Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Workout Wednesday: Furniture Assembly

Some weeks, you get a workout in without even leaving your home.  Last week was one of those weeks!  The couch I had my eye on was finally in stock at Ikea, so I purchased it on Monday and it arrived on Tuesday.  When I bought the sofa, I asked if it required a lot of assembly.  The Ikea person said, "Um, I think you need to attach some wheels or something.  It shouldn't be too bad."

So imagine my surprise when my couch arrived.  In 4 boxes.  Attach some wheels.  Sure.

It's amazing how some things like furniture assembly turn into a work out.  Between the crouching and the screwing in of parts, I worked some muscles that I have not worked in awhile!

Before I get into the post, I do have some complaints to make about ikea:

1.  Must the directions be 100% wordless?  Seriously?  Not everyone is a visual person (ahem, me).  I get that they are an international company so the directions are universal, but could you throw SOME words on there? 

2.  What is with the teletubby-looking 'people' in the directions.  I was like - am I looking at a person or is that Patrick from Sponge Bob?

Alright, grievances have been aired.  Moving on.

I didn't take any couch assembly pictures because I was in a mad rush to get as much of it assembled as possible before my friends came over that evening.  Thank God we had plans to walk somewhere for dinner.  There's no way I could handle assembly + make dinner!  Here are some pictures of the finished product!

I love the storage in the chaise lounge!  Great place to store blankets, sheets, etc.

It is nice to finally have a place for guests to stay.  In the past I would sleep on the love seat (which was way to short for me) or my guests would sleep on an air mattress.

After assembling that couch, I had to take some time off from assembly.  On Sunday I tackled the table and 6 dining chair.  I figured it would be way easier than the couch.

Wrongo batman.

I'll let the pictures do the talking.

Yikes, that is a lot of hardware...

Laying some of the piece out - not all, though.  Oh heavens no. 

Making progress.   I definitely did not think I would get this far.

All assembled, just needed some assistance to flip her over!

And done

I am so so so glad that the assembly is behind me.  I am impressed I was able to assemble both items virtually on my own.  That's so unlike me - I am not usually a handy person.

I really love the table because now I have a big enough table to host dinner parties!  And I could potentially host a holiday some day if I had the opportunity.  The table actually has 2 leaves that are stored in the table.  LOVE.

After I replenish my savings account, I plan on buying 2 upholstered chairs for the ends, but that will have to wait. 

What have you done around the house lately that has resulted in a work out?


  1. I am very impressed! I think you now quantify as handy! Love the furniture!

  2. You are woman, hear you roar - and I LOVE the storage space in the couch - so cool!

    I hate assembling things. Hate. I make Ben do most of it and if he's not going to be home I stoop to bribing my friends over (with food, wine, whatever) for them to help me. And by help I hand them things and supervise.

  3. Way to go Lisa! I hate assembling things! Sometimes the directions are just so confusing for no reason! The new couch looks great- love the little storage area!

  4. Rock on! Also that storage space in the couch? Full of win!

    I have assembled a fair amount of furniture in my time. Once after a move, I put my bed frame back together (queen sized) on my own at 2:30 am using the help of stacks of books because I wanted to sleep in my bed and not on the floor.

  5. I'm impressed!! Having been present while someone else assembled my Ikea furniture (ha!) I know how confusing those instructions can be.

  6. I love tables with leaves in them! my dining room table that is patiently waiting for me at my parents house also has leaves and is the best thing ever. Love accommodating extra guests!

    Last weekend my workout was helping Knight with the deck (wood is really heavy) and then contortioning myself into weird positions to paint, to sand, and lifting shelves, beds and etc. It worked out my arms and shoulders really well for which I am thankful. I know they needed it.

    You totally rock for assembling all that stuff! Way to go!

  7. I am impressed! It usually takes two people - one to read the directions and the other to do the work. Your Dad would NOT read the directions, but just put it together, and then he has to disassemble it to put it together the right way! I usually read the directions and give orders - I'm good at that! :)

  8. Your place looks so huge!!! I cannot wait to see it in person!!! Eeeekkkkk, it's so close!!
    Love that storage under the couch!! I so need something like that!

  9. You are definitely super impressive with all your assembly projects right now! Just looking at all that hardware makes me shudder!

    Lol about the IKEA directions. That place loves assembly.

  10. You are a furniture assembling machine! I love, love, love the couch. The storage area, the way it flips out. One question though, are there even wheels on it? I don't have the brain for assembling furniture like that.

  11. I love that furniture! I think I said it before, but you need to do a video tour of your new place. I am sure Amber can be talked into doing it this weekend :)

  12. that's crazy! Love the storage space and fold-out options.

  13. Oh I really like the pieces you picked! I love that couch and the little storage cubby is awesome! Is the piece you show in the last photo a pull out piece or does it live somewhere else? I couldn't tell.

    Also the table is sweet. It's great to have one that doesn't take up too much space but can fit many people.

    You did good!!! I have to admit, in this post you make it look a lot easier than I know it was!!

  14. I love both pieces, but that couch in particular is awesome!! I completely agree about Ikea, their directions and that stupid blob guy drive me crazy!!

  15. I cleaned and organized my entire house which felt like a workout :-)

  16. Assembling furniture is TOTALLY a workout! You did awesome, putting together that couch and table would have been no easy task. Can't wait to see it in person. Tomorrow. :)

  17. I am MAJORLY impressed. Way to go, girl! That couch is just amazing. Storage space?!?! Genius.

    I need to get a dresser and want to get one from IKEA but I'm nervous about putting it together. Luckily, my brother is a pro at that so I'll somehow convince him to do it for me. :)

  18. Wow! Good work!
    I am most impressed.
    Very nice furniture, too!

  19. after my husband assembeled the dresser for isla he said next time we wouldpay more to haveit in one piece already

  20. Great purchases!! I think your sofa is calling my name for a future childless, weekend stay!

  21. I love the couch! We really need a new one, and I wish we had an Ikea near by to shop at. The closest one to us is about 8 hours away, but I'm all for a road to to pick up new furniture!!

  22. Hhahahaha - I laughed out LOUD at the "Patrick from Spongebob" comment. You make me smile, Lisa!!

    I'm mad impressed with all your furniture assembly! Gorgeous.

    I also love your furniture. When/if we get this house -- any extra furniture we need, I think we need to try out Ikea! I've never been to one, and there's one south of Phoenix!

  23. If my new couch showed up in several different boxes when I thought all I had to do was put some legs on, I probably would have just set up the cushions on the floor in the shape of a couch and called it a day. That looks like so much work and I'm so impressed that you did it all by yourself!

  24. That's a very smart looking couch and I love that you can seat 6-8 at that table (color me jealous!). But, one thing I will say is as I've moved from apartments to my own condos, I've made mini graduations each time. And one of the graduations was from IKEA furniture. That assembly causes me heartburn!!!
