my friend Robyn about it when she was visiting. I know it's crazy with the wedding but I WANT to do another one and have a positive experience and I do not want to wait until 2013 to do so!

    Also I think your runclub training is going to be HUGELY beneficial to your running and you just need to trust the training. You are running high mileage runs and weeks right now. If you took yourself out for a short run I bet you'd be surprised at how fast you would be!

    I AM SO EXCITED FOR VICTORIA. And seeing you twice within two months is basically making my life right now :)

  10. Just found you through Kelly. So sad I'm not in town for the marathon this year or I would have surprised you guys with some signs :)

    Good luck with the training and I hope you get a chance to enjoy Victoria once you get here!

  11. My training plan also has me running 3x a week. At first I thought it would entail a lot more runs but it seems like it will be manageable. Plus, I can still go to zumba and burn calories there.
    Sounds like you are making good progress by doing speed and hill workouts.

  12. Nope, I am not training for any races. Actually, for once ... neither is my hubby! I think he is enjoying the break.
